Wednesday, 1 December 2021

In My Kitchen - December 2021

There wasn't a lot going on in my kitchen this past month.  Rib cage still not entirely right, and my motivation is a wee bit sunk, but I'm trying.  These last few months have been rather hard, my friends, but thanks to a great physio, I am finally getting there.  I feel like my life has been kinda topsy-turvy; a difficult illness can be a bit of a life-changer I find.  My sister says that now that the once-in-600-years lunar eclipse is over, things will get better.  And it will, and they are!

Our first Christmas decorations went up today, so I'm feeling like life is getting back to normal.  So I hope you're all doing well, my friends!  Looking forward to your posts this month.

In My Kitchen:

there was lemon cordial

One of our Tassie friends came up to visit with these homegrown Meyer lemons, with which I made cordial.  Or did I tell you this already? :-)  Organic and juicy; wonderful to work with. 

and choc-coated strawberries

Not homemade, but ordered with love from a local gift service.  This was a huge thank you to Mr P. who has looked after me wonderfully during my illness.  And that's not easy for a disabled fella.  He is Super Man, I tell you.

and preserved lemons

And I made preserved lemons with the rest of the Meyer lemons.  They are mild and soft-skinned, which makes them easy to shove into the jars.  And now we wait till they get ... just right.

yep another book

This is a collection of weekly posts by Belinda Jeffery.  I have been to a couple of her wonderful cooking classes in the Northern Rivers area.  Sadly not possible these days due to Covid, as she is over the border.  I adore her writing, her recipes and her kindly, thoughtful and respectful manner.

and a Masterchef knife

Not in my kitchen in this photo, but normally.  Goodness knows what the locals thought as I waved my knife around.  I can't even remember what the knife was doing in the car when we took a drive to the seaside for a walk.  It was so marvellous to get out of the house after what seemed like aeons.

oh no! not another cookbook ?!?

Yes indeed.  But Nigel is the best.  I love his prose, I love his voice, his recipes, his floppy fringe ...  Not possible to resist this one. 

the kitchen poster I did up for my friend

She asked and I obeyed.  Kitchen poster with some of my drawings duly done and dusted and dispatched.  Like my blue shoes?

chunky apple sauce with lurking apples

I'd had half a dozen apples lurking in the crisper drawer for weeks.  Throw them to the birds or make some apple sauce?  Yep sauce it was; now used in muffins and soon in an apple cake.  That's it for now.  See you soon, global people.  Everyone welcome to join in for In My Kitchen.

Okay, you know the drill by now.  The link is open from the first of the month to midnight on the thirteenth of the month.  Let me know if you need help with adding your post, or if you would like it added manually by me after the 13th (if you're running late). Here's how to join in:

Options for adding your post to IMK:

1. Add via the Add Link button at the bottom of this post.  Instructions can be found on the sidebar of this page, under   the Add your IMK link OR:

2. Comment on this post, providing a link to your post so I can    add it manually to the list below OR:

3. Email me:, with your link or any queries about the link process

In My Kitchen:

Lavender & Lime


  1. Ti auguro di stare ogni giorno sempre meglio! I tuoi consigli sono preziosi! Grazie e buona giornata!

  2. Mr. P is so sweet :-) Love Nigel Slater!

  3. Your composite poster is wonderful -- with all the little sketches you use in the blog.

    Too bad the self-advertiser without any "IMK" content is back. Her list of places she links her blog is really long, and she doesn't seem at all interested in what anyone has to say except herself.

    best... mae at

    1. thanks Mae! i do love to doodle. yes these fake IMK'ers are a wee bit annoying. they don't bother to even comment on my post!! Duly deleted!

    2. I think some people can't take a hint -- or don't even bother to read comments, much less leave one. Because another not-IMK post has now appeared. I hope you delete that one as well.

    3. yes i've deleted 2 more of hers!! she didn't even bother to add my link these times.

  4. Your chocolate covered strawberries for Mr. P are so sweet and thoughtful. The Meyer lemons look wonderful, and the chunky applesauce is just what I need to make for my Chanukah latkes!! The Year of Sundays Cookbook looks interesting.

  5. loving the kitchen poster, so sweet! I love Meyer lemons they are really a different lemon altogether to the normal ones that I find too tart.. I tried making preserved lemons a few times but they always went mouldy no matter how much salt I stuffed with them!

    1. thank you! yes meyer lemons are so different to normal ones. really? salt didn't preserve them? did you put them in the fridge? i put everything in the fridge here but we are in humid QLD :-)

  6. You have been very busy especially considering you are on the injured list. Love the cookbooks.

    1. thanks NCR. yes i amazed myself really in what i did over this awful sick period.

  7. Your blue shoes are swell. :-) As is everything else in your kitchen this month. But that poster is the best.

  8. If someone gave me lemons like that, it would be the best gift ever! And you're making such divine things with them. I love everything in this post, Sherry, but best of all I love that you are getting better. Slow but sure -- but better!

  9. I have just chucked away a batch of preserved lemons as I didn't use them! So sad. And I also have apples lurking in the fridge that I need to do something with. For some reason, the add link is not showing for me, so here is the link to my post:

    1. that is sad tandy. i make couscous and chicken with them. delish! i will put up your post soon. cheers S

  10. Sherry, so good to hear that you're seeing some normality. As you know I can relate and tell your sister that I'm all in on the "once-in-600-years lunar eclipse is over, things will get better" concept. I'm just praying for a healthier 2022 for all...

    1. yes finally Ron. still a ways to go till fully healed. i really did a number on my rib cage!

  11. I love your blog header with your drawings. Talented! Great looking lemons, I wish I had a tree here. Youo'd think living in Florida I could manage one but it does get cold here.
    Yes to Nigel Slater, I love his books.

    Sending yu warm wishes and hoping yuor recovery isn't much longer.

    1. thanks so much tina. yep getting better at last!

  12. We have that Coles knife. It's now our favourite! Glad you are feeling better.

  13. Preserved lemons are well worth the wait, and I love the treat you bought for your hubby, he sounds amazing.Such beautiful lemons, the perfect gift.So many chefs, I'll have to follow up on Nigel Slater, and Belinda Jeffery, looks like great books. A lovely post, thanks Sherry. You have still been very active,considering. x

    1. he is indeed a marvel! so much energy and positivity for someone who finds every day a physical challenge. cheers S xx

  14. I like your festive banner and also the fact that you took the knife on a ride to the beach! I wish you a peaceful December and Christmas time!

    1. thanks veg hog. yes it was a bit crazy taking that knife. i think it had just come in the mail so we just threw it in the car on our way out. merry Xmas!

  15. I would say you had a lot of nice things in your kitchen. First the homegrown Meyer lemons and the chocolate coated strawberries as a starter.

  16. That poster is awesome, Sherry! You could totally make smaller versions with a couple drawings in each. I could see a set of 3 different ones looking really cool when framed and hung in a kitchen. Seriously - you should think about selling those somehow! Hang in there, my friend. I know you guys have had a rough run, but things are getting better. Plus, jolly Old Saint Nick is coming!

    1. very kind of you david. i do have a bit of 'merch'; mugs and pens and greeting cards. slowly things are getting better for us. can't wait till 2022 tho! cheers!

  17. Always good to be in your kitchen! I’m sorry the progress is so slow for you, but I know you’ll get there! We are just getting into Meyer lemon season here… Love it. Also, I’m a huge Nigel Slater fan and can’t wait to try this book. I don’t know this one… take good care, and enjoy the holidays as best you can!

    1. thanks david. it feels like i'll be at half-strength for a while yet. yes nigel is the best! cheers!

  18. So glad that you are doing better. Nothing like a few holiday decorations to lift the spirit. How lucky you are with all of those Meyer lemons. I wonder how different preserved lemons taste made with Meyers. It would be interesting to compare. Love Nigel Slater! Will have to check out that book. Keep healing Darlin!

    1. thanks MJ. definitely check out nigel's book. cheers!

  19. Happy to hear you're doing better, Sherry. So many wonderful things in your kitchen! Love the kitchen poster and Mr. P is the sweetest!

  20. Glad that lunar ecipse has passed - it is a year when Christmas needs all the help it can get. Those cookbooks by Belinda and Nigel look like great reading and hopefully kitchen inspiration. You need some good reading while you recover - glad to hear you are on the mend but what a difficult time! Those chocolate strawberries are beautiful - so lovely that Mr P has been there supporting you. And I keep meaning to make some lemon cordial or lemonade with my meyer lemons but it has been a while! Good luck with the festive season - hope it will give you some joy despite your injury.

    1. thanks so much johanna. things can only get better - as the song goes!

  21. I love seeing all the things that happened in your kitchen during the month. I'm on the lookout for the Nigel Slater book. Your poster is lovely!

    You have inspired me to do more from-the-kitchen posts in 2022, Sherry.

  22. This was my first visit to your blog and the event, but I look forward to coming back soon and linking up with everyone. Have a nice day.


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