Tuesday, 16 August 2016

A - Z Guidebook: Otago Peninsula New Zealand

can you see the seals?

A few years ago, we did a family trip to New Zealand with in-laws and nieces.  We had a cold Christmas Day in Dunedin, wrapped up in coats and scarves while another sister-in-law complained of the 40+C heat in Brisbane.  We were glad to be where we were:=)

We had booked a boat trip around the Peninsula before we got there.  On the day, it was very cold and wet and windy but we thought to heck with it, if they're still taking tourists, we'll go - and we did.  It was fabulous.  We saw seals and penguins and dolphins and albatross, along with the usual sea life.  Don't miss it if you get a chance to go.  (But take seasickness pills).

Join in with Tiffin Fiona and other adventurous bloggers sharing their travel snaps from around the globe.  This month's letter is O.

TIFFIN - bite sized food adventures -


  1. Oh yes some of those NZ views are gorgeous (but yes taking the pills helps enormously, it can be torturous otherwise!).

  2. NZ is sooo lovely! Unfortunately, we never made it that far south to Otago, but I have enjoyed some wines from there. In fact, I just found a new Kiwi wine shop here in London. Yay! And the only sailing we had was from the Blenheim area to Wellington...luckily a smooth, flat sailing for us! ;)

    1. hi joy
      we got as far south as Bluff which was quite cold. love NZ. it is so beautiful isn't it? has been a while so we must go again.

  3. We always talk about going to NZ for Christmas so will remember the jackets! Lovely B&W photo.

  4. the only thing we missed at Xmas was the prawns. Seafood didn't seem like a goer there:=)

  5. A nice evocative photo. So many boat trips create a dilemma about how rough the sea might be, although the challenging ones seem to stay more vividly in memory.

    1. The roughest sea trip we had was on a boat across the Irish Sea from Wales to Ireland. Oh my. That was dreadful.


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