Monday, 1 May 2023

In My Kitchen - May 2023

April?  Where did you go?  We had birthdays galore, and Easter and Anzac Day.  The weather got cooler, the possum baby grew up, and I did heaps of baking and cooking for the blog and for the Cookbook Clubs I'm in.  Fun times!  How about your month, my friends?

Strange times lately: our Jaboticaba (Brazilian rainforest tree) actually fruited twice (briefly) in April!  'So what?' you say.  Well, it fruits in December usually, and occasionally in October - you know, Spring and all ...  I've made jam with the dark-skinned fruits before.  And guess what?  The skins have so much pectin, that the jam could not be spooned out of the jar without a jackhammer.  It sets like the devil has frightened it out of its wits.  But I digress.  Here's my April kitchen:

In My Kitchen:

there were Polish chocolates sent from Warsaw

Hubby's Ukrainian mates sent a surprise parcel of chocolates from where they are living in Warsaw.  They are Ukrainian refugees, who fled Kiev when the war broke out.  We sent them books and toys, as they had fled with nothing except their 3 children and Grandma.  What a world we live in.

I made caramel lace biscuits from First, Cream the Butter and Sugar

I was going to blog these biscuits from Emelia Jackson's book, but sadly they were difficult and time-consuming to make, so I didn't think they were worth the effort.  They did taste pretty good, but effort versus value?  Nah!  But hey, other bloggers found them just fine to make and eat.

I tried to drink this!

See the ingredients?  No sweeteners, and lots of curry-type flavours.  Oh me, oh my!  This was like drinking a thick, spicy curry paste!  Not to be repeated :=)  I shoved it into freezer bags, and will (try to) use it in actual curries when I next make one!!  Which weird alien creature would want to have this as a refreshing drink?!?

I froze some zucchini 'juice'

I made Alice Zaslavsky's zucchini bread.  You end up with salty zuke water, after squeezing out the grated zukes.  So I froze it for stews and soups.

another trip to Genki-Mart for Japanese goodies

Yuzu rice crackers, and a biiiig bottle of Kewpie mayo.  Oh yes, and matcha-flavoured Kit-Kats.

and I made cute little beef and veg. pies

I take over dinner to our 91-year old neighbour usually once a week (she loves my omelettes), but this time I made some small pies for her - and us!  I bought the pastry - a brand that is new to me - but it was fine.  Who knew how difficult it is lately to buy pastry?!

Belinda's latest book

I've been to a few of Belinda's cooking classes when she lived and worked in the Northern Rivers district of New South Wales (not that far over the border for us to travel).  Such a wonderful person and cook!

yep, more strawberry saké!

I bought this cute, little saké cup from a store in Sydney (online), which came in this hand-painted box.  Naturally I had to rush to the Japanese grocers' to buy a bottle of strawberry saké to try it.  It is so rustic and adorable to hold.  And the saké is pretty delish too.

Fridge magnets from the Polish mates

chutney and chilli sauce from Tasmania - gifts for Mr P.'s birthday from our Hobart friends

my curveball - a looooong carpet python in the yard

Isn't s/he a beauty!!  I reckon s/he's at least 2 metres (6.5 feet) long!  They are such gorgeous creatures.  We live just down the road from a hill covered in trees and vegetation.  It is the home to many birds, snakes, possums, foxes etc etc ...  At one time, the local Council were going to do a burn-off in winter, but many of us protested due to the wildlife being endangered.  Thank heavens they let it be.

But onwards friends, to IMK!  Let's be having your posts, me hearties!  And here's how to join us.

c. Sherry M.

Be a part of our friendly IMK community by adding your post too - everybody welcome!  We'd love to see you here.

Tell us about your kitchen (and kitchen garden) happenings over the past month.  Dishes you've cooked, preserves you've made, herbs and veg. in your garden, kitchen gadgets, and goings-on.  And one curveball is welcome - whatever you fancy; no need to be kitchen-related (see the snake above).  

The link is open from the first of the month to midnight on the thirteenth of the month, every month.

Options for adding your post to IMK:

1. Add via the Add Link button at the bottom of this post.  Instructions can be found on the sidebar of this page, under the Add your IMK link OR:

2. Comment on this post, providing a link to your post so I can add it manually to the list below OR:

3. Email me:, with your link or any queries about the link process, or if you would like it to be added after the 13th ('cos I'm happy to add it for you later)

In My Kitchen:



  1. I always love reading you IMK posts. I have tried a lot of candy from Poland also and the one that is in the tin is delicious! I have a friend that travels to Poland often and always brings me back a treat. Until then, I wasn't aware of how delicious their chocolates were. All of your food looks fabulous as always but we really differ on snakes. I don't think I could handle them roaming around. lol Have a great week.

    1. Thanks Lori. They are fun to write! Yes the Polish chocs were delicious. Oh the pythons are lovely :=)

  2. You have so many local Australian products that make me very curious, and now you are branching out into Polish goodies too! Such a great blog post today. Thanks for being the host of IMK.
    best, mae at

  3. I can't believe that Ukranian refugees -- even grateful ones -- could take the time, the money, the effort to send such a lovely gift. And how kind of you and your husband to send them things to help them get through what has to be horrific times. The small pies are a wonderful idea -- they will last at least two or three meals and they look delicious!

    1. Yes so very kind of them. We really felt for them; such tough times. Yes the pies were a big hit with everyone!

  4. A python in your yard and you found it cute?? would have scared me to death. You have some really exotic food and wine this month, Sherry.

    1. Yes very cute angie. I think they are beautiful. Thanks for dropping by.

  5. Love the magnets, wish I could say the same about the snake! I would have to move out if I had that in my garden! Your pies are super cute - is there a pastry shortage?! And how quick is this year flying by, it's scary! PS Genius idea about freezing the zuke water :)

    1. Yes there seems to be a puff pastry shortage! Who knew!? Yes I was quite pleased with myself for thinking of it, too.

  6. This looks so interesting - shall read in the next few days. Am at the moment absolutely shocked together with most of Australia methinks to have learned of Jock Zonfrillo's death on the day Masterchef was due to have begun - it has been pulled. The nicest guy in the world . . . methinks we are all; making teary guesses . . . see'ya

    1. Thanks Eha. Yes I am so shocked and sad about Jock Z. I guess he did himself in. Such a waste. His poor family.

  7. Ummm, that snake. No thank you very much. I probably would've passed out if I looked out and saw a 6' snake in the yard. Of course, we have bears here...and they don't me much. Haha. I'm chuckling at the thought of you taking a jackhammer to that jam. :-) Happy May, my friend!

  8. You always have such a fun assortment of goodies in your kitchen! Happy May!

  9. Thanks! I'll consider an IMK! (But my kitchen usually involves a lot of swearing at things that didn't go quite right.)

  10. Thank you for the linkup and your post. I love everything you have except the 'snake', so sorry, I will run far and wide.

  11. That python is quite a sight to this woman who has only lived near garter snakes for the last ten years of her life. No snakes before that! Pythons would take some getting used to!

    1. garter snakes are quite small, I seem to remember? Pythons are big boys - and girls. I love them.

  12. I'll link up in a few days (even though I don't have a lot to report). The curry drink sounds terrible but glad you're going to put it to good use (along with the zuke water).

    1. excellent debra. Yep that curry drink was the pits!

  13. Lots of new things - I have to be careful as my kichen/home is running out of room :) Snakes never bother me except when they go after the baby birds!

    1. Yes pythons go after the chooks that a lot of people have around here.

  14. I couldn't believe my eyes when I read zuke water... that is incredible that you saved it! good on you for being zero waste and all. The idea of drinking a curry paste makes me shudder even though I love curry, I can't believe they can sell stuff like that and pass it off as food!

    1. I try to be thrifty! My freezer is my friend :) Yes that curry drink was just - foul!

  15. Sherry- if that snake were in my yard I would be terrified. It's huge!! That turmeric drink looks a little overwhelming. Maybe you are supposed to mix it with milk/

  16. Sherry you always have lots of new things in your kitchen...I am intrigued at how much Japanese items you have in your kitchen. Love the cute little mug. Not sure about drinking curry! Have a great month of May :)

    1. Yes I do love me some Japanese goodies:) It's so handy having a Japanese grocer just up the road.

  17. I am not so keen on snakes in our garden as they could be deadly. Thank you for linking my post and lovely goodies in your kitchen this month. from Tandy I Lavender and Lime

    1. yes ours can be deadly too :) But not this lovely python.

  18. Love those little beef and vegetable pies! Happy May! Hopefully we will see some sun one day here in Scotland. It's just 9 degress outside!

    1. thanks Neil. they were tasty. Still warm here even tho we are approaching winter.

  19. Another wonderful month in your Kitchen, Sherrie! Those beef and veggie pies look amazing! And that python??? Yikes!

    1. thanks David. Yep great pies and a beautiful python :)

  20. Looks like lots of cheer and good food this month in your kitchen - I love how you rush out for sake for that gorgeous cup. I know what you mean about pastry - I have found it in short supply too. That juice looks more stock than drink - like your freezer solution. Admire you embracing that snake - it is nice that if left alone they can co-exist with humans!

    1. thanks Johanna. Yes i just wish everyone would leave the snakes alone. THey slither off eventually.

  21. I hope that Python is only a danger to mice! You have some interesting things in your kitchen Sherry. I like sake but am not so sure about strawberry sake, was it very sweet? And that drink is definitely strange. The meat pies and lace cookies have my vote. Thank you so much for hosting.

    1. they eat chickens and small pets and probably small children :) Yep the sake was sweet but delish.

  22. That Belinda Jeffery book looks fantastic.

    And I don't think I've ever bought pastry! Didn't know you could, really.

    1. yes i love belinda:) You've never bought pastry? Wow. how marvellous to make your own. I used to but then i got lazy in my old age :=)

  23. Sherry, here is a link to the post. Hopefully you will be able to see all the pictures. Should I relink it?

    1. No it's all okay now Liz. I checked your link this morning and all the photos were there. Must have been a hiccup on my end.

  24. I'm so glad that where I live, snakes like that aren't just wandering about!


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