Saturday, 1 March 2025

In My Kitchen - March 2025

Okay friends, this is a quickie as we are in Melbourne for my aunt's 90th.  We have not been down south since Covid began, so it has been marvellous to catch up with friends and family.  I really, really hate flying (and we usually drive everywhere when possible), so this has been a bit scary for me.  But I managed :=)

I hope your year is going well.  It seems to be flying past, doesn't it?  We've had an interesting time lately - the mains water pipe for the street is at the front of our house ... And it has been leaking a lot!  So we called the water people to come fix it, which they did eventually - 2 trucks and 5 people, most of whom stood around 'supervising'.  The next day it started leaking again, and after another 3 weeks, they finally turned up to fix it - again.  Fingers crossed, it's currently dry out there.  But I did notice that the hydrant across the road was leaking badly, so we called them again.  I think it has been fixed!  

In the meantime: In my kitchen:

In My Kitchen:

I bought some more Japanese goodies (online)

and I bought this cookbook (the tea towels came with it, gratis)

and I bought some vanilla pods - so cheap!!  Only $2.45 per pod!

and I made toasted muesli  (a Donna Hay recipe, from the new cookbook)

and brewed up some apple butter  (took hours!, but delish!)

received some goodies in a gifted Christmas hamper

more Christmas gifts (thanks cuz)

the curveball - a Brancusi-esque sculpture from a friend (ignore the little house in the middle)

That's it for this month.  Looking forward to your posts, my friends!

Be a part of our friendly IMK community by adding your post here too - everybody welcome!  We'd love to have you visit.  Tell us about your kitchen (and kitchen garden) happenings over the past month.  Dishes you've cooked, preserves you've made, herbs and veg. in your garden, kitchen gadgets, and goings-on.  And one curveball is welcome - whatever you fancy; no need to be kitchen-related.  

The link is open from the first of the month to midnight on the thirteenth of the month, every month.

Options for adding your post to IMK:

1. Add via the Add Link button at the bottom of this post.  Instructions can be found on the sidebar of this page, under the Add your IMK link OR:

2. Comment on this post, providing a link to your post so I can add it manually to the list below OR:

3. Email me:, with your link or any queries about the link process, or if you would like it to be added after the 13th ('cos I'm happy to add it for you later)

c. Sherry M.

Granny Sue


  1. I like Donna Hay. The meusli looks marvelous!

    1. thanks Jeanie. Donna Hay is an Aussie icon!

  2. Oh the bronze of that granola makes me want to eat a bowl immediately! $2.45 vanilla pods are a super good price, I'm still mourning the lack of cheap groceries in France but one day I'll stop complaining.. enjoy Melbourne and have a great month!

    1. it is good stuff that muesli:=) Yes i was stunned getting the pods for that price! We had a fab time in Melbourne, thanks!

  3. A trip to visit family sounds great! All your new things look neat. You are always a gracious host for IMK.
    best… mae at

    1. yes we had a fab time! Now home and totally pooped!:) Thanks so much; I do enjoy hosting IMK!

  4. Some cool stuff this month, Sherry. I need to make a batch of muesli too as it looks so good. Have a good time in Melbourne, and happy birthday to your aunt!

    1. thanks Angie. Yes i must make another batch soon! We had a great time, thanks. And thanks for the birthday wishes!

  5. The muesli and apple butter look great! My husband would love the muesli and I would love the apple butter.

    1. thank you Marie. The muesli was good, as was the apple butter, i have to say - modestly.

  6. Enjoy your stay in Melbourne! I hate flying too. Going to check out Donna Hay too.

    1. thanks Astrid. We had a great time there. Yep give Donna Hay a check over :=)

  7. PS — looks like the pirates who want to hijack this month’s IMK are at it again. I hope you have time to delete them.

    1. oh yes they are so annoying... thanks for the heads up!

    2. And more today! They do keep you busy. Sad sickies.

    3. yes it is rather annoying Mae! I do wish they'd read the parameters for IMK!

  8. Replies
    1. thanks Barbara. yes it is.

  9. 'Have a wonderful time in Melbourne' says another hating flying! Would love to 'pinch' quite a few of your goodies but the Japanese ones attract the most at the moment . . . was going to look at Amazon?

    1. thank you Eha. We did indeed have a great time down there. I still hate flying tho :) I buy the japanese stuff online from Jimoto Foods. I am ideologically opposed to Amazon, so I def. do not buy from them.

  10. Safe travels! I love flying but have a friend who hates it, even though she could fly business class! I've offered to take her place. We too have a leaking water mains but it's been a year and still not fixed. It's caused loads of damage to our house. Love the Christmas tongs.
    Tandy (Lavender and Lime)

    1. yes flying is not my friend! I have ear probs as well, so that doesn't help. A year?! Oh my word! We thought 3 weeks was abominable. It can do damage to the underpinnings of your house! as you say and know... Good luck with that.

  11. Hi there from West Virginia, USA. Mae had a link to your blog. This sounds like fun, so I will be adding my link soon.

    1. hi there, thanks for visiting. Looking forward to your post.

  12. I buy that same brand of vanilla and love it. Love all of your kitchen activities this month. Enjoy the rest of your trip. I'm not a fan of flying anymore either so I get it.

    1. thanks Lori. Yep flying sucks!:=)

  13. Hope you're having a wonderful time with the fam! I used to think I didn't like flying but then I took a business class flight and realised it was just economy I was allergic too! LOL! Lots of goodness in your kitchen this month - the granola looks ace! I used to have all of DH's books. What's the Christmas edition like? Sorry to hear about the water, hope it's all sorted for your homecoming! Hope you have a marvellous March xx

    1. yes thanks Sammie. We had a fine time. OOh yes business class please - or first! Gotta make more of that muesli. Her christmas book is great! Yep water issues all sorted. Yay autumn is here! xx

  14. Another good month! And Donna Hay — love her! I don’t know the Christmas book, but look forward to finding it. Pimentón is one thing I plant to bring back from Spain! Have fun in Melbourne! David (C&L)

    1. thanks David. Yes Donna is an aussie fave as I've said before :) Yep we had fun for sure.

  15. Hope you enjoy Melbourne Sherry, I loved it, and the Japanese/Chinese breadtop shop in Bourke Street was amazing. So many interesting additions to your kitchen Sherry. I posted my IMK yesterday so hope it's landed by now. Pauline (Happy Retires Kitchen)

    1. thanks Pauline. We had a fab time. We both love Melbourne, and it was great to meet up with family and my oldest friend!

  16. Hello, I'm new here. It's nice to meet you.

  17. Hi there, thank you for hosting. You've been busy in the kitchen!
    My entries this month 12+13
    Please share with SSPS:

    1. hi, sorry but I have deleted your entries as they do not fit in with our IMK posts - but thanks for dropping by! And feel free to add an actual IMK post! Cheers Sherry

  18. Haha - your story of the broken water main and the "supervisors" sounds A LOT like how things get done here in the US, too. It definitely takes two trips...usually three. :-)

    1. yes it was so annoying with the water. At one stage, they parked in our street for 50 minutes then drove away!!

  19. All the food looks great. I made some granola as well last week.. gifted some to a friend as well.. Love all the belated Christmas gifts you are still receiving.

    1. thanks Hena. I must make some more muesli soon.

  20. Hi Sherry hope you are well, you always have interesting Japanese ingredients in your kitchen. Enjoy time with you Aunt and I'm with you on the flying...would rather drive everywhere if I could :)

    1. thanks Moya. Back home now thank goodness. Flying does me in!

  21. Hi Sherry - hope you enjoy your trip to Melbourne. I am wondering where you are now as I hope you are ok if you are back in Brisbane - the oncoming cyclone sounds scary. Lots of good food and gifts in your kitchen - those vanilla pods are so beautifully glossy and cheap! I love my home made muesli. I am fascinated by umami powder and by the BRKFST BTTR - what is in it. Best wishes with staying safe from cyclones and dry from leaking water pipes!

    1. thanks Johanna. We had a great time. Yep back in Brissie; I think the cyclone is/was a fizzer - no sign of it. Oh yes the brkfest bttr - it was a cashew and date butter. Very good in the biscuits I made!

  22. Sounds like a whirlwind month for you! Melbourne for a 90th birthday—what a special celebration! I hear you on the flying; I’d much rather drive too if given the choice. Hope you had plenty of good eats while catching up with everyone.

    1. yes thanks Raymund - it was busy, it was good. Yep plenty of good food and family and friends ...

  23. You have been busy in your kitchen! I hope your trip to Melbourne went well.
    I tried to add my link, but got an error message that the thingies was inactive? So here's my link:

    1. yes thanks we had a great trip! Oh darn about the linky thing. Will try to add your post manually. Thanks for trying. Blogger is such a pain; I don't know why they can't make a better platform!


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