Monday, 1 November 2021

In My Kitchen - November 2021

I'm heading out soon for my first haircut in? ...  how many months?  Can't recall:-)  My hair is a mess, just like my bones these days.  Maybe by Christmas, I'll be back to normal, with any luck.  Here's hoping.  Actually, I have started to feel a good bit better after 9 weeks!!

November you have come at us like a meteor or a comet or a freight train or something.  Where did the year go?  Eeeek; not possible that the Christmas prep (i.e. cards and gifts and food planning) is almost upon us.  

But anyways, here is my kitchen this month; a bit sad and wobbly like me, but still in there.  Mr P. has been doing most of the cooking lately.  Thank goodness for husbands who cook, and shop, and tuck you into bed when you can't even roll over.

In My Kitchen:


I love Dr. Annie Gray and I love Kathy Hipperson and I love Mrs. Crocombe.  You must watch her on Youtube - the English Heritage channel!  So delightful, so relaxing.  And that's my kitchen poster the books are lying on.  A friend requested one for her Christmas gift this year, so I do as I am asked :-)

and another cookbook

Desiree is my new food guru :-)  She is Canadian, has a wonderful smile, and she is an actual dietitian who knows her stuff.  I love her Instagram account too where she debunks all the junk, and tells you about the good stuff.

olive oil tasting

This is almost a curveball.  Cobram Estate who have olive groves in Australia and California are doing (have done by the time you read this) a Guiness Book of Records challenge for the biggest virtual olive oil tasting ever.  And we did it!  They had over 11,000 people for the virtual tasting.  Such fun.  And yes we did have actual olive oils to taste, as they sent out the kits weeks before.   

yep another wooden spoon

This is a sweet little skinny spoon carved out of walnut wood by Thea Conway.  Love her stuff, and love a wooden spoon.  But you know that already :-)

and there was medieval hummus

We love this stuff (aka Himmas Kassa), and eat it by the bucketful.  So tasty, my dear.  Full of spices and herbs, and nuts and preserved lemons.  So good on toast!  Somehow I managed to make it, broken rib and all.

love these!

I love these, but they are no longer on my eating list.  Since Mr P.'s health scare recently, we have cut down on delicious things like this.  He has lost 5 kilos already while I have only lost 2.5!  But as a friend said, "you haven't been doing anything physical because of the rib."  Anyway, it's not about losing weight as about keeping healthy.

That's it from my kitchen.  Now let's see yours, my friends.  Every being on this planet and on any others are welcome!  And here's the usual reminder, folks: IMK posts are about your kitchen (and kitchen garden) happenings over the past month.  Dishes you've cooked, preserves you've made, herbs and veg in your garden, kitchen gadgets, and goings-on.  And a curveball is welcome - whatever you fancy; no need to be kitchen-related.  

The link is open from the first of the month to midnight on the thirteenth of the month.  Let me know if you need help with adding your post, or if you would like it added manually by me after the 13th (if you're running late). Here's how to join in:

Options for adding your post to IMK:

1. Add via the Add Link button at the bottom of this post.  Instructions can be found on the sidebar of this page, under   the Add your IMK link OR:

2. Comment on this post, providing a link to your post so I can    add it manually to the list below OR:

3. Email me:, with your link or   any queries about the link process

In My Kitchen:


  1. Good to hear that you are getting over your fall, if very slowly! Have we seen your kitchen poster? Looks very nice.

    best... mae at

    1. thanks Mae. ten weeks in and my ribs are still not great but better. can't believe how long it's taking to heal. I will put up a proper photo of the poster next month. cheers!

  2. I will have to check out Desiree, her book, and her Instagram act. Glad you are feeling somewhat better and you have a husband who helps.!

    1. yes do that judee. i love desiree! yep hubby is the best.

  3. Hard to believe it's November already! Glad you're doing better. And glad to see neat kitchen stuff. Dark chocolate pecans? Wonderful! :-)

  4. I am glad that you are on the mend and feeling much better, Sherry. Health is so important!
    That hummus is the bomb!

  5. That one tough thing about getting older - it takes so much longer to heal! Not that you’re old, just that every day we’re older. We’re both 65 and I hope we never have another injury. Really nice to hear that you have a husband who cooks, shops, and tucks!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. yes it does take longer. i had a broken rib 4 years ago which healed so much faster than this one. now i am over 60, it has taken so much longer! yep hubby is a super fella!

  6. Bet you're glad to get out and get that haircut Sherry! And I'm glad you are feeling better too. Take care!

    1. thank you neil. it felt marvellous getting my wild mane cut off:)

  7. How good is it to have a haircut? I had one this week too! So pleased to hear you're feeling better and healthier too. Off to check out your friend Desiree on the gram...

    1. oh yes a haircut was excellent. lifts the spirits so much.

  8. Good to hear that you're feeling better Sherry! I've heard that's always the way that men lose weight easier than women. It's another unfair thing along with them getting great eyelashes.

    1. thanks lorraine. still healing but somewhat better. at least i can do some stuff. yep not fair re weight loss:-)

  9. It's been a journey for you and I can certainly relate. I don't know where the year has gone either, but I for one will be glad to see it pass on to 2022 which must be a better health year for us all. Take care down your way...

    1. thank you Ron. such a year of it everyone seems to be having. bring on 2022!

  10. I don't think your kitchen is sad and wobbly nor are yu! I'm glad you are on the mend. Take it slowly.
    I haven't had a haircut in a few years and I keep thinning I'd like to do that, but don't make the appointment.

    Yes, please, to dark chocolate pecans ;-)

  11. Just read your post as last Sherry, and as always I really enjoyed it. Thank you for the book recommendations, like you, I enjoy foodie books, particularly if history related and now I have some new ones to follow up. So sorry to hear Mr. P has been unwell too, what a dreadful month for you both, not my best either, however we are a resilient bunch so here's hoping it can only get better. We are trying to do the 16/8 fasting regime, hubby is much better at it than me, impossible for me trying to fast and going food shopping:) I will try and get my hands on Desiree Nielsen's book, looks like just what we need. Love the idea of the kitchen poster too, you are so talented. Wish I was as talented these days with playing the piano. Will really try and get to In My Kitchen soon. Take care my dear, your sense of humour is such an asset and reflects beautifully in your posts.

    1. hi pauline
      haven't heard of the 16/8. is that fasting for 16 hours? eeek. yes what a time of it we have all had. hope things are getting better for you. thanks so much for kind words re my poster. and about my sense of humour. it's a bit hard to find lately :)
      sherry x

    2. Yes Sherry, eating for 8, fasting for 16. Still need to be careful to fit all the food groups including fibre. still it seems easier than counting calories.Just posted my In My kitchen, just in the nick of time.

    3. wow fasting for 16! thanks for joining in!

  12. The books and such look terrific. (Isn't it annoying how men lose weight faster than women?) I hope Mr. P is much improved and continues to be. You too!

    1. yes thanks jeanie. hubby is getting much better and hopefully i am too!

  13. I love the “eat more plants“ book – it’s something we’re talking about in our household! Beautiful wooden spoon… Perfect. I’m glad you’re beginning to feel better… Let’s hope by Christmas you’re 100%!

    1. i love desiree!! back to the doctor - not healing well. bugger!

  14. So glad to hear that you are on the mend! I love your sharings this month especially that mediaeval hummus caught my eye! And I'm off to check out Desiree on Instagram

    1. thanks Nancy (is it nancy?) I'm not sure. yes the hummus is the bomb - really tasty.

  15. Glad you are on the mend! And that first hair cut must have been bliss. I love the sound of a virtual olive oil tasting and would have loved to do that. I think I also need a new wooden spoon ... here is my link:

    1. oh yes the haircut was fab! thanks for your post. will try to add it today.

  16. Thank goodness for Mr. P! And it sounds like things are improving on your end, too - just in time for the holiday season. The timing is perfect! I love that wooden spoon - like you, I'm a sucker for all things wooden like this. The rustic vibe is great!!

    1. hi david
      i've been having a bit of a setback with the ribs so it's off to the doctor and physio again. grrrr...

  17. Wow, Sherry. Continue to mend quickly. I always love your book selections and I will check out that Youtube channel. Do you have a recipe for Himmas Kassa? Do take care!!!!!

    1. thanks deb. yes the recipe is on the blog. just go to the search button and type it in!

  18. I am glad you are feeling a bit better Sherry. Those books look interesting. I once met a professor who specialized in the food and cooking of the middle ages. He was fascinating to talk to about old customs and diet. Love the shape of the wooden spoon. What a great idea for an olive oil tasing! We've had similar virtual wine tastings. Did you have a favorite?

    1. thanks liz. slowly slowly... i like the robust oils. yes medieval and old foods are so interesting.

  19. So great to read you feel better ! I totally have to get "How to Cook Victorian Way" ! So interesting ! Thank you !

    1. thanks davorka. I am on the mend but still not quite there yet. here's hoping.

  20. Glad you are feeling better and enjoying time cooking in the kitchen - I love your olive oil tasting - sounds like fun - and that kitchen poster is so kind and personal for a gift (as well as looking great). I would love those chocolate pecans as chocolate has been my comfort food of choice. Hope your health continues to improve - sounds like you and Mr P are on the right track!

    1. thanks johanna. still not totally well but getting there. yes we are definitely doing our best to get healthy:)

  21. I'm also a massive fan of Miss Crocombe revival with Kathy Hipperson and I must say it looks like an excellent choice of book!

    1. yes indeed. i am looking forward to reading it. isn't kathy a hoot?

  22. With only 10 minutes to join in IMK challenge before the linky ended, i just managed to link up. Like you i had my hair cut, it was a mess but to be honest if feels more of a mess now that it is cut too. Sorry to read that you are still poorly, but on the plus side on the mend. Admiring your kitchen poster, i must admit, i had not heard of Himmas Kassa, i am rather intrigued now. Love the skinny wooden carved spoon is so sweet. Wishing you and yours good health.

    1. yay you made it shaheen. yep on the mend at last. thanks re poster. i am glad it turned out well. cheers!

  23. Nice to see the cookbook you're reading 😁. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Onwards and upwards, glad to know that you are feeling better and on the road to recovery. Best of all is your enthusiasm, Sherry. I Will look for that wooden spoon here. Love your kitchen poster.

    1. thank you let's curry. slowly slowly and maybe by christmas i'll be really better! thanks re poster. i am fond of it.

  25. So glad you're doing better. I'm sure that wonderful husband of yours made it a lot easier by picking up the chores. What a guy! Olive oil tasting. Now that sounds like fun! What a nice kit of oils. Cookbooks...will we ever have enough? :)


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