Saturday, 1 July 2023

In My Kitchen - July 2023

My Birthday month is over, and what a month I've had.  Mr P. and I went away for a few days, down to the Northern Rivers area of NSW (our fave) and enjoyed a gorgeous stay at an artist's BnB, overlooking rolling hills of green, and macadamia farms, treed in dark-green.  

We met up with our potter friend whom we hadn't seen for a couple of years, mainly due to Covid.  And we ate at a really wonderful Italian restaurant, which is situated inside a Surf Lifesaving Club of all places :=)  Honestly, we had the best tiramisu ever!!  Can't wait to go back.  

the view from the back deck. So many macadamia trees!

In My Kitchen:

there's a fab book for July's Cookbook Club

more spices from Herbie's for salmon curry (on the blog soon)

homemade tomato relish

I bought tomato relish from Harvest Deli, and a small tin of Portuguese sardines in tomato sauce. Love that portrait of Porthos. I mean, who doesn't love the Three Musketeers?

Harvest Deli is in a tiny, tiny country town called Newrybar.  Harvest moved in some years ago with a restaurant and deli, and a vegetable garden.  They also opened up the ancient bakehouse, which supplies the restaurant and deli café.  It is a marvellous place.

birthday spoons from my cuz, 'cos you can never have too many spoons

colourful Turkish (I think) drink coasters for my birthday from a dear friend

my sauerkraut has been jarred (is that a word?) after 2.5 weeks

dinner plates with artwork by Mirka Mora

Mirka was a famous Melbourne artist, who along with her husband Georges became stalwarts of the Melbourne art and hospitality scene from the 1950s on.  She and her family managed to escape being sent to Auschwitz, and hid out in French forests for three years before making their way to Australia.  Such an extraordinary life.

my curveball - artwork by Pamela Gough

This lovely artwork depicts typical Queenslander houses, along with art from the Book of Kells, which is held in Dublin.  Mr P. and I have been to the Old Library at Trinity College, and delighted in seeing this beautiful book and incredible library.  It pleased this former librarian's heart no end.

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Be a part of our friendly IMK community by adding your post too - everybody welcome!  We'd love to see you here.

Tell us about your kitchen (and kitchen garden) happenings over the past month.  Dishes you've cooked, preserves you've made, herbs and veg. in your garden, kitchen gadgets, and goings-on.  And one curveball is welcome - whatever you fancy; no need to be kitchen-related.  

The link is open from the first of the month to midnight on the thirteenth of the month, every month.

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  1. I'm glad you had a wonderful Birthday month! The view is amazing. That book sounds like something I'd enjoy, I'll add it to my ever growing list. I LOVE the coasters, they are gorgeous. The art work too. Can you believe we're heading into the last half of the year already?

    1. Thanks Lori. Nooooo how can half the year have gone already?

  2. I always love the package of Portuguese sardines! You got some really thoughtful and beautiful birthday gifts, Sherry.

    1. Yes it's a great tin Angie. I had a lovely birthday with so many thoughtful gifts.

  3. It looks like a great birthday month! The plates and coasters are beautiful!

  4. Sounds like you had a fab birthday month - as it should be! I don't think there's a thing as too many spoons and those plates are just gorgeous! The coasters are beautiful too! Pleased you had a lovely getaway - I have some very delicious memories of Harvest at Newrybar :)

    1. Yes thanks Sammie. Oh yes Harvest is the bomb! It attracts all the Sydney trendies - heheheh.

  5. I love the wooden spoon that looks like a twig. And I'm excited to see what you cook from that stunning recipe book.
    from Tandy I Lavender and Lime

  6. Well, we both have managed to get a year older! Am certain you had a great time - Northern Rivers is magical - I lived in Ocean Shores for nearly six years - I know! Where can one buy Herbies these days - I knew he business was still going . . . ?

    1. Was it your birthday Eha? Happy happy! Wow yes it's so lovely down there. I buy Herbie's online; no one seems to sell it around here :(

  7. Glad you had a good birthday month Sherry and caught up with your friend you hadn't seen for a couple of years because of Covid. We'll be catching up with lots of our friends similarly this year because of that too!

    1. Thank you Neil. It was wonderful to see our friend after so long!

  8. I don't care for sardines, but I would purchase those if they were available here, and use the tin as art!

    1. Yes it's a fab tin! Very arty. I do like sardines but only in small doses so I'm hoping these tomato-sauced ones will be great.

  9. Happy to hear you had a fun birthday month. Now I'm going to look up that cookbook. The title alone makes it sound intriguing!

    1. Thanks Frank. Yes I haven't delved into it yet but I plan to soon.

  10. It sounds like your birthday month was exceptional. I always love taking a peak into your kitchen, it always has such interesting things. Karen (Back Road Journal)

  11. That's some awfully beautiful view! Thank you for hosting, I love your site.

  12. The Mirka plates are delightful and so precious. I also admire that wooden spoon. Lovely things on your post and happy birthday too.

  13. Love the coasters, the plates... OMG gorgeous!

  14. You always have the best stuff! Love the view of the macadamia trees. It’s funny - my husband had the best tiramisu in the Cotswolds, England, and he just mentioned it AGAIN today!

    1. Thanks Mimi. Yes those trees are gorgeous. The indigenous name for them is the bauple tree/nut. So I think I'll call them that from now on. the tiramisu was such a winner. I must go back!

  15. The cover for the Pomegranate and Artichoke book is gorgeous!

  16. I always love your curveballs! The cookbook is now on my purchase list - Iran to Italy? Yes! Love the potter from Mirka Mora - it reminds me of Chagall. And I desperately need that blue silicone spoon!

    1. thanks David. Mirka Mora led an amazing life!

  17. I'm not sure I've ever seen macadamia trees - so fun! I could've sat on that balcony staring out at the landscape for a long time. :-) That cookbook sounds fantastic...I hope it lives up to the marketing!

    1. they are lovely dense dark-leaved trees. Yes it was gorgeous and peaceful on that deck.

  18. It sounds like you had an incredible birthday month filled with memorable experiences! Belated Happy Birthday

  19. "Jarred" is totally a word! Those coasters are beautiful (as are the plates and that plaque). Love all the relishes, too. Posting up soon.

  20. Happy birthday, Sherry! You had a fabulous birthday. I especially love the coasters and the plates.

    1. Thanks Deb. I did indeed have a fab birthday.

  21. Happy birthday - sounds like a fantastic way to celebrate. Such lovely kitchen additions - I am quite smitten by those mirka mora plates and the queenslander/Book of Kells picture. As always I admire your preserving and your love of all spoons. And the cookbook and spice packets look like there is lots of fun in store in the kitchen!

    1. thanks johanna. yes i love those plates and the painting. And there are never enough spoons :)

  22. Wow Sherry, love all the artwork especially, the piece depicting the Book of Kells, it also warmed this old librarian's heart to see it in Dublin. I love Mirka's story, poor things, perhaps a movie one day if someone writes a script. It's become a favourite genre. Pomegranates and artichokes looks interesting. The Harvest Deli looks like a great find. Finding those little treasures is what I love about travel. A really nice read, thanks.

    1. yes it's a beautiful piece that painting. and yes always fun to find quirky places when travelling.

  23. Oh and belated happy birthday Sherry. Living it up to the full.


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