Monday, 10 February 2025

Tomato Butter And Tattie Scones

Tomato butter, you say?  But don't you dislike tomatoes, you ask?  Well, yes and no.  I can bring myself to eat some if they are very firm, no squish at all.  And I can manage them in a stew or soup when necessary.  But on the whole, nooooo ...

On the other hand, I love potatoes in any form, and these Scottish potato scones (aka Irish potato farls) were a delightful surprise.  The scone recipe is from Recipes from the Orkney Islands edited by Eileen Wolfe, and also from the Westray Heritage Centre Cookery Book Traditional and Favourite Recipes.  The first book calls for butter, while the second uses margarine.  You know which I used.

(This colourful and tasty butter recipe is from apples & elderflowers by Julia Matusik.  The tattie scones recipe is authored by B. Sutherland.)

Edit: March 2025:

I've made this again, while waiting for Cyclone Alfred to drop by.  I reckon you need to add some grinds of black pepper and dried herbs to the dough, before adding the flour.  And make sure the dough is rolled/patted out very thinly indeed!  Throw in some chilli flakes if you're feeling daring!

Makes 2 jars x 200 mL/6.8 oz


Tomato butter:

400g./14 oz cherry tomatoes

1 Tbs Ev olive oil

1/2 tsp sea salt flakes

3-4 grinds black pepper

250g./9 oz butter, at room temp. and cubed

1 Tbs thyme leaves 


Tattie scones:

225g./8 oz cooked, and cooled potatoes  (as in - boil 'em till tender)

15g./½ oz butter, melted

1/2 tsp sea salt

half a dozen grinds of black pepper

some dried herbs - like chives or parsley - maybe half a teaspoon of each

And maybe a few dashes of chilli flakes if you fancy

50g./2 oz plain flour


For the tomato butter:

Whack on your oven to 180C/360F to heat up

The tomatoes go into a baking dish, and get tossed (gently) with the olive oil, salt and pepper

Let 'em roast for 15-20 minutes till soft and collapsed, then you leave them to cool right down

When cool, they go into a food processor, and you give them a few whizzes till finely chopped

And in go the butter and thyme, and you blitz again till nicely mixed together - Julia says till emulsified, which will take 3-4 minutes

Store in glass jars in the fridge for a month, or the freezer for 3 months

For the tattie scones:

Put the mashed potatoes into a medium bowl

Melt the butter, add it along with the salt to the mash and give it a really good mixing

Then mix in the black pepper, herbs and chilli flakes if using

Then you add the flour gradually, mixing in well, till you have a happy dough

Pat it out onto your work surface, roll out very thinly, prick it all over, and cut into triangles  (or cut into triangles, then prick it!)

Then cook on a hot griddle plate/grill pan for 3 minutes per side (or till brown)

Delicious with the tomato butter!


I wonder if using half plain and half self-raising flour might be a good idea?  I am going to give it a try, 'cos they end up very flat

I used frozen mashed potato made with butter (the label says)

I cut the dough into 10 pieces but next time I might go with only 8

The recipes say to cook the dough on a girdle, which is a grill pan/griddle pan/griddle plate - whatever you like to call it!

gather your ingredients

throw the tomatoes into your baking dish

and bake till squishy and collapsed

add everything to the food processor

whizz away till smooth

then into jars and into the fridge

get your tattie scones ingredients together

pat out the dough on your work surface

get Mr P. to prick it with a fork

and let him do the cooking on the grill pan/girdle pan

ready to slather on the butter

I think that's a piece of fish to the side :=)

c. Sherry M.


  1. I made Irish farls with a different recipe before...have to try yours next time. The tomato butter sounds wonderful with some homemade bread or farls.

    1. i am going to make them again with a bit of self-raising flour and cut them into bigger pieces!

  2. These look delicious! I will try these for sure. Thank you.

  3. This sounds wonderful! I will be trying it soon.

  4. I'm a big fan of tomato butter. It's also great with pasta and seafood.

    1. yes i've been adding it to lots of foods.

  5. I grew up in Scotland and I love tattie scones - perfect for breakfast topped with eggs, bacon, black pudding and of course, baked beans. I have never seen tomato butter before but it sounds delightful

    1. yes we liked them but they need a bit more rising agent i think. yep the tomato butter was great with them.

  6. The tomato butter sounds delicious. I made tattie scones last year and I don't think mine were that flat?
    Tandy (Lavender and Lime)

    1. yes it was a surprise how flat they were. Self-raising flour ...

  7. Wow! Just wow! That tomato butter sounds phenomenal! I want to make it and slather it on everything!

  8. That tomato butter does sound quite tasty...and it would be a great way to use extra tomatoes from the garden. That seems to be an issue every year!

    1. Yes this is a good way to use up those tomatoes 🍅

  9. My comment is anon when I make it on my phone. No idea why. I've never had tomato butter, looks delicious Sherry, and perhaps being flat is just the nature of that type of scone. Still a little bit of rising agent would help. All looks very tasty. (Pauline, Happy Retirees Kitchen)

    1. i know what you mean about commenting - it's a magical mystery tour! Yep flat scones are probably the way they are meant to go :=)

  10. This sounds so good! I especially love the tomato butter! Never heard of it, and now it's all I can think about. The tattie scones, same deal: new to me, and look amazing!

    1. i hope you make them and enjoy them Jeff!

  11. That sounds delicious. I'll have to remember to try this during the summer.

  12. Huh. I think I’d just use some tomato paste! But it all looks wonderful!

    1. tomato paste? You mean like the stuff you buy in jars for putting on pizza? Noooooo ...

  13. This is a keeper recipe! I am a lover of tomatoes ( my husband not so much). I think tomatoes when they are roasted add such a glorious sweetness....Added to butter would be delightful. There are so many ways this tomato butter can be used.

    1. yes it is good this butter even for the non-tomato lovers like me!

  14. This is a keeper recipe!!! I love tomatoes ( my husband not so much). Roasting tomatoes brings out a glorious sweetness and combined with butter is delightful. There are so many options to use tomato butter.

  15. Gosh those scones look good but I'm salivating over the tomato butter. Nom, nom! What a genius idea!

    1. thanks sammie. if only i could claim the credit for it ... :=)

  16. Tomato butter is definitely an unexpected twist, but I can see how the roasted tomatoes mellow out into something rich and savoury. And pairing it with tattie scones? That’s pure comfort food! Love the idea of trying a mix of flours for a bit more lift—curious to hear how that works out.

    1. thanks Raymund. Yes I must make them again soon to check out the flour.

  17. I quite like the directions in this recipe, especially "wrack" and "give 'em a few whizzes" and "till you have a happy dough."

    1. thanks Deb. I do like to spice up my prose :)

  18. These look amazing to me. I love tomato and love potatoes.

  19. Sherry, tomato butter makes me think of summer (and its summer right now for you, still cold here!) and potato scones has got me thinking. I want to try this, but I may bake the scones in the oven. Two lovely recipes, thank you so much!

    1. I wonder if they will bake up well? Kinda thinking the grill pan gives it a bit of colour and flavour :)

  20. Hi Sherry, the previous comment was from me, I was still anonymous... forgot to do the toggle :)

    1. Righto Marcelle. Sorry about the toggle!

  21. Oh yum.. everything looks so good.

  22. These scones look amazing, Sherry! But I still have a really hard time wrapping my head around the fact that you do not like tomatoes! The mind fairly boggles… I look forward to trying these, especially as the cherry tomatoes this season are spectacular. David (C&L)

    1. I eat 'em when i have to, or just for the heck of it, but they are not my fave fruit :=)


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