Friday 24 May 2024

No-Bake Pistachio Cheesecake

What do you do with a 600 gram jar of pistachio cream from your local Italian bakery?  Why, you make a pistachio cheesecake, my dears.  I'd have to say pistachio gelati is my fave flavour, so I knew I'd enjoy this cheesecake too.  Or at least, Mr P. and the neighbours would :=)  I am not usually a cheesecake-eater, but I did partake of a small piece.  Not bad at all.

We had a busy weekend, so I made the base in the morning, went to visit a friend at lunchtime, then came back to make the filling.  Sunday was another busy day, with friends over for cheesecake, and making an omelette for our neighbour's dinner, and taking my afternoon walk and doing laundry and heading out bayside to have lunch with friends, and having a friend over in the morning for cheesecake too!!  Bed was a welcome sight at about 7pm!  

I based this on Nigella Lawson's recipe for Nutella Cheesecake from her cookbook Nigellissima.  I love Nigella's books and tv shows (except for that godawful interview-type show she did), and have been using her method of kitchen scissors for chopping herbs etc for many a year.  Her book Feast is one of my most-used.  Our niece was living with us for a few months some years back, and we had quite a few Nigella dvd sessions!  

the Divine Ms. A. about to indulge

Makes a heap of thin slices (Nigella says 8-12):


The Base:

160g./5.6 oz. pistachios, toasted and divided into 25g. + the rest! - you will be blitzing half of the rest (67.5g./2.4 oz.) in the food processor, and chopping the other half into chunky pieces for the top

250g./9 oz. digestive biscuits (or other plain biscuits)  see Notes

75g./2.6 oz. butter, softened (not melted)

30g./1 big oz. of pistachio paste

The Filling:

500g./18 oz. cream cheese, at room temp.

60g./2.2 oz. icing sugar

400g./14 oz. pistachio cream   see Notes  

50mL/1.7 oz. pure cream

100g./3.5 oz. white chocolate, melted


First toast your nuts!  I just tipped 'em into a small, cast-iron frying pan and tossed them around for a few minutes - don't let them burn!

Break up the biscuits into big pieces, and throw them into your food processor

Add the butter chunks and the 30g. of pistachio paste, and give it a good whizz till well-combined and clumping

Now add 25g./1 scant oz. of the chopped nuts and keep pulsing till you have a damp and sandy mixture

Grab a 22cm/8 inch or 23cm/9 inch springform tin, tip in the sandy mixture and press very firmly into the base and sides of the tin - you want it even and thin!

Into the fridge to chill while you make the filling

Blitz the cream cheese and icing sugar together till smooth and well-combined

The pistachio paste goes in next; give it a good whizz, then add the cream and melted white chocolate, with a quick blitz

Then stir in the blitzed nuts, and spoon this heavenly mixture over the chilled biscuit base

Top with the other half of the chopped nuts, and let it rest in the fridge for at least 4-6 hours - but overnight is so much better!

Take off the springform wall/ring/whatever you call it, and leave the cheesecake on the base, which will make for easier cutting!


I used McVitie's Digestives as per Nigella's recipe, but you can use whatever plain biscuit you can get hold of

I bought an Italian spreadable pistachio cream from the Italian bakery, but I'm thinking you could use any nut cream/paste you fancy!  And the appropriate nuts of course

toast your nuts!

ingredients (for the base) gathered

press the sandy mixture into the base and sides till even and thin

whizz up the cream cheese et al.  (looks like pond sludge really - hehehe)

stir in the blitzed nuts

into the fridge it goes 

hoe in, my dears!

Dino the wee dinosaur (made by Dion from holyshititsdion) did his best to help!
 (check out Dion's Insta account: @holyshititsdion)

c. Sherry M.


  1. This looks amazing!! I do like Nigella and will have to check out Feast. Have a great day!!

    1. Thanks Lori. Hope you have a fab weekend.

  2. Oh I bet this is good! I love Nigella. Can’t remember an interview show with her - I’ll have to check it out! (Or maybe I shouldn’t.)

    1. Nigella is wonderful tho i do have a friend who loathes her. A male friend :) Goodness knows why, but I think he feels she is too classy for him - as in, too upper class English. Oh yes check out that interview show - it's so bad it's funny!

  3. I nearly bought that same pistachio paste in Italy this year. Dave is not a fan of cheesecake so I seldom make them. This one might have swayed him as he loves pistachio.
    Tandy | Lavender and Lime

    1. I agree with Dave. I'm not a cheesecake fan at all but i thought i'd better try this one. It was good but just not my thing. Happily hubby and the neighbours loved it. But I love pistachios!

  4. This has got to be delicious with all the pistachios! I still have a jar of pistachio cream...might just turn it into the cake too :-))

  5. That Nigella Nutella Cheesecake is the bomb diggity so I know this is going to be a cracker of a recipe - it looks amazing. I've only come to appreciate pistachios later in life and now I love them! I even bought some pistachio pesto the other day :)

    1. thank you kind Sammie. They are a fabulous nut!

  6. I never cook with pistachio -- I should give it a try! Looks wonderful!

    1. thanks Jeanie. Pistachios are great for sweet or savoury.

  7. I have never seen pistachio cream/paste in our bakery. But Yes, of course I would definitely make a cheese cake If I find some :). Love pistachios. I make these Italian cookies they are 80% pistachios.

    1. I'd never seen it before either till the new bakery opened up near us. Yep I love pistachios too!

  8. I'm afraid it won't be an issue what to do with a 600 gram jar of pistachio cream in our house - we'd probably eat it right out of the jar! :) But a pistachio cheesecake is way more wonderful and elegant way to enjoy it. Well done!

  9. I'm afraid it won't be an issue what to do with a 600 gram jar of pistachio cream in our house - we'd probably eat it right out of the jar! :) But a pistachio cheesecake is way more wonderful and elegant way to enjoy it. Well done!

  10. I had to laugh at your comment about the pistachio cream looking like pond isn't the most appealing color but I'm sure the taste makes that not a concern. Karen (Back Road Journal)

  11. I absolutely adore pistachios so this is right up my proverbial alley. The only problem is that pistachio cream might not make it into the recipe. I'd be too tempted ...

    1. I didn't try the cream on its own but i bet it is good!

  12. The pistachio cream I'm sure taste better than it looks. Your recipe sounds rich and delicious. Yum!!

    1. yes indeedy! It did taste better. thanks!

  13. I have never seen or heard of pistachio cream but I like pistachio nuts. I wouldn’t mind having a small slice of this cake,
    Gerlinde @ sunnycovechef

  14. I think we are similar in that I don't love cheesecake ...generally. I don't think I could pass on this one! And, also like you, pistachio is my favorite gelato flavor. Yum!

    1. yes I am not a cheesecake fan at all!

  15. I've never made a cheesecake, but it's one of my favorite sorts of desserts. Nevertheless, it looks too complicated for me. Maybe one of these days I will get my courage up!

    1. hi Deb they are easy really, esp. with a no-bake version :)

  16. I love a cheesecake especially a green one. This looks so beautiful. Nice innovation with the pistachio paste. I wonder if our local Italian cafe and deli has some.

    1. hehehe - yep a green one is a good one. Thanks!

  17. Oh I do love pistachio gelato and cheesecake - so this sounds like it would be divine! I'm not sure I've come across pistachio cream before, but I bet Amazon sells it - they sell everything, right? :-)

    1. i don't know about amazon - i am ideologically opposed to shopping with them so i haven't a clue as to what they sell!

  18. I love the vibrant and real colour of that cheesecake Sherry! It looks divine :D

    1. thanks Lorraine. Pond sludge is a great colour and flavour :=)

  19. I made a recipe that needed pistachio cream once before, and I made the cream from scratch. Let me tell you, it was a lot of work! So bring on the jar!

    1. wow Jeff! You made the pistachio cream from scratch? Brilliant. Yep I am all for buying stuff like that in.

  20. I don't know how I missed this post Sherry, blame I can only tolerate a small piece of cheesecake, so rich, but this would have tasted divine. I don't eat many whole nuts anymore. So nice of you to look after your neighbour. My daughter and I both love Nigella too, I don't have Feast, but she does. I must work through it when I am there next time, so many wonderful cookbooks, so little time.

    1. I know what you mean about Follow-it. So annoying that blogger got rid of their method. I can't see what value to them there was in doing that. But that's Blogger for you. Yes i like to look after our neighbour; in fact we took over some dinner tonight. Yep Feast is a great book; I have made so many cakes from it. And yes so many recipes, so little time...

  21. The combination of creamy pistachio goodness with the crunch of toasted nuts must have been divine. I really like this recipe!


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