September, and Spring is here. I can see those luscious lime-green leaves starting to appear at the ends of the branches outside my window already. And oh boy, what a year this has been. I hope everyone is well and safe, and coping with the buffeting we have all received lately. For those readers in the 'other' hemisphere, I hope your summer has been restful, and that you're looking forward to Autumn/Fall.
Not much has gone on in my kitchen this month. Well, a fair bit of cooking and baking and eating, but nothing very blog-worthy. So join me in a quick squizz, and please do hop on the IMK bandwagon. Looking forward to your posts, be they about the stuff you grow, or buy, or cook or eat ...
Here in my kitchen:
I bought this! |
I love salt, to the extent that I was dipping my licked finger into the fleur de sel jar the other day. And I have this in my pantry, as well as a jar of Greek salt, and some pink Murray River salt and Maldon sea salt - well, you get the salty picture, my friends. I adore smoked salt (my arteries are starting to have a tideline now), and since I can't get my fave Yakima applewood salt at the moment, I went for this one. I hope it's good.
and this ... |
Mr P. and I dropped into a bulk shop the other day. Not sure what they're called these days, but you know the shop where they have tubs of nuts and grains and so on, and you grab your scoop and pour it into the brown paper bags ... Yep, that one. I saw this, and even though I had to pawn my firstborn (non-existent) child to buy it, I thought - yep, I'm going all out here. Heck, it's Covid; I need a treat:-) The mixture looks like specks of gold in the jar, and tastes like very strong stock powder. I may have to pawn back (is that a word?) the non-existent child.
a gnocchi cum chopping board |
This board was made by an old friend (long-term friend), who retired many years ago after selling off his law publishing company at the ripe old age of forty-three. He managed to chop off quite a few fingers a few years back, (a rogue knot in the wood made the saw bounce back onto his left hand) but he still manages to make many beautiful things.
and chicken with sauerkraut hotpot |
I made a large hotpot of chicken, pineapple and (homemade) sauerkraut topped with potato. Sooooo delish, my friends. Our nonagenarian neighbour loved it too! Sounds odd, you say? Yep, but it's so tasty. Sautéed chicken and onion, plus a tin of pineapple and a jar of sauerkraut, topped with baked potato slices and heaps of cream and cheese. Heart attack in a bowl, but worth it :-)
what is this, you ask? |
See the ingredients? Don't we all love enzymatically decomposed yolk? Go on, of course you do.
golden sesame dressing, I hope! |
I'm hoping that this is what I think it is - golden sesame dressing. There is not much English on this bottle, except the label above with the decomposed yolk, etc.
a new spoon rest |
Here we have a new spoon rest made by the delicious Ms B., down in Northern Rivers territory. Sadly we haven't been able to visit her for months, due to the nasty C-word. It is over the border, and over the border we must not go.
Ms P. the poet |
And to finish off, here in our toasty Brisbane kitchen, we had a visit from the wonderful and clever poet Ms P. who is currently getting her second volume of poems together. She helped us chop and eat dinner, before flying back to cold and snowy Tasmania the next day for fourteen days of self-isolation.
Well, that's it for me this month. Hurry up you lot, and get your posts in :-) Just a quick reminder about In My Kitchen, since I've had a few spurious posts coming my way lately. This link is about sharing what is in our kitchens, or gardens for that matter. You can tell us about your herbs and veg. gardens, your kitchen gadgets and goodies, your produce, your preserves, your meals ... I don't even mind the occasional sneaky peek at other stuff but hopefully somewhat pertinent to the theme. You know I throw in my arty purchases sometimes.
The link is open from the first to the thirteenth of the month, but being the kind soul I am (tee hee), I can add a late post manually - but Tell me about it! I get no magic feedback when you've done a post - it has to be done by you via the linky, or by me manually. I've come across IMK posts by sheer accident sometimes. Indeed I discovered that one foodie blogger had done six months of them, without telling me:( So after that mild scolding, please join in! And here's how:
1. Add via the Add Link button at the bottom of this post. Instructions can be found on the sidebar of this page, under the Add your IMK link OR:
2. Comment on this post, providing a link to your post so I can add it manually to the list below OR:
3. Email me:, with your link or any queries about the link process
Blogger has gone mad, and won't let me add the links anymore. Grrrr! Therefore I will need to add your posts manually. I'll try to work it out for next month! So please just advise me of your posts in the comments or via email, and I will see what I can do. Thanks muchly!
Hopefully all is fixed now, and everyone can add their own IMK posts!!
1. Mae's Food Blog
2. Allotment2Kitchen
3. Spades Spatulas & Spoons
4. Lavender and Lime
5. Let's Curry
6. Happy Retirees Kitchen