Sunday, 1 September 2024

In My Kitchen - September 2024

It's September and the first day of Spring!  And it's Father's Day (shouldn't that be Fathers' Day?).  August has been incredibly warm, and I think a long, hot summer is on the horizon.  It is also our local Historical Society's monthly meeting, so we may not have a big crowd as all the dads and granddads and their families will be otherwise engaged.  

Mr P. is still the President, and I am now the Vice President, rather than the Archivist this year.  A change is often a good thing :=)  The Society takes up a fair bit of our time, more than we expected really, but it has been fun meeting new people and learning new things.

a sneaky extra curveball!  Our annual group shot of the Society members

In My Kitchen:

I bought my annual bottle of EVOO from Ashbolt in Tasmania

I made chocolate cake for the 2nd birthday of our local bookshop: The Quick Brown Fox

and I bought some Arctic sea salt  (as gifts mostly!)

Yep, another tumbler - by Milly Dent this time

a couple of Baconfest tea towels I bought in Kingaroy

Mr P. and our friend Ms. M (and moi, of course!) had a weekend away recently, staying overnight in the small, country town of Kingaroy (peanut-growing capital of Queensland).  Baconfest was on the following weekend, so there were pink pigs everywhere!  On signs, on shop windows, on the streets, on tea towels, on earrings ...

I bought a few local goodies ...

I can't resist enamelware, and that scoop - so gorgeous, and such a wonderful tool!

That scoop is so marvellous!  It has the perfect heft in your hand, and the bowl is so wonderfully shaped and so smooth, that it just cuts through the ingredients you're scooping up!

peanuts from the peanut capital, of course!

cute plates from Donna Sharam

and a few more spices from Herbie's

fresh bay leaves ready for the freezer

thyme leaves dried in the microwave

and the curveball: self-portrait by Mackenzie Cox

I bought this online from the Incognito Art Show, where you don't find out the artist's name till you receive the artwork.  I love this one!

c. Sherry M.

Be a part of our friendly IMK community by adding your post here too - everybody welcome!  We'd love to have you visit.  Tell us about your kitchen (and kitchen garden) happenings over the past month.  Dishes you've cooked, preserves you've made, herbs and veg. in your garden, kitchen gadgets, and goings-on.  And one curveball is welcome - whatever you fancy; no need to be kitchen-related.  

The link is open from the first of the month to midnight on the thirteenth of the month, every month.

Options for adding your post to IMK:

1. Add via the Add Link button at the bottom of this post.  Instructions can be found on the sidebar of this page, under the Add your IMK link OR:

2. Comment on this post, providing a link to your post so I can add it manually to the list below OR:

3. Email me:, with your link or any queries about the link process, or if you would like it to be added after the 13th ('cos I'm happy to add it for you later)


  1. I've decided that my kitchen is very boring next to yours. 😊 I'm always amazed at all the goodies you have each month. Karen (Back Road Journal)

    1. thanks Karen. I do like some kitchen goodies:=)

  2. Your kitchen is always such a happy place — I love seeing your new things. Looks like the spammers are with us again, but I assume you will soon delete them so they won’t annoy the rest of the true IMKers. Have a great month in your kitchen.
    best, mae at

    1. thanks so much Mae. I do love me some new kitchen things. I am a bit of a magpie I guess. Yep annoying commercial posts deleted!! Grrrrrr ...

  3. We have so many grape tomatoes in the garden these days. A bounty for some delicious recipes or just to munch on for a snack.

    I love the look of that scoop and the cake. Yum!

  4. I want to try some of those sea salt!

  5. Bacon Fest? How did I not know about that???? I've loved your foodie pics on the 'gram too this month...

    1. Next year we will try to get there for Baconfest. Thanks re Insta photos!

  6. Your olive oil looks wonderful. I've never seen salt like that -- it's gorgeously packaged!

    1. yes it is fab olive oil, and i love that salt!

  7. I am all for Baconfest! I love your new tumbler and your scoop looks so pretty. I have one in the ice drawer.
    Tandy | Lavender and Lime

    1. Yes it sounds like it would be fun! Next year ... And yes I love that scoop! It is so good to use.

  8. Hope you had a great meeting - Father's Day here was in June. It's so confusing! Hope you're surviving the heat I bet this summer is going to be a sizzler! Talking of sizzling, how fun is your baconfest loot?! So much goodness in your kitchen this month - love that you made a cake for your bookshop's birthday and that scoop looks wonderful. Side note: I really miss Herbie's spices!

    1. It was an interesting meeting! Yep still a scorcher here. crazy for winter, well spring i guess now. Sad about the floods here in tassie and storms in Vic and NSW. It's just mad. Everyone enjoyed the bookshop birthday cake! Yay for herbie's.

  9. As always, such great finds! I am curious about the bay leaves in the freezer. You must use them fresh, and not dried? Do you purchase or grow them? We have Red Bay growing on our property, I have read it is a good substitute for Mediterranean bay.

    1. Yes i use fresh bay leaves and freeze them on a tray then put them into a freezer bag. They last for ages.

  10. The scoop is gorgeous and I'm sure such a handy item to have. I love it. It looks like a lot of fun in your kitchen last month and I see you love sprinkles as much as I do. I hope September is a wonderful month as well for you.

    1. It is a fab scoop! I love it. Yep to sprinkles! You can never have enough. Happy September to you too.

  11. Love that sea salt! You've reminded me to get some. Have a great September 😃

  12. I often marvel at the interesting things you have in your kitchen. I do love the picture too..and your cake looks amazing.

  13. I have never seen that sea salt here but the container is so beautiful that I am going to make it a point to try to find it.

    1. Yes i really love the gorgeous tins too!

  14. I was almost literally drooling over your kitchen photos; everything looks so good! My kitchen is a disaster right now and I'm sick in bed not able to taste anything, but I enjoyed imagining myself in your kitchen with all your new purchases!
    Thanks for visiting and commenting on my blog!

    1. thanks Laurie. Hope you feel better very soon!

  15. nice to see all the goodies in your kitchen as usual! we have been away for almost 2 months so it was amazing to return and discover the "old and familiar" though I still feel like I'm settling into life in Paris sometimes. Thanks for hosting and have a great month!

    1. thank you friend. Must have been lovely to be back in Australia seeing friends and family. Happy September to you, and hubby and baby G!

  16. Love the photo of the historical society at the Queenslander house! I have recently joined our local historical society and am enjoying it. That tumbler is such a gorgeous green. And I really want a lovely scoop like yours - some days when in those shops with serve yourself groceries (not to be confused self serve checkouts) I dream of a kitchen with scoops in lots of jars. And quick brown fox is a lovely name for a bookshop - we have a chain of clothes and gift shops in Melbourne called quick brown fox which I used to love - I rarely go there now!

    1. I love green these days :) And i love that scoop! Isn't it a great bookshop name? Thanks for joining in. Cheers Sherry

  17. It's funny how something as simple as a kitchen tool (in this case the scoop) can bring you so much joy when you're cooking! I love that scoop...and the olive oil...and the spices...and the...well, you get my point. :-)

    1. yes it's the little things ... Thanks for visiting.

  18. Wow, it sounds like you’ve had a busy and eventful September! Congratulations on your new role as Vice President of the Historical Society, that’s exciting!

    1. thanks Raymund. Yes life is busy these days!

  19. Thanks for hosting, Sherry. From its shape, the beautiful green cup looks like it will fit nicely in your hand. How long do you 'cook' the thyme leaves in the microwave to dry them without turning them into crisps? It's an interesting question...Father's Day vs. Fathers' Day. Maybe originally it was only one father's Day. And it's wonderful having the time to be more involved in your community.

    1. yes the green cup is a beauty in the hand. I give thyme or rosemary or any woody herb about 2 minutes in 30 second bursts till dry but not turning to dust :) So it may take a little less or a little more depending on the moisture level in the herb.

  20. I love that you and Mr. P. are both involved in your historical society — good on you both!

    Fun month of things in your kitchen. I have to say that I love having a bay bush in my garden — such a wonderful herb! (Is it an herb? Hmmmm…) David (C&L)

    1. thanks David. The Hist. Soc. certainly keeps us busy. We say the h in herb so yep a herb for us :)

  21. So many interesting bits and pieces in your kitchen again this month Sherry. Kaffir Cumquat shrub caught my attention. I have a kaffir lime tree, and a cumquat tree, but have never heard of kaffir cumquats? Or is it a combination of the two? This would be an interesting shrub to make though. The scoop looks beautiful and very functional. Sorry I didn't make it to IMK this month. Our working holiday in Cairns continues , but hoping we will be home soon and some normality will return.

    1. thanks Pauline. I think it's just kaffir plus cumqut :)


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