Friday, 18 November 2016

A - Z Guidebook - Piazza Navona, Rome

statues showing their rudey nudey bits off

This is Bernini's fountain in the Piazza Navona in Rome.  No qualms about showing off their manly bits here.  We spent a few days wandering around Rome some years ago, on our way to London.  We were amazed and confused and delighted by it all.  

We had a guidebook - well, actually pages of a guidebook that I had photocopied - which seemed to give the most irksome and ludicrous directions and instructions about seeing Rome.  For instance, we caught a bus to a church with a crypt to see the bodies, only to find that it was via the longest, most laborious, most labyrinthine route you can imagine.  There was in fact a main road with heaps of buses going back into town so we just hopped on one of those and got back way faster than the trip out.  

Every trip we took, every place we went ended with us walking for hours and/or taking lengthy bus and train trips.  I think it was Fodor's Guide, heaven help us.  I will never know if some crazy student/traveller was doing their research from the comfort of their own home or making it all up.  Anyway, we got to see lots of Rome that we probably wouldn't have otherwise.

Join up, join up global bloggers/travellers with Fiona from Tiffin Bite Sized Food Adventures, and show us your stuff.  This month we are getting stuck into the letter R.

TIFFIN - bite sized food adventures -


  1. Visited Rome and Piazza Navona a few years ago with my teenage can imagine the comments! And the funny thing is whenever we asked for directions it was always "just around the corner" and we ended up walking for ages! Love everything about Italy!

    1. that sounds just like our time in Dublin. The Irish were very nice but every time we asked for directions, they would give us completely wrong ones! and point us in the exact opposite direction. must have been on purpose, or they were all dim as plates.

  2. Oh how frustrating! What a terrible guide. Sometimes I do wonder about who writes them. Maybe it was out of date?

    1. it was only a few years old. i think it was some joker playing tricks and putting down the most ridiculous things he could find.

  3. Well who hasn't photocopied a guide book (perhaps at work on their dime)?... It's a bit like catching The Tube - sometimes it's to walk than to get the train from A-B. Thanks for joining (and sorry for the delayed comment...I read this a while ago but you know...)

    1. Yes I fear you are right. I did indeed photocopy it at work. Much good did it do us:))


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