Tuesday 23 April 2024

Bill Granger's Famous Scrambled Eggs

As Australian foodies will be aware, the lovely Bill Granger died recently from cancer.  He was the man we can all acclaim/blame for smashed avocado on toast for breakfast.  Remember how millenials were being blamed for paying too much for their avo on toast breakfasts rather than paying a mortgage?  So funny! and crazy.

Mr P. and I have actually had breakfast at Bill's restaurant in Bondi more than once on trips to Sydney.  And yep, they are fabulous.  So this latest time, I had his famed scrambled eggs which are made with pretty much equal parts egg to cream.  I went a bit more healthy and used evaporated milk rather than cream in my version - but still delicious!

We last visited bill's at Bondi in January 2023, when we drove down to attend our dear friend's wake.  She was 91, and we had known her since we were youngsters in our twenties.  It was a wet day when we turned up at bill's, so they took our mobile number and texted us when there was a spare table.  The food and service were great as usual.  Bill is sadly missed by the Aussie food scene, though he and his family had been living in London for some time.

delish! +smoked salmon, pickled cukes, sweet potato fries and kewpie mayo

Serves 1:


2 large eggs per person

6 Tbs cream (or use milk or evaporated milk)   see Notes

a big pinch of sea salt

(I tripled the recipe so I used 6 eggs and only 300 mL/10 oz evap. milk)

2 tsp butter per person (per 2 eggs)

lots of freshly-ground black pepper

herbs of your choice, chopped (optional)


Whisk the eggs with cream and salt in a mixing bowl

Melt the butter in your non-stick frying pan over a medium-low heat

Once the butter is bubbling, add the eggy mixture

Let it sit for 30 seconds, then ever-so-gently stir it around with a spatula, folding them over one another a wee bit  (check the photo)

When the eggs are almost cooked, take them off the heat and out of the pan onto a plate

Sprinkle with black pepper and herbs

Serve with toast (and avo), or as I did, with smoked salmon, pickled cucumbers (see Notes), sweet potato fries and kewpie mayo


Aussie tablespoons are 20 mL/0.7 oz. rather than the U.S. size of 15 mL/0.5 oz., and a large Aussie egg is around 60g./2 big oz.-65g./2.3 oz.

I quick-pickled my cukes in vinegar, water, 1 tsp sugar, some sea salt and chilli flakes for a short time before dinner

ingredients gathered

pour the eggy mixture into the bubbling butter

soft tender curds!

add on the smoked salmon and pickled cukes

tasty and flavourful

Vale Bill Granger!  Thanks for the memories, and the great food.

image from Wikimedia Commons (author: Alice.jessica.north)

(Joining up with Min from Write of the Middle blog for #WWWhimsy)

c. Sherry M.


  1. The cream with the eggs is brilliant. I will be trying that!

  2. I heard about his pass a while ago...really sad. The scrambled egg looks mouthwatering.

    1. yes so sad. He was only in his early 50s.

  3. I was so sad when Bill died — and I love him for avocado toast! I never order it out but do make it at home quite often. And now I can make his scrambled eggs. Thanks so much for this Sherry! David (C&L)

    1. it was so unfair; he was way too young to die. Hope you enjoy his eggs!

  4. Looks delicious — and pretty classic! Our most beloved local diner closed last December, so my access to such comfort food would have to be home made.

    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

  5. Was that a recent photo of him? If so, it’s extra sad. I’ve never heard of him, but avocado toast is pretty brilliant! Love these eggs. And I use evaporated milk a lot. It’s so good. And I love Kewpie!

    1. I think that was about ten years ago. He was in his early 50s when he died. It seemed so quick and sudden as he hadn't talked about it. Kewpie is king!:=)

  6. I wonder if Dave can be convinced to add that much cream to our scrambled eggs this morning?
    Tandy | Lavender and Lime https://tandysinclair.com

  7. Genius move using the evaporated milk instead of the cream. I still can't believe he's gone - taken way too soon. I'm pleased to report that his restaurants here are still going strong. I recently dined at a branch of Bill's restaurants Granger and Co in London and as you'd expect everything was delicious.

    1. Yes so so sad Sammie! That's great that his restaurants are still going there, and here!

  8. I use egg beaters which are egg whites, saute some onions and peppers, add a few red chili flakes and those are my scrambled eggs - no fried or over-easy for me and no cream!

    1. Yes we sometimes make what hubby calls Spanish eggs - with sauteed onion and tomatoes and chilli flakes. Delish!

  9. I make a pretty good scramble but I'm going to have to try this!

    1. these are great for a treat now and then, Jeanie!

  10. Some good, soft scrambled eggs are some of the best comfort food, we love them. This recipe looks wonderful. I did not know he started the avocado toast trend, I'm so thankful he did. I eat avocado toast in some form several times a week! Sad to hear of his passing at such a young age.

    1. Yes indeed scrambled eggs are bliss! Avo on toast is always a winner:)

  11. Those eggs look so good made with cream like that. I hadn't realised he was behind avocado toast either.

  12. Now , I know who invented avocado toast. I loved Bondi beach when I was in Sydney. Gerlinde de Broekert

  13. Hi Sherry, that recipe looks so delicious and btw I 'LOVE' smashed avo. Very sad about Bill Granger. He was way too young to die. How lovely that you've been to his restaurant. Thanks so much for linking up with #WWWhimsy - take care xo

    1. yay for avo on toast. Tho I think that it was invented before Bill:) I remember my vegan mates eating it many moons ago! Yes lovely to have been to his place in Bondi. Look after yourself. xx

  14. That looks delicious. Thank you for sharing your recipe.

  15. I've never made scrambled eggs with this much cream, but no doubt for a special occasion would be delicious. I love them with grated parmesan cheese too. I still have his recipe book too.

    1. Nor me:) But how delicious! Yep a bit of parmesan goes down well too.

  16. Hope you just received my comment for your delicious looking scrambled egg. I was interested mid-comment.sigh.

    1. Yep all good. I find commenting these days fraught, whether wordpress or Blogger. The blog gods just don't seem to want me to comment anywhere!:)

  17. Your nostalgic tribute to Bill Granger and his famous scrambled eggs is heartwarming, and it's clear that his culinary legacy lives on through cherished memories and inspired dishes like yours.

    1. Yes he will be remembered for a long time.

  18. Wow - those scrambled eggs look absolutely fantastic, Sherry! I'm not kidding that I want to get up and go make a batch right now. Bill Granger might be gone, but his legacy lives on!

    1. Thanks David. Yes we will remember him!


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