Thursday, 1 December 2022

In My Kitchen - December 2022

I'm gonna make this quick, my friends.  Lots to do, lots to do.  As the White Rabbit says: 'I'm late, I'm late for a very important date.'  Nah, not really; I've just got things to do pre-Christmas, as do you all I'm sure.  I can hardly believe that Christmas is almost here - again!  And I will be super glad when this year is done and dusted.  It has not been an easy one.  

But life goes on, ever-changing, ever the same.  And we just keep plugging away, 'cos that's all we can do, isn't it?  With hope and joy in our hearts.  Wishing you all a splendid festive season!  And please join in for In My Kitchen - all welcome. 

In My Kitchen:

bought this recently

We'll be doing this one in January for Cookbook club.  I grabbed a copy at our local bookshop, then headed next door for coffee.  Nagi's website and book are super-dooper popular!

there was German sour cherry cake

I made this to give to our Persian friends who have just moved into the neighbourhood from the outer 'burbs.  They are loving it here in the inner north!

and raspberry muffins

I made these one morning, for our tradie who is painting our house after doing copious amounts of sanding (the house is full of fine dust!).  And some to our Persian friends (as per above).  They went down a treat.

and yes another one!

Emelia is a former Masterchef contestant, and now makes a living baking (and writing, and having a baby, etc.)  Can't wait to delve into this one, though I fear her baking skills are waaaay above mine.

and a lovely plate by Tania Gilbey

Love this pretty handmade plate!  I wonder if she used a real leaf for the imprint?  Looks like something you see around the place.

we ate turkey meatballs on a Yayoi Kusama plate

and I bought another mug!

I'm drinking my coffee from this sweet, little mug by Anna Turnbull, a local ceramicist.  We met her recently at a Christmas market; so lovely, and so much good stuff to buy!

and I bought this Christmas pickle online

Such a sweet, little, German, wooden, Christmas pickle!  Enough adjectives for you?  Did you know there is a specific order to adjectives?  And that we hoover them up as children when learning language so we know not to say ' a blue, cute doll'.  Apparently there is a thing called The Royal Order of Adjectives; opinion comes before size and colour for example.  I find this fascinating that we learn this as babies!

L'il Dusty by our friend Dion (my curveball) - (the sculpture not Dion :=))

This is a gorgeous, ceramic sculpture by our mate Dion Parker.  I have a wee one in bronze already, but I couldn't resist this version.  Check out his work on his Instagram account: 'Holyshititsdion'.  I'm a tiny bit surprised that Insta let him keep that scurrilous account name :=) 

Wishing you all the best for the festive season, my friends, and see you in January for another In My Kitchen.  I mean,  there'll be a few other posts before then ...   And a huge thanks to all the regular contributors here.  We love your IMK posts every month!  And I really appreciate your help in keeping this link going.  And we must thank Celia from Fig Jam and Lime Cordial for starting it quite some years ago!

Be a part of our friendly IMK community by adding your post too.  Here's how to join us:

Tell us about your kitchen (and kitchen garden) happenings over the past month.  Dishes you've cooked, preserves you've made, herbs and veg. in your garden, kitchen gadgets, and goings-on.  And a curveball is welcome - whatever you fancy; no need to be kitchen-related.  

The link is open from the first of the month to midnight on the thirteenth of the month, every month.

Options for adding your post to IMK:

1. Add via the Add Link button at the bottom of this post.  Instructions can be found on the sidebar of this page, under the Add your IMK link OR:

2. Comment on this post, providing a link to your post so I can add it manually to the list below OR:

3. Email me:, with your link or any queries about the link process, or if you would like it to be added after the 13th ('cos I'm happy to add it for you later)


  1. Ha! Ha! I love the wooden pickle :) I just have the glass one!

  2. A busy month of baking and so nice of you to share it with neighbors. Everything looks delicious. That Christmas pickle looks like one of a kind!

  3. Looks as if you are leading up to a great December! I am traveling, but managed to have a post to wrap up November. When I return, I’ll visit the other posts to see what’s in everyone’s kitchen. Thanks for hosting!

    best…mae at

    1. Thanks muchly for doing an IMK post Mae. Have a fun month.

  4. Both the mug and the plate are really nice. The sour cherry cake looks so inviting.

  5. That leaf page is amazing. I might try making one myself. Emelia is an amazing baker. Do you think the book is worth having?
    from Tandy I Lavender and Lime

    1. I haven't checked her book out much yet, but yes i think it's a good one!

    2. forgot to mention that in Italian, the specific order to adjectives is different to English! It is difficult to get ones ear used to the difference ;)

  6. Love your plates, especially the one with the leaf and shall find out about the sculptor of your white figure . . . But for me Nagi's book is kinda special - the wondrous result of two years of super hard work. We go back to early blogging days nearly a decade back and before Dozer Maehashi became more famous than Rin-Tin-Tin and she had just waved goodbye to an international job in high finance. Look at her go now - have just come from her latest post and giveaway - 24 hours after putting it out there are over 23,000 wanting the book and the knife - from the Amazon rainforests to the animal sanctuaries in East Africa !!! Meanwhile . . . a happy and healthy and peaceful family Yule to you !!!

    1. I am very new to Nagi. I've tried a couple of her recipes; probably won't make them again. Just not my style I guess, but that's the way it is with cooking I find. We gel with some and not with others! Just a personal thing.

    2. Besides being the nicest and most genuine person in the world Nagi is also very intelligent - as her income largely comes from North America her recipes have actually 'changed' thru' the years to make the two parties more compatible - she has LITERALLY millions of readers across the Pond ! I trained as a doctor and have studied nutrition for over 40 years . . . so we smile and understand one another !! TO TANDY - yes, you would like and the price for that tome is unbelievably cheap !!! Love to all . . .

    3. Ah perhaps that's the problem for me - too American :=)

  7. I always look for recipes which don’t require creaming butter and sugar. I never find it easy! Love that pickle!

    1. yes i'm not fond of creaming either but I use my electric hand beaters which do a fab job!

  8. December is the month I really gear up my cooking and baking. I love the new baking book (wow! it's available here in the US, but it's really pricey). And that cat sculpture is amazing.

    1. Yes it's a big month for baking and cooking for sure!

  9. What a fun post, Sherry! I never knew about a royal order of adjectives but that pickle is a winner in any order. The Jackson cookbook looks great!

    1. thanks Jeanie. I love the Royal order of adjectives - so much fun. and the cookbook looks good too :=)

  10. Its judee-- somehow I linked a frozen green bean soup to the linky in addition to my Dec share and I did not mean to !! Can you remove it????

  11. Wonderful things this month, as ever! Two lovely cookbooks -- tempted by Nagi's but Markipedia has put a ban on new cookbooks. (Grrrr.) Love the mug, and the Gilbey plate is stunning! Happy December - keep calm and Christmas will be gone before you know it!

    1. thanks david. We are having pretty much a Xmas-free zone this year. Too many difficult things happening!

  12. David - If Dozer hands me Nagi's, you are happily gifted mine and Markipedia gets a hug when I get there . . . !!!

  13. That Recipetineats book is on my wishlist for when I'm visiting Australia next year! I'm going to get it as soon as I get off the plane because I just love her recipes :) I adore that Christmas pickle too, you always have the sweetest things that make me want to stuff a whole house and lifetime with cute things (but instead, I'm always on the move...) Merry Christmas and thank you so much for hosting IMK and giving us a community!

    1. THank you! You are welcome. it has been a pleasure these last few years to be the IMK host!

  14. Love those Raspberry Muffins! Yum!

  15. It's too bad that the holidays, which are supposed to be about fun and good cheer, can also be so very stressful! So true that Xmas creeps up on you. Happens to me every year and it seems I never learn!

    1. yes we all need to chill about the festive season :=) Every year, I say no more christmas but every year i keep on doing it ...

  16. That is so interesting about the order of adjectives. Not completely surprising that we sort of absorb it, but I wonder how it came to be in the first place?

    1. yes who on earth first thought of it? and why? :=)

  17. Isn't it crazy that Christmas is almost here? I love that leaf plate. Clever idea using a real leaf!

    1. we are not really doing christmas this year! but boy it has come up quickly.

  18. Time really flies. Many are busy cleaning and preparing for Christmas. Plus so much of baking and cooking too.

  19. Interesting - I've never heard of the Royal Order of Adjectives. It makes sense, and it's amazing how we do this without thinking. Ah, the English language. It looks like you've been doing a bunch of baking - your new neighbors are going to be spoiled! Cheers, Sherry!

    1. yes i have been doing a bit of baking lately. but that's christmas time for you :)

  20. Sherry, wishing you and your family a very Merry Christmas. Looking forward to all your adventures and pretty things in January.

    1. thank you velva. Merry christmas to you and yours.

  21. Adoro i tuoi dolcetti! Tantissimi di buone feste!

  22. Amazing how many of us just instinctively know in which order to use adjectives. The language development in early childhood is quite scary. I also love the generosity you show with giving homemade gifts to so many people Sherry. That really is the spirit of Christmas. Emelia Jacksons book looks so cute, I have to stop buying recipe books aaaargh! L'il dusty could grace my sideboard anytime, and the gorgeous plate. Next year must be better. Happy festive season to you both xx

    1. thank you Pauline. Yes i must stop buying cookbooks too! 2023 - I'm looking to you for a better year!

  23. Yes, we all plod along. Hopefully the holidays will spur us on with some joy. :) Sherry, I believe you must open a gallery where all can come and see your pottery, mug, spoon, cookbook and art collections.

    Have a delightful December!

    1. tee hee debra. Yes indeedy lots of people say that about a gallery. Happy festive season to you.

  24. I am just scraping in before the IMK event finishes on the linky because my life is a little white rabbit lately. It is amazing and admirable that you have kept IMK going this year with all your challenges - thanks for hosting - it is one of my blogging joys I have left when I have little energy for much more on my blog. I am not so good at visiting other bloggers but when I can it is always fun. And I love your Christmas header too, speaking of fun. Love the generosity in your kitchen this month - you do so much to thank and support others in your kitchen. Have a great christmas season and here's to a better 2023 - though haven't we said that before and look where it got us :-)

    1. thank you Johanna! Yes the month is flying by ... Thanks so much for saying. IMK is always a pleasure. Yes what a year it has been. THat is really kind of you; so many nice thoughts re my header etc. 2023 - we are counting on you!! x


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