Wednesday 7 August 2024

Red Chilli Sauce

'Some like it hot, some like it hot' ... as the song goes.  And yes Mr P. especially loves it hot.  I too am not averse to some heat in the kitchen.  So here we have a quick, hot chilli sauce (you can make it less so if you wish) that you can use straightaway or have in the fridge to spice up your dinners.  

This recipe is from the cookbook by Tessa Kiros titled Now & Then.  I am looking forward to making more of her recipes.  There's cherry pie, and fish with lemons and oranges, and square scones ... I love that it's a pretty book too!

a small but potent condiment

Makes one (very) small bottle/jar - about 60-70 mL


5 small (fresh) red chillies or 5 dried chillies, chopped into pieces

1 large garlic clove, roughly chopped

2 Tbs lime juice

2-3 tsp light brown sugar

1.5 tsp fish sauce


Remove some or all of the seeds from the fresh chillies if you wish

If using dried chillies, place them into a small bowl, tip enough hot water over to cover them, bung on a small plate to keep them submersed, and leave to plump up for about 30 minutes

Drain, and remove seeds if you wish

You can either chop the chillies and garlic together so it forms a bit of a paste, or chuck them into your food processor - and blitz away

Once it's chopped/blitzed enough for your liking, place into a small bowl, and add in the lime juice, sugar and fish sauce

Give it a stir and a taste, and either add more sugar or more fish sauce if needed

Tip into a wee jar or bottle, and bung into the fridge - should be fine for a couple of weeks (maybe more!)


I kept all the seeds in, and it is delightfully hot!  Tessa says to use bird's eye chillies, but use what you fancy

You will need a small food processor if not chopping by hand, as a large one just won't hit the spot!  (Blades too big)

Tessa says the recipe makes 80 mL, but I only got about 60!  (So about 2 fl ounces)

ingredients gathered

soaking the chillies in hot water for 30 minutes

keep 'em down!

whizz them up with the garlic clove

add in the rest of the ingredients and stir well

pour/spoon into the wee bottle

seal, and into the fridge it goes

(Joining in with Min from her blog Write of the Middle for the weekly link  #WWWhimsy)

c. Sherry M.


  1. mmm ... will have to try this when my current supply runs out ... thanks! - Madelyne

  2. I bet the lime balances the chillies! Looks good.

    1. Yes you can really taste the limes!

  3. That does look very hot and spicy. We buy a variety of chili garlic condiments from Asian cuisines. A spoonful is enough for a whole dish of veggies.
    best, mae at

    1. Oh yes it is hot! It will go a long way!

  4. I've made something similar to this and it is delicious. Homemade sauces are so much better.

  5. I should make a batch too because I love spicy food.

  6. Ohhh and I love fish sauce! Love that cute condiment jar!

    1. Definitely a cute little bottle.

  7. Well, I'm not a huge fan of spicy foods and condiments, so this is a pass for me :) But this post made me think of making something similar with chipotle peppers, which I can tolerate (in very small amount lol) better!

    1. Really? we love spicy food. You could use jalapenos which are very mild.

  8. Well, I'm not a huge fan of spicy foods and condiments, so this is a pass for me :) But this post made me think of making something similar with chipotle peppers, which I can tolerate (in very small amount lol) better!

  9. I'm sure my partner would love this sauce. I'm a bit of a wimp and don't eat anything with a strong flavour. Even pizza! Weird I know.

    1. that's interesting. I wonder if it's a genetic thing?

  10. This looks wonderful. I love a good chili sauce!

    1. Yep handy to have in the fridge.

  11. I like it, hot, hot hot (smile)

  12. I bet it's delicious 😋 I love a good chilli sauce - nom nom

  13. This looks absolutely fantastic... and I love how easy it is to make!

  14. Hi Sherry - oh yum! I love hot chilli sauces. I actually just bought some recently when we had a few days away at Ballandean (near Stanthorpe). I'll print out your recipe and make this up when I run out! Not sure why but for your info the link to this post from my linkup doesn't work. I came to your blog independently so I could find your post and read and comment. Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy - hope you enjoy the rest of the week and have a fabulous weekend! xo

    1. This one is hot Min:=) We love Stanthorpe and stayed around Ballandean recently. Darn it about the link-up. I looked at it again and when i clicked on my link, it worked perfectly. But Blogger etc are so temperamental!! Yep we had a great weekend away in Kingaroy!

  15. This looks very hot, I can't tolerate the heat as much now, and think I prefer the Sweet Chilli Sauce variety that I make. Still I would like to make a batch to try it out. Definitely a job with gloves.

    1. I gotta say this one is hot Pauline but you can take out the seeds and membranes if you are more sensible than me. I just got lazy.

  16. Oh this sounds like an easy and versatile condiment, Sherry! We came across a sandwich spread recently that is very similar - spicy but it had the addition of blitzed up pepperoncini for a vinegary, tangy flavor. Quite nice.


  17. This sounds like a fantastic way to add some serious heat to your dishes! I love how it balances the spiciness with a touch of sweetness from the brown sugar and the tanginess of lime juice. Tessa Kiros’s recipe seems perfect for anyone who enjoys a bit of kick in their food like myself. I’ll definitely be trying this out

    1. you are right Raymund. This is packing a punch. I should have added more sugar I think. Next time ...

  18. What a cute little jar of it! Perfect for a small household. I love chilli anything really :D

    1. thanks Lorraine. Yes you'd only need a drop or two I reckon!

  19. I have lots of bottled chili sauces at home, but there's nothing quite like homemade.

    1. true indeed. Home made is best!

  20. I love this sauce and I love her books. David (C&L)

    1. thanks David. Her books are lovely.

  21. I love it hot so will definitely give this a go. Will report back!


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