Thursday 1 August 2024

In My Kitchen - August 2024

Here I was thinking August 1st was ... weeks away, but no, it is now!  What the?!  So anyway, time for another In My Kitchen already.  A fair bit has been happening in my kitchen lately - food gifts, pickling, baking and so on.  The kitchen is my happy place I have to say.  I bet it's yours too.  And I even like a lovely kitchen when travelling - see below :=)

here's the kitchen in the Potter's Shed where we stayed on our roadtrip

This kitchen was a bit quirky I have to say.  It looked fabulous and had wonderful vintage appliances like an old Kookaburra gas stove (not actually plumbed (?) in), but was a bit ... useless.  Witness the cute fridge that only held a sandwich, so to speak.  But cute!  Well, sorry, it's not even in the photo - hehehe.  And the tall water filter on the left (with a sign saying 'make sure you leave it filled when you go') - if I were the height of a basketball player, maybe.

But on to my kitchen shenanigans over the last month!

In My Kitchen:

and up first - my curveball! another amazing sculpture-cum-vase (cum mug?)
from our mate Nat of Austin Flowers

a lovely gift hamper from overnight (well, 6 nights!) guests

dried apricots from a South Australian farm, and flowers from a dinner guest

I accidentally bought 400g. of dried red chillies!

that hot sauce is ... hot!

cute little ceramics from our guests

still not quite sure how this works :=)

and I put up some pickled cukes!

I made strawberry muffins for the fundraiser

Four houses in our suburb burned down to the ground a few weeks ago.  A heartbreaking accident.  A fundraiser was organised, with a bake sale, so I baked some muffins for it!  Such a tragedy, but at least no-one was killed.

handmade spoons by our mate Chainsaw Newton!

The one on the left is made from a cricket willow bat, and the other is local red cedar.  See how he has kept the shape of a cricket bat - sort of.  I love them!

I made preserved lemons with lemons from our friends' garden

Our Tassie friends from Hobart came up recently bearing organic lemons from their tree.  So I put them up with rock salt, mountain pepperberries, bay leaves and mustard seeds.  They went pink!

another gift from our Tassie mates

and I made chicken soup for us and for our neighbour

Well, I could go on but I'd better stop now :=)  Join us s'il vous plaît.

c. Sherry M.

Be a part of our friendly IMK community by adding your post here too - everybody welcome!  We'd love to have you visit.  Tell us about your kitchen (and kitchen garden) happenings over the past month.  Dishes you've cooked, preserves you've made, herbs and veg. in your garden, kitchen gadgets, and goings-on.  And one curveball is welcome - whatever you fancy; no need to be kitchen-related.  

The link is open from the first of the month to midnight on the thirteenth of the month, every month.

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  1. Everything in your kitchen looks fascinating and (where applicable) delicious. I love the little ceramics, that’s one of my favorite glazes. The spoons are satisfyingly weird. Preserved lemons look like a useful future ingredient, too.
    Somehow the thought of holding a bake sale to replace 4 burned-down houses sounds overwhelmingly inadequate! I hope they also had insurance.
    thanks for hosting… mae at

    1. thank you Mae. It was a busy month. Yes I love Christian's spoons! The bake sale was just a tiny part of the fund-raiser! And yes they have insurance, thank goodness. So very sad tho.

  2. What fun goodies! And what a lovely sink in the potter’s shed!!!

    1. yes it was lovely if a bit lacking in usefulness :=)

  3. Wow you have been busy! What I would do for a jar of your hot pickles - yum! Love, love, love the vegemite vase/sculpture and the ceramics from your friends. So sad about the fire but you know what they say, everything is replaceable except life itself. Hope your August is awesome x

    1. yes it was a busy month for sure. It is heartbreaking going past the burned-out houses - there's just nothing left of them. But yes lucky no-one was killed, not even the cats locked inside one of the houses. So lucky.

  4. What a tasty haul! That kitchen though-I love the look but kitchens have to be functional.

    1. thanks Lorraine. I agree - functionality is everything!

  5. It's looking great in your kitchen lovely 😍 I like the idea of the umami powder and that can opener is awesome 👌

    1. thanks m'am (Ms M. I take it?) The can opener is still a mystery to us...

  6. What a lovely gift basket! And that holiday kitchen would drive me dilly got lots of reasons. Lovely collection of goodies this month.
    Tandy | Lavender and Lime

    1. yes i prefer functionality to good looks - tho both are great:=)

  7. Love those ceramic adorable. Those strawberry muffins look mouthwatering.

    1. they are cute aren't they? Thanks re muffins.

  8. The quirky kitchen from your road trip sounds like it had a lot of charm, even if it wasn't the most functional.

  9. I spy some taralli in that gift pack - I love the idea of adding fennel. Yum! So sad to hear about the fire in your neighborhood. I'm glad no one was hurt, and the fundraiser is such a great idea!

    1. Yes devastating about the fire. The fundraiser was just to give the owners a leg up to get a place to rent etc.

  10. That is a charming kitchen. The lemons sounds interesting. That fire was devastating. How fortunate nobody was hurt.

    1. it was charming if somewhat impractical. Yes awful about the fire.

  11. First of all, thanks for hosting this fun blog share. You have so many wonderful things. I love the wooden spoons and also the tablecloth they are displayed on. I bought a bag of rose petals when I was in Israel last year but have yet to figure out how to use them. Good for you pickling and preserving!!

    1. thanks Judee. Yes the tablecloth is from Provence. Hubby brought it back from a trip visiting his sister.

  12. I love the Vegemite mug/vase! I want one. The gifts from your guests are so thoughtful — I’ll share this post with upcoming guests to our home as a hint. Also loved the ceramics! David (C&L)

    1. yes it's great isn't it? Definitely let your guests know a hamper goes down well - hehehehe.

  13. Such a lovely assortment of goodies to play with in the kitchen! I am waiting to see what you do with the dried apricots....I love them!

    1. thanks Melynda. As for the apricots - I just eat 'em!

  14. Happy August, Sherry! Yes, your travel kitchen was very cute but not, I think, so practical as it might appear at first glance! I love seeing the foods you share. A lot of things stand out to me but those spoons are especially beautiful. (And the muffins look great!)

    1. thanks Jeanie. Yes lovely but not practical at all.

  15. Happy birthday Sherry. So many wonderful gifts and delicious food. I love your holiday kitchen but understand when you say it is all style and not much substance. When I have holiday house kitchens, I often wish I could set up my kitchen to look so lovely without having to think about practicalities of every day life. That vegemite vase is gorgeous - I hope you have some lovely vegemite coloured flowers to put it in :-) And I love the little ceramic dishes. When we bought a lovely matcha bowl in July I felt proud to have ceramics that might look at home in your kitchen. And so much interesting food and preserving. I would love to have the pickles and preserved lemon but wonder what you do with them as when I have such preserves I often am at a loss as to what to use them in. And so many chillis looks like spicy meals ahead!

    1. thanks Johanna. Yes the Vegemite jar is so cute! Thanks for thinking of me when you bought the matcha bowl :) I use the preserved lemons in baked chicken dishes, and I just scoff down the pickles!

  16. Food presents are the best and a hamper is such a lovely idea, will have to borrow the idea next time we are staying with someone! As usual your collection of ceramics and spoons is fascinating and I'd love to see how stuffed your kitchen must be!

    1. yes it was a lovely surprise to get the hamper. Always welcome. Actually my kitchen is not stuffed at all :=) It is very minimalist in fact - but I do have a walk-in pantry and some other cupboards nearby!

  17. The kitchen in the Potter's Shed looks cute, too bad it wasn't practical. It looks like it was planned to impress but whoever planned it mustn't cook. It sounds like your future is going to be filled with lots of spicy food. 😊 Karen (Back Road Journal)

    1. yes those BnB places like to look pretty but are often not very practical.

  18. Sounds like a wonderful month.

  19. I can't believe it's August either. What a quirky little vacay kitchen. Love it. That red cedar spoon is spectacular. Love all your canning and preserving this month! Take care!

    1. thanks Debra for joining in this month. See you in September!

  20. The Singing Magpie dried fruit is so very good. I recently ordered their mixed fruit and quince syrup

    1. yes i must buy more dried apricots!


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