Tuesday, 24 October 2023

Skinklada aka Swedish Baked Omelette

Don't you just love the name of this dish?  One of the small native lizards here in Australia is the Eastern Water skink, which is what this dish brings to mind.  Just because of the name, not the flavour or look of it, you understand.  Though then again, I've never tried a skink omelette ...  I have eaten wallaby sausage though, and a kangaroo burger.  

This recipe is also from the book Tried Tested and True by Liz Harfull.  Apparently, it's a very traditional, Swedish baked omelette.  This recipe was brought back to Australia by Mary Lindqvist, who was briefly married to the Swedish Vice Consul in Egypt in 1934.  Sadly, he died 18 months after the wedding.  

So Mary came home with a few recipes, including this one.  Mary tells us that the Swedes "must have special stomachs, honed by centuries of training," as she faced gargantuan meals in Sweden.  Happily, this dish is light and full of delicious protein; great for lunch or a light supper. 

just add salad and relish

Serves 2:


100g./3.5 oz ham, bacon or hot-smoked salmon or trout, diced - see Notes

a big handful of herbs, chopped - I used parsley and chives

some dried chilli flakes if you like - I did!

4 large eggs

500mL/17 oz milk

sea salt and ground black pepper, to taste


On goes the oven to 180C/355F

Butter your 25cm./9 inch pie dish liberally

Cast the protein of your choice over the base of the pie dish

Then scatter over the herbs and chilli flakes

Grab a medium bowl, whisk the eggs and milk together and add the salt and pepper

Pour the egg mixture gently over the fish (or meat), and bake for 25 minutes or till set

Serve with a lovely green salad, and a spicy tomato or capsicum relish


I doubled the recipe as the one in the book is for 1 person

Liz suggests using a  23cm. pie tin and baking for 30 minutes; I only have 25cm. tins so it took a little less time to bake

Use mushrooms or another vegetable to make this vegetarian, or maybe just some grated vintage cheddar

Mary apparently suggested using smoked salmon or anchovies for this dish!  Anchovies ... mmm, maybe

little fishies

ingredients gathered

scatter herbs and chilli over the fish

pour over the eggy mixture

and bake at 180C for about 25 minutes

Mysteriously, this photo has a different pie tin?!  I can't remember why; I guess I made two of them ...

delicious with a salad for dinner

and here's a tea towel with the recipe,
which you can buy on Etsy :=)

c. Sherry M.

Monday, 16 October 2023

Eccles Cakes

Eccles cakes?  Not something you see a lot of these days, unless you make them yourself.  What are they, you ask?  Eccles cakes - little pastries stuffed with a mix of currants and mixed peel - originated in the town of Eccles in England, and traditionally are served with cheese.  Cheese?  Mm, maybe another time.  That does remind me of my Scottish friend though, who eats apple pie with cheese!  

And I rather fear that currants and mixed peel have gone out of fashion, except in Christmas cakes.  But in saying that, I do have rather a lot of dried fruit in my pantry at the moment.  Must use up all those currants and sultanas ...

This is a recipe (yes, for Cookbook Club) from the delightful book Tried Tested and True by Liz Harfull.  This is a collection of recipes from Australian community cookbooks (my fave kind!), put together by Liz, and including delightful old photos.  This book is a real treasure!     

fruity, oozy, crispy, sugary bliss

Makes 18-19 wee pastries:


30g./1 big oz butter

30g./1 big oz dark brown sugar

90g./3 biiig oz currants

60g./2 biiig oz mixed peel/candied peel

1 tsp ground nutmeg - more? less? up to you    see Notes

2 sheets butter puff pastry  - yes butter puff is the best!

a little milk, to glaze the tops

2 Tbs sugar


On goes your oven to 200C/400F

Grab a couple of baking trays and line with baking paper

Butter and sugar go into a small saucepan over medium heat; stir till butter melted and sugar dissolved

Then stir in the currants, mixed peel and nutmeg, and let it cool off the heat

Cut the pastry into rounds (I used a mug) of 8cm/3.2 inch diameter

Place a teaspoonful of filling into each disc (you really don't need too much filling 'cos you don't want it to ooze everywhere)

Wet the edges of the pastry and bring the pastry over the filling

Pinch them together well, turn 'em over and pat them into lovely rounds

On to the trays they go, and pat gently to flatten slightly till you can just see the filling thru the pastry (but not breaking thru)

Brush with the milk (or an eggwash), sprinkle with sugar and make a couple (or 3) slashes on top of each with a small, sharp knife

Bake for 10-12 minutes, or till golden, and then let 'em cool on a wire rack

Store in an airtight container for a few days


Liz suggests using fresh nutmeg, and grinding into the saucepan with the currants and mixed peel

cutting out the rounds of puff pastry

and another tray to go

fill and seal and flip and pat

pat 'em down

oops this should be the later photo!  all milky and sugary

so cute

so delicious

they did not last long!

c. Sherry M.

Monday, 9 October 2023

Upside-Down Onion Tarts

I've seen these delectable little tarts everwhere lately.  I actually made these a couple of months ago after seeing them on social media.  They've been a fave with YouTubers and vloggers/bloggers of all sorts (hellooo Lorraine from Not Quite Nigella).  So here's my version, which is a mish-mash from Karissa Eats, Barry Lewis and EmmyMade (I think).  Oh yes, and from a magazine too - possibly the Coles or Woolworths one.  Very simple and delicious, however you make it.  

Are these not just a mini tarte tatin you're asking?  Yep of course they are!  But you know those social media hacks; they just take off like wildfire and die down just as quickly.  Anyway, we really enjoyed these, whatever their genesis.  And speaking of genesis, has anyone seen that woman on YouTube who believes that dinosaurs never existed, otherwise we'd all be digging them up in our backyards!  Hehehe!!  You gotta laugh, or you'd cry.  

so crunchy and flavoursome

Serves 2 hungry people, or 4 not so hungry:


1 medium-large potato, thinly sliced and boiled/steamed till just tender, and left to cool down

3/4 large red onion, very finely sliced

a biiig pinch of chilli flakes (optional)

1/2 tsp garlic granules

sea salt and black pepper, to taste

a splodge of honey for each wee tart

fresh thyme leaves for sprinkling over the filling

2-3 Tbs of vintage cheddar cheese, grated   see Notes

EV olive oil, over the bottom of your baking tray

1 sheet frozen puff pastry, thawed but only just! and cut into 4 equal squares

1 egg, beaten, for the egg wash - or use milk as I do


So firstly, line your baking tray with baking paper, and oil the bottom of the paper in 4 places (for each tart)

Set your oven to 200C/400F

Place a quarter of the onion slices, and a few slices of the potato in 4 rounds - well, chuck 'em on the tray in 4 spots is what I mean

On go the chilli, garlic, salt and pepper over each little pile

And then the honey and the thyme leaves, and the cheese

Now place a square of pastry over each tasty pile, and press down around all the sides with your fork

Then paint with the egg wash or milk, and shove into the oven for about 15 minutes or till golden

Take them out of the oven, let them sit for a few minutes, then flip them over so you see their pretty faces and

Serve with salad or veg. of your choice


Use the cheese of your dreams - I've seen brie, or cream cheese or Boursin (a creamy, soft cheese with garlic and herbs)

You can top these with some prosciutto when serving, if you fancy!

ingredients gathered

potatoes and red onion

on goes the cheese

and the pastry bottoms - or is that tops?

golden and crispy and crunchy

very delicious

c. Sherry M.

And a final word - Mr P. took himself off to Murgon, a small town about 3 hours west of here, for the opening of a local museum he designed a couple of years ago.  It's called 55 Million Years Ago, and yes it has dinosaurs!! :=)

here he is nonchalantly leaning against the exterior wall decorated with indigenous art

Sunday, 1 October 2023

In My Kitchen - October 2023

This post is a bit hurried my friends, as I am writing it before I head off to more tests, and my first cataract operation.  At least it's only day surgery.  But as I'm not sure how much vision I will have for a while, I am trying to catch up on everything before it all happens.  I know I keep saying it, but what a year!

My kitchen was pretty darn busy in September - lots of baking and cooking, and socialising.  Our housemate has now moved out to her own place after several months here with us.  My brain is still telling me she's downstairs, so it's going to take a while to get used to her absence.  We miss her!  Anyway, onwards and upwards.  Gotta send off another short story before the op.  Have a great month, dear friends.  Hoping to see you all with an IMK post!  'See' being the operative word for me :=)

In My Kitchen:

I zapped some red chillies, and bagged up some smoked chicken for the freezer

Yep, another trip to the Japanese store!

I made strawberry muffins for a friend's house clean-up working bee

that fermented hot sauce with miso is a winner!

and yes, more Herbie's spices! and a cute bookmark

I made a chicken and veg. curry which lasted us for days :=)

I bought a replica of a Viking Age bowl from Grimfrost

here's the curveball: Lady Bob by our mate Chainsaw Newton!

So that's it for this month; come and join us, global friends.  And hopefully the world will be looking very bright for me - literally! :=)

c. Sherry M.

Be a part of our friendly IMK community by adding your post here too - everybody welcome!  We'd love to see you.  Tell us about your kitchen (and kitchen garden) happenings over the past month.  Dishes you've cooked, preserves you've made, herbs and veg. in your garden, kitchen gadgets, and goings-on.  And one curveball is welcome - whatever you fancy; no need to be kitchen-related.  

The link is open from the first of the month to midnight on the thirteenth of the month, every month.

Options for adding your post to IMK:

1. Add via the Add Link button at the bottom of this post.  Instructions can be found on the sidebar of this page, under the Add your IMK link OR:

2. Comment on this post, providing a link to your post so I can add it manually to the list below OR:

3. Email me: sherrym1au@gmail.com, with your link or any queries about the link process, or if you would like it to be added after the 13th ('cos I'm happy to add it for you later)