Friday, 1 March 2024

In My Kitchen - March 2024

Yay, Autumn is finally here, though they say it will be a truly hot one.  I am in the wars again, my friends.  After my cataract ops on both eyes, I got new spectacles but sadly my eyes are still in a mess.  I can no longer read well without glasses, and I get awful aches in my eyeballs at the end of the day.  So annoying after spending all that money and time and discomfort!  And my auntie actually had to have the new lens in her eye replaced as they had put in a scratched one.  What the?!  Back to the eye guy I go!  

Completely off topic - I don't know if any of you have a similar quirk, but Mr P. and I love going to cemeteries on our country drives, especially reeeaaaallly ancient ones with lots of falling down tombstones and creepy bits of old grave vases.  We visited a couple on our recent break, 'cos country cemeteries are the best!

the ancient cemetery in Clunes, NSW

This is a cemetery where you have to unlock a gate, close it after you, drive down a gravel lane, then do the reverse on the way out.  Such fun!!  And funnily enough, we met two other cars coming in, as we were leaving.  So out I jumped to open and shut the gate again.

Rightio, enough of that.  Join in everybody; bring on your IMK posts.  We want to see you all here!  And we want to know everything! - as my old library boss used to say.  Well, she actually used to say: "Come and sit in the pink pouffy chair and tell me everything!"  So go ahead ...

In My Kitchen:

so here's some of my actual kitchen

and here's Mr P. hiding behind the fridge door

I bought a Dusk tumbler from Emi Ceramics

and I was given this butter to try by our mate Lucy from the local provedore Mumbleberry

I told Lucy that I am not a fan of Pepe Saya cultured butter (which everyone else seems to rave about), so she gave me this one to try!

and I bought a jar of local tomato relish on our trip to Northern Rivers

and a couple of Donna Sharam tea towels

We stayed at a B&B down in the Byron hinterland, which is owned by local artist Donna.  She and her hubby live upstairs, and guests stay downstairs with the pool, and the macadamia plantations for the view.  The Northern Rivers area of New South Wales and the Byron hinterland are the home of native macadamias and finger limes.  How lucky are we!  I love that you never know what colour the tiny citrus-y bursts of flavour will be till you cut open the dark-skinned finger limes.

I picked up a few goodies on our travels

including this mixing bowl

I can't resist Mason and Cash (you know what I mean, Sammie!), so I had to buy this ochre bowl with bears on it!  I mean, who wouldn't?  And it goes well with my green bowl with the hedgehogs.

I bought Goosey paper napkins and tiny Falconware bowls

Okay so what else do I love?  Yep, pretty paper napkins and anything Falconware.  I am lucky enough to have found some orange 1960s enamel baking dishes in an op shop a few years ago.  Mmm yes I must take a photo for the next IMK post :=)

pretty pink jug and a beautiful blue tumbler

The wee jug is by Ruby and Frank, and the blue one? - nope can't remember.

I made sour cherry and peppercorn syrup

these are Christmas gifts and a ring-in

The cuz gave me the cream vintage vessel, the blue pot was from my niece and the marbled tumbler is by Milly Dent, a Sydney potter.

I chopped up capsicum for the freezer

After our long weekend away, we came back to a crisper with some veg. that was going to be a bit dubious in the not too distant future.  So I chopped up capsicum for the freezer, pickled a cucumber and gave the crows some dodgy spring onions!  Yep, I know - capsicum and cukes are botanically both fruits!

and here's my curveball!

Our mate Christian's beautiful blue Indian Ringneck Parakeet.  He is a charming fella - yes, both Christian and the bird :=)

Well, I think I have swamped you with my stuff this month, so enough said!  Please join in my friends.  We would all love to see what's been happening in your kitchen.  Be a part of our friendly IMK community by adding your post here too - everybody welcome!  We'd love to have you visit.  Tell us about your kitchen (and kitchen garden) happenings over the past month.  Dishes you've cooked, preserves you've made, herbs and veg. in your garden, kitchen gadgets, and goings-on.  And one curveball is welcome - whatever you fancy; no need to be kitchen-related.  

The link is open from the first of the month to midnight on the thirteenth of the month, every month.

Options for adding your post to IMK:

1. Add via the Add Link button at the bottom of this post.  Instructions can be found on the sidebar of this page, under the Add your IMK link OR:

2. Comment on this post, providing a link to your post so I can add it manually to the list below OR:

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  1. I am so sorry to hear the eye surgery didn't go as well as planned. That is so frustrating. I hope things get worked out soon. It looks like you added some wonderful goodies to your pantry and kitchen this month. Making tomato relish is on the to do list this summer. The bird is adorable.

    1. thanks Lori. It is so frustrating with the eyes! I love making and eating tomato relish; another batch is due soon. We go thru heaps. have a great month!

  2. So infuriating that cataract surgery would have negative consequences, as we are always told it’s fine fine fine! I hope your eyes improve soon.

    It’s great to see what’s on your refrigerator door, and all the new things you have.

    Thanks for hosting. I had an especially busy kitchen month, with more new things than usual, so my post is rather long (maybe endless).

    best, mae at

    1. yes i think that's what is even worse - so many people telling you it was life-changing and fabulous!! I love your long posts so don't worry about that :)

  3. I love Mason Cash and have a few of their bowls. I use to collect pottery when I went to a local Art Fair every year - one of the best in the country. I am a little fascinated with cemeteries, especially when I find graves of ancestors :)

    1. I find cemeteries so interesting and a bit comforting - which sounds weird I guess, but they show that history goes on ...

  4. So sorry to hear that you are still having issues with your eyes..must be very frustrating. Those tea towels are very beautiful and I need to get myself a new mixing bowl.

    1. yes very frustrating angie. Yep i love that bowl :)

  5. Preserve month for me is August. Just before fall begins. Love those tea towels!

    1. yes late summer is preserving time. Me too!

  6. Oh no, so sorry to hear about your eyes. I hope the "eye guy" can fix you up and fast! So much goodness in this post - love all the pottery, love the tea towels but that Mason Cash bowl has my heart! It's a beaut! Hope autumn brings you a bit of a cool change, I hear summer has been a sizzler.

    1. thanks sammie. it's beyond annoying as everyone says to me - why do you still need glasses? grrrrr Oh yes that bowl is a winner! love the orange bears. Autumn hurry hurry!

  7. That's awful about your eyes. I hope it can be resolved easily and quickly and at no cost to you. Love all the stoneware. And we often walk through cemeteries on our travels.
    from Tandy I Lavender and Lime

    1. I hope so too Tandy. it is so annoying.

  8. Lots of good stuff in this month's post, Sherry! Firstly, I'm sorry to hear about your eyes. That's no fun. I hope it gets better! I had to laugh when you were cheerful about the arrival of fall...we feel the same here, except it's the arrival of spring! :-) And I bet that butter would be fantastic melted on an English muffin!!

    1. thanks David. Autumn is going to be a hot one they say. Oh dear :=)

  9. I'm sorry your cataract surgery hasn't worked out so well as you wish. It makes me nervous as I'm due for it as soon as I'm over my MRSA infection. I like visiting cemeteries, too. I love your kitchen pottery pieces -- they're wonderful!

    1. thanks Jeanie. You'll be fine with the ops. I was just unlucky! Everyone else says it went well.

  10. Happy Saint David’s Day! I always love the first of March, as it is my name day. so sorry about all your eye problems. What a pain! I hope it gets better soon. … This is a magical month in your kitchen! So many things to look at, but the bear bowl is probably my favorite! we also love to visit old cemeteries when we travel. It’s such a strange and wonderful connection to the past. … I just want to say that you refrigerator is way too neat! I could never, ever share a photograph of my refrigerator with the public. It’s hard enough when I have guests… As I see them coming toward the kitchen, I slammed the refrigerator door. I wish I had a padlock for it. David (C&L)

    1. And to you David. I had to laugh about your fridge; a messy fridge is a good fridge :)

  11. I do so hope something can be done to improve your sight after all you have done already. Wearing reading glasses 'comes with the territory - I had my first pair at 40 and eons later they are not much stronger and I still do not need other ones. Best of luck! Loved the photo of the blue parakeet - have never seen one - gorgeous!! Cemeteries - ( don't make a beeline for them but have been to a fair few in Paris and England and some of the Scandinavian countries bot to see the resting places of famous people and the oft beautiful green surrounds. My favourite is the Punahou or Pacific National one ion Oahu (Honolulu) so, so, so beautiful and meaningful for us too . . .

    1. I've never needed reading glasses before; that's the annoying part, only since the op! Grrrrr... I am going to get 2 pairs now - one for reading and one for other stuff! cheers S

  12. From johanna @
    So sad to hear about your cataracts - my mum had them done and her glasses weigh so much less now. But there is always risk when we do these surgeries - just sorry you got unlucky in surgical russian roulette - hope your eye doctor can help.

    Glad to see at least some joy in your kitchen - those tea towels and tumblers and all the wonderful food. I am also quite jealous of your new mason cash bowl. My big mixing bowl has a crack and I wonder how much longer it will last. We are just back from Europe and I saw some beautiful tumblers that made me think of you. If only I could have brought them all back home.

    I love old cemeteries - was wonderful to go to Highgate Cemetery in London recently. And I am curious about if that gorgeous blue parakeet has a name - he is such an amazing colour!

    1. oh wow I am envious of you going to Highgate Cemetery! I love London. Actually weirdly I don't know the bird's name! I guess I am the tumbler queen now :=) My shelves are full of 'em:) Yes so annoying about my eyes. Have a great March.

  13. Yup! Understand fully! How do you think I felt at age 40 . . . and supposedly rather pretty at that! But those decades have passed withoit things getting much worse and one can get very elegant fashion specs - and, honestly, do you think others really notice !!!

    1. Hi Eha
      I've worn specs since I was 11! So no worries about what others notice. I'm just annoyed that I will have to buy two more pairs since these ones aren't doing it for me :=) At least I have the frames already so will just have to pay for the lenses.

  14. I love that Mason Cash bowl. So pretty!

    What a shame that your eye surgery hasn't resolved your issues. We just take for granted that surgery will just fix everything first go. Hopefully it will still get fixed for you

    1. thanks Marg. Yes I am not happy about my eyes! I don't want to have to go thru another op!

  15. I'm nervous about the day I might need to have my eyes done Sherry, that is so disappointing, I feel for you. Hope all the subsequent surgery goes well. So many lovely new pottery bits and pieces, and I love your paper napkins. I'm always looking for them, rare as hen's teeth in my part of the world. I might need to go online. We are rather taken with cemeteries too, have you seen the one on Norfolk Island. Watch this space for a little report. Take care my friend. Oh and I love the parrakeet.

    1. I was just unlucky pauline. everybody else seems to be fine! Yes I love napkins and tend to buy them often plus people give them to me. Never been to Norfolk island; one day ... Hope you're surviving the heat and humidity. cheers S.

  16. You always have the most interesting items in your kitchen. I love the cute paper napkins, the design would make a wonderful tea towel. Karen (Back Road Journal)

    1. thank you Karen. I am a bit of a kitchen gadget/item/cookbook maniac :=)

  17. Oh blauwe Indische Ringneck Parakeet and very beautiful ♥
    I really liked the brown shape and the napkins ☻

    1. thanks Elsa. I wonder what the 'brown shape' is? :=)

    2. Mixing bowl...hihi... my English isn't very correct.

    3. no worries Elsa. I was just curious... Yes i love the mixing bowl!

  18. The little towels are darling and all of the ceramics are so beautiful! I love it. :-) ~Valentina

  19. I think you had a curveball at the beginning and at the end this month! Love them both :) Paris has some wonderful cemeteries and we live near one (Cimètiere du Montparnasse) which has wonderful trees that turn yellow in the fall. I always love your bowls and every month I sigh that we have no space for me to buy more bowls and cups.... one day I will dream of having a bigger kitchen!

    1. I did indeed have a double curveball :) Do you stroll thru the cemetery? How are you going with the baby? Yes I have completely run out of room for kitchen items and artworks but I keep buying 'em. Have a great month.

  20. So sorry to hear you are still having trouble with your eyes.Hope the doc is able to help you. Such a beautiful bird.

    1. yes it's certainly annoying with the eyes! He is a cute bird for sure.

  21. I loved your shopping - looks like what I might buy! Great post.

  22. I am so sorry about your eyes Sherry, how disappointing after going through all that. I hope that you and your Auntie don't have the same eye guy! It sounds like something else might be going on if your eyes ache. Are the new lenses the right fit? I love your new bowl, Mason Cash pottery is popular in this household as well. I wish I had more cabinet space. Wonderful colorful tea towels. Thank you for hosting, I need to put on my blogging had as I have been very preoccupied and tired of the greyness of winter.

    1. thanks Liz. No we have different eye guys! We are all over the heat and humidity here this summer. It seems never ending! Autumn has started but still no respite. We're hanging out for winter:)

  23. Absolutely love that orange bowl and I too am a cemetery visitor. Thst sour cherry and peppercorn syrup sounds so interesting. Bernie

  24. It's lovely to hear about your recent adventures and discoveries, despite the setbacks with your eyesight. Exploring country cemeteries sounds like a unique and intriguing way to spend time together, surrounded by history and nature. As usual your kitchen treasures are delightful

    1. Yes the eye thing is so annoying! THanks Raymund.


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