Thursday, 1 July 2021

In My Kitchen - July 2021

It's July - my June birthday done, the Winter Solstice over, and we're heading into summer (meteorologically-speaking).  We had a weekend away, we got home before any border closures and here we are!  But we are back to mask-wearing as of last night.  Sigh!  And ... Breaking News ... now we're in lockdown as of 6 pm!!  

So what do I have here In My Kitchen?  Let's see ... There are lots of birthday gifts but I'll save some of them for the next IMK post.  And I'll share a few with you now.  P.S. I'm now using as my email subs service, so I am really hoping you get my emails about new posts.  Maybe check junk mail or Spam?  Damn Blogger for their constant changes! :-(

In My Kitchen:

EV olive oil from Kangaroo Island

You know I can't resist another bottle of EVOO.  This one is from Kangaroo Island, out in the middle of the Great Australian Bight, hanging off the edge of South Australia.  Beautiful oil!

birthday fridge magnet from a friend

She knows me well!   Love that birthday card.  And how about Doug?  If only he'd popped out of a cake naked (tee hee).

kitchen shears

Mr P. bought me these kitchen shears/scissors which have a bottle opener as part of the handles.  Handles?  Is that what you call them?

Tudor flouncy mugs by Miss B.

Miss B. made me two beautiful flouncy mugs for my birthday.  That's the balcony of our hotel room overlooking the Richmond River.  What a wonderfully relaxing weekend it was, just before coming back into lockdown!  

a beautiful tea towel

My sister gave me this lovely tea-towel.  Fairy wrens are one of my fave birds!  And such cheeky little devils, with the male having his harem of several lovely ladies.

a Danish dough whisk

I've seen several vloggers use these in baking, so I had to get one.  Thanks Mr P. for another fab birthday gift!  I'm going to make pizza next week so I'll try it out then.

my curveball - avocado earrings!

I got these from an Etsy seller called Sweet Complete in Tasmania.  She makes the best stuff!  I have two more pairs on the way - a honey pot with honey toast, and a burger with fries :-)  So stinking cute, as Emmy the food vlogger says!

FYI, virtual friends, the usual reminder: IMK posts are about your kitchen (and kitchen garden) happenings over the past month.  Dishes you've cooked, preserves you've made, herbs and veg in your garden, kitchen gadgets, and goings-on.  You get the picture.  And throw in a curveball! - whatever you fancy; no need to be kitchen-related.  The link is open from the first to the thirteenth of the month.  Let me know if you need help with adding your post, or if you would like it added manually by me after the 13th (if you're running late). Here's how to join in:

Options for adding your post to IMK:

1. Add via the Add Link button at the bottom of this post.  Instructions can be found on the sidebar of this page, under the Add your IMK link OR:

2. Comment on this post, providing a link to your post so I can add it manually to the list below OR:

3. Email me:, with your link or any queries about the link process

please add this logo to your post if you feel inclined :-)


  1. What? Lockdown again?? How so???
    I love that dough whisk and the mugs.

    1. hi angie
      yes lockdown again. A miner from the northern territory came to QLD with the virus and spread it around so here we go again ...

  2. Happy Belated Birthday! I have never seen that Danish dough whisk before. Would love to see how you use it.

    1. hi balvinder
      lovely to have you here. I will definitely put up photos when i blog the pizza.

  3. Your shears with the bottle opener are neat. We hardly ever need to open that kind of bottle top any more, but it looks handy. I checked and my shears have some sort of gripper for opening twist tops. At least I think that is what it is -- I only have used them as shears. Enjoy yours -- they are really useful for lots of things.

    My post this time is about older memories of kitchens from my past, which I hope is an acceptable topic.

    best... mae at

    1. surprisingly there are still bottles with those caps to open :) ANything you post is fine Mae!

  4. That whisk looks interesting! I've never had one, but have heard they were really useful. I'll be interested to hear about your experiences with it! Good stuff in your kitchen, as usual. Thanks!

    1. thanks KR for dropping by. Yes i am interested too to see if the whisk works. hey that's hard to say. Cheers S

  5. Happy belated birthday Sherry! You received lovely and very useful gifts. :)

    1. thanks muchly Nil. I had a great one. I did indeed get lovely gifts.

  6. Sherry, so pleased you had a relaxing weekend before lockdown, so annoying though but necessary I guess. Wondering how long before it happens here in Mackay as well. Those earrings are something else, you sure know how to source the cool stuff. I suppose you have enlarged them substantially, because when I saw them I thought, really, they fit through your ear? Now re, I received your post on the Blogger Reading list, but not as an email yet. Anyway all seems to be working which is great. I'll let you know when I get it. Interesting that KR hasn't changed over yet.

    1. Hubby said he got the email about my post so that's something! I think some Blogger bloggers don't realise they have to do something about their email subs. I've seen heaps of american blogs with no mention of it except to say they're not doing anything. Now my laptop is throwing a wobbly so I may not have one for a while so things are just - so darn annoying atm!! Thanks for letting me know.

    2. Sherry your post arrived on my email around midday today so all going well. My laptop was playing up too so hubby defragged, did something more extensive with the virus protector, and now it is a lot faster. There's always something throwing a wobbly. Mine likes it when I restart it as well, that's what I need, ha, ha.Anyway compared to where we were a couple of weeks ago, all good.Also love the fairy wrens.

    3. that's great about the email pauline. I think i need a new laptop as the wifi thingy is not working at all and i have to hotspot to my mobile which is not ideal. Hubby says this is bad news as his did the same last week before dying a rapid and terrible death losing all his info. Oh the joy!

  7. Love those fairy wrens, I have a harem in my backyard lol chatterboxes, all of them! Have a wonderful July lovely xx

    1. my horoscope says to hide away for july!! so basically i should hide under the bed covers for a month. it's just one thing after another lately. now my laptop is throwing a wobbly, and i have a crown at the dentist coming up and and ...

  8. Happy birthday! Looks like you had a lot of fun in your travels, and I am glad you got home before lockdown. Great fun gifts… the tea towel is so sweet, and the dough whisk (?) — can’t wait to hear how it works as I have wondered about them. Nice mugs, too! Oh, and email came through just fine. I’m hoping the same for my posts on Saturday morning, as I was in the same boat. Fingers crossed! Glad your new service worked!

    1. thanks david. yes i am very keen to try out that whisk! phew glad the email came thru. Blooming Blogger is such a pain, changing stuff for no reason. I fear it will disappear very soon. Oh my imagine having to start up a new blog...

  9. So pleased you got away to celebrate before lockdown! These days state premiers close their borders as often as I close the fridge door. It's all so frustrating. Your people give great gifts, those scissors are genius and I love that magnet! Now I'm off to check out the earrings, my birthday is coming up and I think I need some of them in my life :)

    1. yes so lucky to get away and back! yep fab gifts. it doesn't hurt that i give hubby a list each year:)

  10. Happy Belated Birthday! thanks for hosting, I always have fun with the IMK posts...

  11. Lots of cool stuff! Especially love the whisk, the earrings, the mugs and the dish towel. I have a nice collection of dish towels thanks to friends that wrap my presents in them.

    1. i adore my earrings! great idea re tea towels and gifts. must do ...

  12. It sounds as though you had a fabulous birthday with some wonderful kitchen gifts. One cannot go wrong with a good EVOO. I need a new pair of kitchen shears -- that's a good one too. All lovely things and I can't wait to see the rest of it. PS -- thanks for coming to visit and the nice words in your comments! I don't reply online but via email but can't to no-reply bloggers. But know I appreciate and value every word!

    1. yes jeanie i had a lovely birthday especially being able to go away for the weekend. My email below so you can always use that one :) cheers S

  13. I hate that for you, another lock down. Sometimes I wonder when this will ever end.

    You got a lot of cool items for your birthday. I can always use an extra pair of kitchen shears and I love those mugs.

    1. thanks tina. luckily lockdown ends at 6pm tonight but we are still advised to stay home pretty much. UUrrgghhh!

  14. I’ve been to Kangaroo Island! what a fabulous experience. I had no idea there were olive trees there. Love those coffee cups and earrings! Happy belated birthday.

  15. Really hope you get out of that lockdown soon Sherry. Also belated Happy Birthday for June!

    1. thanks neil. it was only 4 days thank goodness. and thanks re birthday wishes. it was lovely!

  16. What a wonderful collection of very well deserved gifts! A very Happy Birthday to you Sherry! And yay for a trip away too :D

    1. thanks lorraine. it was soooo lovely to get away!

  17. I've seen those fancy dough whisks on TV and always wondered how they are better than a fork, please report back! I love the menage a trois teatowels, and those mugs are just beautiful. Happy belated birthday!

    1. hi nancy
      will do re the whisk. yes the tea towel is so pretty as are the birds :) Thanks!

  18. Wow. Lockdown again. I know this is not over.... But, on to happier talk. You're birthday items are just spectacular. Your friends and family are spot on with their gifts. Hope your day was fabulous. I want one of those dough whisks! Happy Summer!

    1. hi debra
      lockdown was only 4 days so not too bad tho we still have to wear masks and sign in. yes the whisk is spectacular.

  19. That photo of your hotel room looks so relaxing! I would love to sit there and sip on my morning coffee. :-) Happy belated birthday, and I hope the lockdown isn't too bad this time around. At least the days are getting longer down there now, right?

    1. it was wonderfully relaxing david. sitting by the river ... we are in the subtropics here so sunsets are very rapid so we won't see much change for a bit. thanks re birthday wishes.

  20. I am anticipating another lockdown in the UK. Belated Birthday wishes Sherry, the avocado earrings are so adorable. The mugs are gorgeous and that whisk is unusual.

    1. oh no shaheen. that's no good. thanks for birthday wishes. it was grand! Yep i'm going to try out the new whisk tonight. hope it works :)

  21. Happy birthday! Glad you got in your holiday before lockdown - hard to have a holiday in Australia lately! Such nice things in your kitchen as always. Those earrings are gorgeous - we are in to avocado in our house lately! That whisk is a thing of beauty. And I love your fridge magnet and cups. The scissors made me laugh as I am just as likely to pick up scissors but find that I am about to do something else like open a bottle of wine :-)

    1. thanks johanna. Yep very hard to get away these days. Yep i love those earrings:) I do love a pair of shears/scissors...

  22. Happy belated birthday Sherry! You've got so many lovely presents, but this Danish dough whisk though! I've never seen it (and not really sure about its purpose), but it looks so fancy and something I desperately need haha.

    1. hi Ben
      thank you! it was a fab birthday, and yes i got great gifts :) CHeck out my next post and you will see the dough whisk in action, my friend.

  23. We have been wearing masks for so long now that they feel like part of our normal wardrobe! I also want a Danish dough whisk, and those earrings really are a curve ball. Sounds like you might need to migrate to WordPress :)

    1. yes it's funny how it all becomes normal so easily. OH no i really don't want to have to change from Blogger but i fear that is going to happen like it or not:( Google seems determined to ruin Blogger!

  24. That's too bad with the lockdown. I also heard it from my Australian colleague. Try to hang in there! At least you have some wonderful looking olive oil and those ceramic mugs are beautiful. Those earrings are really fab. I keep forgetting to add my curveball...

    1. at least in brisbane it was only 4 days unlike poor old sydney! thanks for joining in IMK!

  25. Hi Sherry, I'm just under the wire this month. Thank you for hosting. You have some lovely things this time, I love the shape of those Tudor mugs and the colors of you new tea towel. So sorry about the lockdown again. Here in the US things are opening but I fear for the future when there are so many avoiding the vaccine.

    1. thanks for joining in Liz. good to have you. Yep poor old sydney! lockdown has been extended for them.


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