Sunday 23 June 2024

Pineapple Coconut Scones

Mr P. loves his carbs!  Even though his waistline does not.  We have been on a low-carb eating plan for a couple of years now, and we have both lost some of the avoir dupois from our waists.  Luckily for me, I am not a huge fan of breads or pasta so I didn't mind cutting down on the carby stuff.  Poor Mr P. though ...  Carbs are his bread and butter - literally :=)  (Or should that be metaphorically?)  If you were a baker, for instance ...

I'm always on the lookout for interesting scone recipes since I have been part of Tandy's annual scone blog-fest on her blog Lavender and Lime.  I can't remember how I came upon this particular scone recipe.  It's from a blog called Amy's Healthy Baking; she uses all sorts of low-fat, dairy-free, gluten-free ingredients.  I did not go down that route :=)  (Nor did Dino the baby dinosaur - hehehe).  

Dino watching over the (remaining) scones :=)


180g./6.5 oz./1.5 cups wholemeal flour - I used half wholemeal and half plain, but use whatever you have

1.5 tsp baking powder

1/4 tsp sea salt

28g./1 oz. butter, cold and diced

120g./4.2 oz. plain Greek yoghurt

3 Tbs/45 mL pure maple syrup

55 mL/3 Tbs + 2 tsp milk - use your fave; I used regular cow's milk  see Notes

 1/2 tsp coconut extract (or use extra vanilla if you'd rather)

1/2-1 tsp vanilla extract

70g./2.5 oz. diced or crushed (tinned) pineapple, well-drained and chopped into (very) small pieces  see Notes

12g./2.5 Tbs/0.5 oz shredded, unsweetened coconut


On goes your oven to heat at 220C/425F

Grab a baking tray and baking paper, and line the tray

Whisk the flour, baking powder and salt together in a medium bowl

Use a pastry cutter (really useful) or a fork or your fingers to combine the butter into the flour, till you have fine crumbs

Then you will stir in the yoghurt, maple syrup, the 3 Tbs of milk, and the 2 extracts

And gently fold in the pineapple and shredded coconut

Pat the dough (tenderly) into a rough round (in the mixing bowl), and then place it onto the baking tray  (mine was quite a wet dough)

Then shape it into a 2cm/0.75 inch high mound on the tray, and brush with the extra 2 tsp of milk

With a sharp knife, cut the mound into 8 triangles (leaving them closely packed on the tray) 

Bake for 18-21 minutes till lightly golden on top

Leave 'em sit on the tray for a few minutes to cool, then place on a wire rack

Serve warm, with lots of butter!


NB. I am using 15 mL tablespoons in this recipe (= 0.5 oz.)

Use whatever milk you fancy, tho' I think a full fat milk is best

Divide the milk into the Tbs and the tsp amounts

The recipe says to drain the (tinned) pineapple well; but you could get away with a light pressing thru a sieve, I think :=)

ingredients gathered

cut the butter into the flour mixture

stir in the yoghurt etc

and fold in the pineapple and coconut

a kinda (moist) loose dough! Pat it onto the tray, and cut 8 triangles

golden and warm and delicious

see the pineapple peeking out?

Mr P. about to hoe in - with a wee bit of butter

Dino the dinosaur keeping an eye on the rest!

Oh, and did I mention it's my birthday?  Yep, Mr P. and I are on a short break, doing a bit of an art gallery tour.  We headed west and south to Armidale, where the nightly temperature is minus 2!!  My Queenslander bones are a wee bit frozen :=)  Then heading back to the coast to check out another gallery, then home!

c. Sherry M.


  1. I hope your little tour of the art galleries is fun and yields some great birthday swag!
    best, mae

    1. thank you Mae. We had a fab time!

  2. Have a wonderful birthday! Your tropical flavored scones sound terrific. Karen (Back Road Journal)

    1. Thanks Karen. They were pretty good.

  3. My husband loves his carbs too..the combo of flavour of these scones is amazing.

  4. Interesting recipe with the pineapple in the scones! They look good, especially with the butter.

    I imagine -2 C is cold there. I hope you stay warm.

    1. Oh yes minus 2 is freezing, esp. for us Queenslanders :)

  5. Two of my fave ingredients but I wouldn't have thought to use them in scones. THanks, Sherry!

    1. Yes it's a great little combo of flavours Jeanie.

  6. I love the flavor in the scones, Sherry. Like Mr. P., I have a love affair with carbohydrates. And also like Mr. P., my waste line suffers. Still, once in a while, a carbohydrate here and there can’t hurt. Right? David (C&L)

    1. Thanks David. Oh yes it's hard to give up carbs, esp. if you are a big fan. Yep you must have some now and then.

  7. Birthday blessings. I'm also always on the lookout for new scone recipes for the same reason. This one would not be it as Dave is not a fan of either coconut or pineapple.
    Please link this to ISW when the time comes xx
    Tandy | Lavender and Lime

    1. Thanks muchly Tandy. I'll try to find another scintillating recipe for scone week :)

  8. Yum.

  9. Have a great birthday and your scones look delicious but I am not a fan of coconut. Gerlinde ( )

    1. Yes we have a friend who is not a coconut fan either. I rather like it myself :=)

  10. I'm not a big fan of scones but these do look really delicious. I hope you have a wonderful Birthday!!

    1. thanks so much Lori! It was a great birthday.

  11. Happy birthday Sherry!

    I hope you had a wonderful day.

  12. Happy belated birthday, Sherry!! In other news, I would be all over these scones. I am just like Mr. P. I love carbs - I could eat bread + pasta every single day...but I have to eat them in moderation because of that pesky waistline. Honestly this recipe doesn't seem terrible in terms of calorie bombs. Still a treat for sure, but one scone isn't going to sink the ship!

    1. thank you David. Absolutely. Enjoy a scone now and then I say.

  13. Happy Birthday youse two! Hope you are having a delightful birthday break and are warm and toasty wherever you are :) These scones look delish, I love the idea of using the yoghurt and pineapple and coconut are a winning combo. I bet they got the Mr P seal of approval.

    1. Thanks Sammie. Yes we had a lovely break away. Went to 3 galleries! And yep he loved the scones ... but he is a carb man:)

  14. Happy belated birthday!
    Great job on keeping your low-carb diet. Both Andrew and I should be doing that as well, but we cannot live without ice cream. And I mean, a lot of ice cream. We can live without bread and cakes most of the times, through (well definitely not during our trip to the Netherlands as bread and cheese were probably 50% of our meals lol.) And these are super delicious and unique scones!

    1. It's hard to get hubby off the carbs but i have never been much of a bread or pasta fan anyway ...

  15. Happy belated birthday!
    Great job on keeping your low-carb diet. Both Andrew and I should be doing that as well, but we cannot live without ice cream. And I mean, a lot of ice cream. We can live without bread and cakes most of the times, through (well definitely not during our trip to the Netherlands as bread and cheese were probably 50% of our meals lol.) And these are super delicious and unique scones!

    1. thanks Ben. I had a fine birthday!

  16. Sherry, I am a carb freak too. Love, love carbs. I still eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and protein too (smile). Cheers to you for making low carb work for you!

  17. Sherry, I love the coconut pineapple combo in these scones. We are in the throws of a sweltering summer here and these ingredients feel perfect for the season. Enjoy the chilly weather for me!! I hope you all have a wonderful trip.

    1. thank you Marcelle. We had a great trip away.

  18. Thanks for this tropical scone recipe.
    I will be dreaming about them with lots of butter :)

    1. Oh yes Balvinder, butter is the go :)

  19. Your scones sound absolutely delightful, especially with that tropical twist! Mr. P. must be in scone heaven with these, with or without carbs. they're worth every bite.


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