Tuesday, 1 October 2024

In My Kitchen - October 2024

Ho ho ho!  Do I hear those sleigh bells ringing already?  We were at the local Post Office the other day, and there were several (toy) Santas hanging from the walls plus fairy lights!  Noooooo ...  Nah, not gonna do it this year.  My name will be Scrooge :=)

What a month!  It has been hot and cold and busy, and our Jaboticaba tree went nuts.  I am going to sneak in a photo for you.  It is hard to do anything with the fruit as it often falls off within a couple of days.  Our mango tree is also flowering madly at the moment.  It is an old tree so we don't get much (if any) fruit from it.

the multitudinous fruits grow straight from the trunk and branches!

And they go from green to black in a couple of days.  There are thousands of them on the tree as I write.  I have tried to make jam in the past but the pectin in the skin is so strong, it has generally turned to concrete - hehehehe ...

In My Kitchen:

I bought a cute little plate at Logan Art Gallery - 
after checking out the Brett Whiteley exhibition

I made another batch of pickled cukes

I bought some Marimekko paper napkins

I grabbed a few goodies from our local providore Mumbleberry

and I bought these online

oh yep! another cookbook

our Iranian friends brought this back from Iran for me

I bought two lovely tablecloths from a hippie shop in Northern Rivers!

I made tomato ketchup for Mr P. (and Cookbook Club)

and I bought some herbs and spices :=)

and I added some zingy yuzu salt to my collection of salts

and here comes the curveball! Gelato Bob by our mate Chainsaw Newton!

c. Sherry M.

Be a part of our friendly IMK community by adding your post here too - everybody welcome!  We'd love to have you visit.  Tell us about your kitchen (and kitchen garden) happenings over the past month.  Dishes you've cooked, preserves you've made, herbs and veg. in your garden, kitchen gadgets, and goings-on.  And one curveball is welcome - whatever you fancy; no need to be kitchen-related.  

The link is open from the first of the month to midnight on the thirteenth of the month, every month.

Options for adding your post to IMK:

1. Add via the Add Link button at the bottom of this post.  Instructions can be found on the sidebar of this page, under the Add your IMK link OR:

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3. Email me: sherrym1au@gmail.com, with your link or any queries about the link process, or if you would like it to be added after the 13th ('cos I'm happy to add it for you later)


  1. Great things in your kitchen once more. I love the way Marimekko designs keep returning! I had that pattern of table napkins recently but in red. I also have socks in the blue pattern (but they are very old!)

    Thank you for hosting and for sharing all your nice new flavors.
    best, mae at maefood.blogspot.com

    1. thanks Mae. Lovely to see you here!

  2. An excellent edition of IMK! I love saffron — probably my favorite spice in the rack! In contrast, the garlic? No way — ick! Both Mark and I love Marimekko — we both owned Marimekko bedspreads when we met — quite timeless! Love your pickles — a good reminder to make some! Is that a wombat on the plate? Fun month… still September here, thought, but looking forward to a cooler October! It has been 43°C all week.

    1. Thanks Anon. Oh i see - it's you David :) I think it is a possum on the plate. Yes in summer (and earlier obvs) I just keep making pickles. They go so fast. Phew 43C!?

  3. I always love your IMK posts. You find a lot of really neat items. I love the table clothes and it's nice to see another person that has a salt collection. I'll be on the look out for the one you just got. So far, black sea salt is one of my favorites. Have a great month.

    1. Thanks Lori. I really love the tablecloths and such a great price too. Yes i keep buying different salts, so i have a big collection. Hope October is going well for you.

  4. I've never heard of a Jaboticaba tree! had to google it. what does it taste like?? so intriguing indeed! I'm also fascinated by that gelato bob, I thought it was real gelato for a second but it must be ceramic or something? so cool! thanks for hosting and have a great month. PS I think Xmas is overrated too :)

    1. hi there. Mm hard to describe the taste - a bit like lychee and grape maybe. Yes he has a resin head i think. Hope the month is going well for you.

  5. That Jaboticaba tree looks so impressive! You have so many good stuff..pink peppercorns are one of my favourites.

    1. it's an amazing tree Angie. Yep pink peppercorns are great.

  6. I'm impressed that you made tomato ketchup, I bet it is terrific. Karen (Back Road Journal)

    1. thanks Karen. It is tasting even better after a bit of time in the fridge!

  7. All the mince pies and Christmas treats are in the shops here, I don't know that I'm ready! So much goodness in one post, I absolutely love Gelato Bob and now I'm off to google Jacoticaba! Hope you have a delicious month xx

    1. i know what you mean! christmas stuff all over the place. I have all the Bobs now! Happy October to you.

  8. So much to love I don't even know where to start. Those tablecloths are beautiful. How lovely of your friends to bring you saffron. Your pickles look mouthwatering.

    1. thanks so much Hena. Yes i love those tablecloths! and the saffron!

  9. Nice plate! I've heard good things about that Diana Henry book. Lots of lovely goodies in your pantry too.

    1. thanks! Hoping that book is a good 'un :)

  10. I have never seen one of those trees. Amazing. A mango tree would be lovely!

    1. our mango tree just gets bigger and bigger every year. It's not much of a fruiter but it looks good in the backyard and the birds love it!

  11. Your Jaboticaba tree is amazing. First time I've ever seen one. Enjoy the yuzu zest.
    Tandy | Lavender and Lime https://tandysinclair.com

    1. they are incredible trees Tandy.

  12. I see that gorgeous Marimeko pattern on a cookie!!! great roundup!

    1. thanks Sally. Very kind of you.

  13. That Jaboticaba tree is nuts! I had to go google it. I love the look of the updated Crazy Water ... I have the original on ebook so if I buy the new version it doesn't really count as a new cookbook, does it?

    1. isn't it a crazy tree Jo? Hehehe ... sure, buy the new one :=)

  14. I am so intrigued by that tree!!! What do the fruits taste like? A great post - lots of fun things.

    1. hard to describe. very sweet but tangy; a bit like lychee and grape. Thanks!

  15. Sherry, your kitchen is humming with all kinds of good things! I have never heard of a jaboticaba tree. I learn something every time I visit.

    1. thank you Velva. They are pretty rare trees here in brisbane as they are brazilian rainforest trees so we are lucky to have one.

  16. That tree is amazing 👏 just beautiful and very fruitful he he xx

  17. I don't even know where to begin. This was such a fun post to read, (and drool over some of your finds)
    Anything Marimekko makes me happy.
    And oh, that tree! What kind is it exactly? Nothing like that grows anywhere around here, but I wish it did!

    1. thanks much Anne. A brazilian rainforest tree. We are lucky to have one growing in our yard. The previous owner loved to plant fruit trees!

  18. That plate is so cute - is it a possum? And so is Gelato Bob! I am really into yuzu so that salt sounds great, and the table cloths and the cup. As always, I admiring your preserving. And the dried peaches look great - good dried fruit is a wonderful thing especially stone fruit!

    1. yep i think it's a possum. Isn't Bob the cutest? Yes the salt is tasty. I am a yuzu fan too. It's worth paying extra for a good quality dried fruit - no horrible chemicals!

  19. Look at that tree-so amazing Sherry! I'm impressed by anyone that can grow anything

    Lorraine @ Not Quite Nigella

    1. thanks Lorraine. The tree was here when we bought the house and it just grows :) So i can't really take any credit but i will :=)

  20. Ohhhh that Jaboticaba is something new to me, now I am intrugued. And that Gelato Bob looks cute

    1. they are such amazing trees Raymund. So weird how they grow. Yep love Gelato Bob!

  21. I thought I had commented already, oh well, slowly catching up. I've seen the Japoticaba tree around Cairns a lot, a fascinating tree. My kind of recipe book too, Mediterranean and Middle Eastern, I'll look out for it. I love your bottle labels Shery, wish I knew how to achieve that look. Wow, that saffron is like gold, love the packaging .Did you buy the Marimekko online? Nice interesting tablecloths and good quality serviettes are hard to find these days. Take care, hope you are well.

    1. hi Pauline. It is an incredible tree. Oh yes i love middle eastern recipes. Persian food is a fave too. Thanks re labels. Years ago we paid someone to do the caricature and hubby prints out the labels for me. Yes brilliant of our persian friends to bring me the saffron! I bought the napkins in a gift shop. Look after yourself. Cold damp night here.

  22. Sherry you've had a very busy time in your kitchen! This is the first I've heard of a jaboticaba tree, I had to look it up :) Your pickled cukes look good, I love pickles during the summer months and I know things must be heating up in Australia. Those tablecloths are so pretty! Is your recipe for ketchup on the blog? I'd love to make my own some day :)

    1. oh yes i do like to keep busy in my kitchen :) Fabulous trees they are, and such amazing fruit. Hard to believe summer is on the way tonight - so chilly brrrr. No i haven't put up the ketchup recipe yet but i will!

  23. Sherry, the previous comment with a compliment about your pretty tablecloths is from me, sorry I forgot to switch my id lol Marcelle -A Little Fish in the Kitchen

    1. thanks Marcelle. Nice to have you here.

  24. I love a good hippy shop and I adore gelato Bob there, too!

  25. The fruits on that tree really do look amazing. Never seen anything quite like it.

    1. they are a strange delight Frank. Such a marvellous tree.

  26. I must admit that I've never heard of a Jaboticaba tree. The way the fruit grows is so interesting! I'm just catching up on older posts as we had a hurricane knock out power here for a couple of weeks. How is it already October!?!

    1. oh dear I hope all is well now. So you had no power for 2 weeks?!! Eek all your fridge stuff ... Yep Xmas only 10 weeks away!


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