Friday, 1 July 2022

In My Kitchen - July 2022

Here I am writing this a wee bit early as Mr P. and I are heading off to Toowoomba for my post-birthday weekend.  He spoils me!  Presents, lunch, cake, a trip away ...  We went to an Italian place on the river (nope, no pizza here) with a couple of friends for my birthday lunch.  So delicious!  All three of them had crespelle, while I had melt-in-the-mouth snapper with hazelnut cream, beetroot and orange.  There are surprisingly few riverside restaurants in this river city, so it's lovely to sit here, to eat, drink and be merry.

Next month's IMK post will have more of the gifts I got.  But this post will show you one of my gifts from Mr P.  Lucky me :-)  I'm looking forward to seeing your goodies too.  Hope to see many of you here this month, my friends.  Everyone everywhere is welcome to join us!  Show us what you've got :)      

In My Kitchen:

I love Japanese foodstuffs, and this one has it all!

and some salmon caviar - hand milked I think!

there were raspberry muffins for a school fête

and I bought local honey (bees using nectar from up the mountain)

I froze blitzed tomatoes - cherry and truss

and broke off a piece to add to a curry (so handy)

I bought myself a Japanese Donburi bowl called Speckled Snow

and grabbed a jar of local cumquat marmalade

It's cumquat season here, so marmalade is the go.  Someone's mum made this (I saw it advertised on the Community Facebook page), so I scooped it up.  Cheap at this price of $8.00 for a large jar.

and finally jarred up the sauerkraut! Looks odd 'cos I used pink salt

the curveball! Where oh where will I hang it?

A gorgeous print called "Coming Home" by Susan Simonini.  She moved to Tasmania a few years ago and now paints outdoor scenes around her like this shed.  I love the colours and the simplicity of it.  Now I just have to drill the frame and attach a hanging wire.  Have you noticed that when you buy frames these days they don't have proper hanging wires?  Grrrrrr.  I had to buy some hooks, and I'll have to fire up the drill.

IMK posts are about your kitchen (and kitchen garden) happenings over the past month.  Dishes you've cooked, preserves you've made, herbs and veg in your garden, kitchen gadgets, and goings-on.  And a curveball is welcome - whatever you fancy; no need to be kitchen-related.  

The link is open from the first of the month to midnight on the thirteenth of the month.  Dying to see you all here, global friends.

Options for adding your post to IMK:

1. Add via the Add Link button at the bottom of this post.  Instructions can be found on the sidebar of this page, under the Add your IMK link OR:

2. Comment on this post, providing a link to your post so I can add it manually to the list below OR:

3. Email me:, with your link or any queries about the link process, or if you would like it to be added after the 13th ('cos I can sneak it in; I know the boss)

feel free to use the logo - or not!


  1. So many nice things in your kitchen! I love to try those salmon roes and the bowl looks really beautiful, Sherry.

  2. I hope you are having a wonderful time celebrating your birthday weekend! Your new jars and packages of delicious foods look wonderful this month.

    best... mae at

    1. thank you Mae. we had a lovely time except hubby came back with a cold today. we did a covid test but negative thank heavens.

  3. Happy Birthday! Have a great road trip. I do like that curveball -- such a nice print.

  4. Happy birthday Sherry, so wonderful you are celebrating in grand style and feeling spoiled. Because we are still away I am missing all the Winter citrus this year so far, so I might be buying delicious cumquat marmalade as well. Love the Japanese bowl. An escape to Toowoomba sounds wonderful, and your Italian meal sounds so good. Lots of delicious new things to try. Warm wishes, Pauline

    1. thanks pauline. toowoomba is always fun tho we didn't catch up with our friends due to pete being ill this morning! Not covid thank goodness. cheers! x

  5. Sherry, hope you just received my comment, but no reply saying waiting for moderation. Not a good technology morning, grrrr.

    1. i know what you mean. commenting gets harder and harder!

  6. Happy belated birthday dear Sherry, love your kitchen news as always. Although I don't eat honey (more maple syrup gal) I also love the Bee Caring honey and sometimes drive past the hive. Have a fab post-birthday time away xxx

    1. thank you - Gerlinde? bernadette? velva?? oh i see - a brissie gal ... Min?

  7. Hi Sherry, this is Bernadette. Happy Birthday and enjoy your holiday. I joined your link party. Thanks for hosting.

    1. hi bernadette - no idea why but i am no longer able to comment on your blog posts. i mean literally! there is no Comment section/button when i read your posts. If anyone else follows her, please mention this to her!

  8. I am preparing for canning next month, pickles, tomato jam, salsa, pizza sauce and more. Love this time of year!

  9. Another lovely array of things in your kitchen. The final piece (the artwork) or some thing I really love seeing on Instagram. I would love to know what that caviar is like!

    1. thanks david. the caviar will be in a recipe on the blog soon.

  10. And, of course, a happy belated birthday!

  11. Hi Sherry, this is Gerlinde from Sunnycovechef. I can not post a comment with google. Happy Birthday and I hope you have a wonderful vacation.

    1. thanks gerlinde. so sorry about the commenting. Blogger has never been easy to use and many people over the years have told me they have commented but i never got them. so frustrating.

  12. Love that donburi bowl - speckled snow, what a name!! You are very lucky to be out & about with Mr P :) hazelnut cream sounds gorgeous with fish, I'm drooling here..

    1. thanks nancy. are you in canada now? the fish was great!

  13. Totally in love with your bowl.... but everything is sooooo nice... and of course, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!

    1. isn't it lovely? Japanese are so clever. thanks!

  14. I like Japanese food stuff also 😃...the donburi bowl is so nice 😊!

  15. Sherry, I always enjoy your In My Kitchen posts. I love kumquat marmalade. I posted my recipe in 2014. Your new bowl is beautiful; although I don't need any more bowls, I wouldn't have been able to resist it!

    1. thanks Anon. I don't need any more bowls either but who could resist? :-)

  16. Happy Birthday Sherry! Glad to hear you are enjoying your birthday festival. Love all your local purchases and gorgeous crockery. And that picture is wonderful. (My dad helped me drill a frame so we could hang it properly recently. This was after it had fallen after I tried a work around because there was no obvious place for the hanging wire!)

    1. the frames we buy have no hooks or wire at all! so annoying, but i feel quite the handywoman when i fix them up:) Thanks! I had a wonderful and looooong birthday festival.

  17. Belated birthday wishes to you Sherry! Looks like you had a fantastic birthday with so many cool gifts.


    1. thanks velva. I did indeed have a great birthday!

  18. Always fascinated to read what's going on in your kitchen Sherry. Oh and hope you enjoy your trip away to Toowoomba!

    1. thank you Neil. Yes thanks we had a great trip away even tho hubby has come back with a bad cold (not Covid thank heavens).

  19. Happy Birthday Sherry! I hope you have a wonderful time :D Lots of great things in your kitchen this month. I love the score of the home made cumquat marmalade too!

  20. I'm not sure I've ever had cumquat marmalade before - I bet I would love it on a piece of grainy toast though. :-)

  21. Caviar, honey and marmalade - YUM! Lots of fun things and I love the bowl and the print. Happy Birthday!

  22. local honey is always the best. I bought Miso a few months ago but have yet to use it :)

    1. yes i haven't opened my miso yet either. must do ...

  23. I'd love to taste that sauerkraut. I haven't had sauerkraut since my grandma was alive and made hers. The honey looks great, too.

    1. i do enjoy making my annual batch each winter! we are lucky having beekeepers in our local area.

  24. I am such a bowl lover and that donburi one is spectacular. Great idea to freeze summer tomatoes. Thank you fo hosting.

    1. me too! i keep buying bowls which i really don't need but must have :) Cheers!


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