Saturday 1 June 2024

In My Kitchen - June 2024

June!  I like it.  It's my birthday month, and my best (oldest) friend's birthday, and a few others!  And it's the Winter Solstice.  Winter makes me happy.  Mr P. and I are heading away for a few days for my birthday on a bit of an art gallery tour: 4 of them to be precise.  Mm, and maybe I'll add a small piece to my collection (don't tell Mr P.)  hehehe ...

May has been super busy, so I'm hoping for a quieter month in June.  I can't really see it happening though.  Historical Society meetings, cooking, blogging, writing ...  Great to be busy and useful in one's retirement.  Just a shame my osteoporosis-ridden spine doesn't agree with all the activity!    

Hoping to see lots of you here with your monthly shenanigans, my virtual friends!  Please feel free to join in, and share the goodies in your kitchen and garden and life.  Thanks to all the lovely stalwarts who have shared this journey for so long with me/us!  You know who you are - Tandy, Mae, Johanna and so on.  Thanks to all the 'so-ons' too!!  Let's go! 


In My Kitchen:

Extra virgin olive oil 

Did you know there is/will be an olive oil shortage this year?  I am stocking up now!  We don't use a lot of it anymore, but I don't want to run out.  I can't really see my kitchen functioning without EV olive oil!

a beautiful bowl and organic lemons from our potter friend Brooke
who is currently climbing all the Munroes in Scotland

a winter treat! I love chocolate bombs in my coffee!

a gorgeous tea towel from a local maker

and I bought (online) the cutest little Japanese tumbler from Yamaguchi, Japan

chocolate-covered Florentines and a non-alcoholic spritz
from our local providore Mumbleberry in our local village

I made Chelsea Buns with lots of chocolate!

I bought beautiful handwoven tea towels from a Brisbane weaver

and I bought this; I don't think we've been able to buy this here till recently

a matcha bowl snuck into my kitchen, along with some extra drinking chocolate

honey from the apiarist/neighbour down the street; some bush dukkah and EVoo!

and the curveball - a graffiti bird made by our mate Starr (Fine Art) gallery

c. Sherry M.

Be a part of our friendly IMK community by adding your post here too - everybody welcome!  We'd love to have you visit.  Tell us about your kitchen (and kitchen garden) happenings over the past month.  Dishes you've cooked, preserves you've made, herbs and veg. in your garden, kitchen gadgets, and goings-on.  And one curveball is welcome - whatever you fancy; no need to be kitchen-related.  

The link is open from the first of the month to midnight on the thirteenth of the month, every month.

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  1. As always your kitchen contains wonders. You always find such neat little tea bowls and flavorings and such.

    Have a wonderful birthday month! Thank you for naming me on your list of the faithful… I always think of myself as a newcomer because IMK was ongoing long before I joined in. I fear that many of the originals have moved on, however. It’s great of you to keep it going with present company.

    Best, mae at

    1. thanks Mae. I do love hunting up unusual items for my kitchen :) Thanks for being a stalwart as ever. Yes you are right, many of the IMK old-timers no longer blog or do IMK but that is a-ok! cheers SHerry

  2. That olive oil crisis is a bit scary isn't it, I also can't imagine my kitchen without olive oil since I use it for pretty much everything! I love the idea of a chocolate bomb, I need one of those in my cereal. Thanks for hosting IMK and have a great month!

    1. It is indeed scary :) Yep i love those choc bombs; i add one to my coffee cup! Hope your month is great; mine is going to be super busy!

  3. Fun stuff! I’m so jealous that you’re starting in to winter. By the way, an olive oil shortage???

    1. Yep due to climate change and other factors, apparently olive oil will be scarce this year. And the fact that olive trees only bear well each second year.

  4. You always have such fun and delicious stuff in your kitchen - especially love the graffiti bird and the chelsea buns, they look so yum! Hope your June is joyous - here's to the Festival of Sherry!

    1. thanks Sammie. Yes i am hoping that june is going to be marvellous!

  5. I'm with you - I LOVE winter. It's so fleeting though ... although probs if it went for months I'd complain. I also love some good tea towel action (I'm the queen of the daggy souvenier tea towels) but these ones look a tad classy.

    1. Yes a brissie winter is a beautiful thing :) I have many! tea towels but i use them all. I know some folk leave 'em in a cupboard. Yes indeed these handwoven ones are so lovely. cheers sherry

  6. Have a wonderful birthday getaway. Every photo in this post has my mouth watering and looks marvelous. (Olive oil -- scary.)

  7. Replies
    1. thanks much! It is going to be a full-on month!

  8. Hope it’s a great birthday month for you!

    1. thanks Marie. I intend to have a good if busy one.

  9. You have some really cool stuff! I love the handwoven tea towels. Are they expensive? Have a fabulous birth month, Sherry!

    1. thanks Angie. The tea towels were $25 each i seem to remember which i thought was a bargain for a handwoven item!

  10. I love Winter too Sherry, and I like to think I am one of the faithful to IMK. Happy birthday month to you. How lovely to do a gallery tour. Love the graffiti bird, and baking buns is really popular lately, yours look great. Your tea towels and Japanese tumbler are all gorgeous. Have a great month. That is scary news about olive oil, nothing seems to be reliable anymore. Thanks for hosting IMK.

    1. Oops so sorry Pauline that i didn't mention you as a stalwart. Very remiss of me; I knew I'd forget to put someone's name. Sorry! Yes the chelsea buns were a hit; so comforting esp. on a cooler day. Buy up on the olive oil! Unless it's just to get us to buy more - hehehe.

  11. Thanks for the shout out! Do you take anything for your osteoporosis? You will need a gallery of your own soon. We've had an olive oil shortage here. I've been buying in bulk to not run out. Birthday blessing for later in the month and enjoy your time away.
    Tandy | Lavender and Lime

    1. Yes I have Prolia jabs each 6 months. Well, I've had one so far. Thanks re birthday wishes. I intend to have a great month! Enjoy June. thanks again for being a stalwart! cheers Sherry

  12. Enjoy your Birthday month. I can't wait to hear all about it. As always, all of your food looks so delicious. You always find such nice kitchen towels. I'm a bit jealous as I love good kitchen linens. Now that things have calmed down here I hope to be in the kitchen more this month and join back in. Take care!!

    1. thanks Lori. 'Twill be great to see you again for IMK. have a great June. cheers SHerry

  13. Happy birthday month to you! It's my birthday in June too, but I just have a birthday day!

    Have a great month.

    1. thanks and happy birthday Marg, but a birthday month is the way to go :=)

  14. You have many beautiful items of crockery and tea towels. Your enthusiasm for local art must be very welcome by the artists. Those chocolate chelsea buns look delicious. And the only good thing about the olive oil shortage is that it gives you a reason to buy all that lovely olive oil.

    1. Thanks Johanna. I try to be a good art patron :=) I do like to buy beautiful olive oil from aussie producers rather than overseas ones!

  15. oops I think I forgot to add my name to my last comment - thanks also for the shout out

  16. Cheers to winter! Enjoy the getaway and spending time with beautiful art (and we promise to keep your secret about adding a small piece to your collection). Lots of wonderful additions to your kitchen goodies.


    1. Yes i love a brissie winter. Just perfect. Will be nice to go away later in the month.

  17. I’ve been a bit anxious about the olive oil shortage, too. Haven’t started hoarding just yet… Love those hand-woven tea towels — I have one similar. And tajín? We can buy that at gas stations here — it’s very popular. Have you tried it on mango? We love it! Happy birthday to you! David (C&L)

    1. I'm afraid mango and myself do not get on at all! Except in a curry maybe :) Thanks!

  18. Happy Birthday month. My eldest celebrates his birthday this month as well. The bird is beautiful and those chelsea buns look fabulous.

    1. thanks so much Hena. Happy birthday to your eldest.

  19. Chocolate bombs for coffee is a new idea for me. I will see what is available around here. I hadn't heard about the olive oil shortage. Perhaps I should be stocking up.

    1. the chocolate bombs are meant to be for hot choc but i like making a mocha drink out of them:) Yep stock up on the EV oo!

  20. So many lovely things Sherry. I love the bowl with the lemons from your neighbor, I love the tablecloths that you took photos on , and am curious about the shortage of olive oil this year. As far as your activity- I think you said it all- "Great to be busy and useful in one's retirement."

    1. thank you Anon. Yes it was great to get organic lemons from our friend and one of her beautiful bowls. Such a great potter! Yep buy up the EV olive oil... It is indeed splendid to be busy and useful - at any time of life really!

  21. Happy early birthday, Sherry! I hope this is the best year yet. :-) An olive oil shortage is coming? Well shoot. Thanks for the heads up - I'll make sure to grab an extra bottle soon! Also, I had to laugh at the matcha bowl that snuck into your kitchen - I wonder how that happened!?

    1. thanks David. Yes indeed grab some extra oil. Yes items sneak into my kitchen all the time :=)

  22. As always, I adore the tea towels and the pottery and the curveball. Love the graffiti bird!

    1. Thanks debra. I just keep on buying tea towels!

  23. Happy birthday month, Sherry! 🎉 It sounds like you have an exciting art gallery tour planned—what a wonderful way to celebrate! Your kitchen is always filled with such delightful treasures, really enjoying what you share

    1. thank you Raymund. Can't wait for our trip away!

  24. Happy birthday, Sherry! And I totally agree an active retirement is the best kind of retirement. Especially if you're busy with things you love. Enjoy!

    1. thanks so much Frank. Still a couple of weeks till the day! Yes i love being busy; maybe it's too busy sometimes :) ...


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