Friday 19 January 2024

Our Murgon/Kingaroy Road Trip Part 2:

After checking out Mr P.'s museum recently, we also stayed a couple of nights in his old hometown of Toowoomba.  We always love visiting.  Even though it's summer, we had two extraordinarily foggy nights up on the range.  It was brilliant!

Toowoomba is located in a caldera (the top of an old volcano), at nearly 800 metres high on the Great Dividing Range.  From our hotel, you can see the hills surrounding the town.  You don't actually realise that it is a bowl until you're up high.  During the 2011 floods, water rushed down into the bowl sweeping people and cars away.

On our way from Murgon to Toowoomba via Kingaroy, we stopped at a cute cafe cum gift store in the wee town of Maidenwell.  We were amazed to find not just one but two fabulous cafes plus the old pub being well-patronised on a Sunday lunchtime.  Oh yes, I bought a cast-iron spider there; I'm trying to de-sensitise myself as my arachnophobia is huge!

cast-iron spider by Mr. Gecko

Unlike other silos on the Silo Art Trail throughout Australia, these are heritage-listed so cannot be painted over.  They really are magnificent, and are still used today.  Kingaroy is in the heart of a peanut-growing area, and you can still buy fresh peanuts here - sooo much better than packaged ones from who knows where.  There is a peanut van or two, and a peanut artwork in the town.  So cute!

historical silos at Kingaroy

artwork by The ZooKeeper

brilliant old car outside the pub at Maidenwell

an absolute beauty in Crow's Nest

inside the French cafe at Crow's Nest

street art in Toowoomba (by Buttons)

foggy night!

and a foggy morning

we had pastries at the bakery

and we visited the Japanese Gardens

and more fog rolling in

we took the scenic route home

this mailbox reminds me of that Russian folktale - Baba Yaga

Remember Baba Yaga? - the old witch who lives in a house that walks around on chicken legs.  I love the mailboxes that you find on country roads.

Well, that's all for this trip.  Just wait till February when we head to Northern Rivers again!

c. Sherry M.


  1. Looks like that you and Mr. P had a great time in Toowoomba. That pastry looks really tempting.

  2. Wow that mailbox is so cool! I love wandering off the beaten path and finding really cool stuff like this. I love the photos here, Sherry - I don't know much about that part of the world, so it was fun seeing it through your eyes. However, you can keep the spider. That is quite large. Haha!

    1. yes it's always fun taking those country roads!

  3. This looks like a wonderful trip -- I'm glad you extended your stay. The photos are terrific. Fun murals and I especially love that train. And of course, the food always looks good! But I might give the spider a pass! It's rather formidable!

    1. it was great Jeanie. Yes so nice to get away. I sort of love/hate that spider :=)

  4. Good luck with the arachnophobia. Our biggest spiders might be thumbnail size.

    Beautiful artwork!

    1. our spiders can be - mm - quite large here!

  5. What a lovely trip! I love cast iron decorative pieces.

  6. What a wonderful trip you had. I especially love Toowoomba and the surrounding countryside 🩵

  7. I remember that Kingaroy as the peanut butter capital of Australia is a question in Trivial Pursuit. Good to see what it is like! Love the Baba Yaga mailboxes!

  8. The fog made for a great photo. Is the spider helping?
    from Tandy I Lavender and Lime

    1. yes the fog was amazing and beautiful. I think the spider is helping. I don't flinch as much :=)

  9. A town in the caldera of an old volcano? That's amazing. The calderas and volcanic craters that I've seen were desolate and didn't look habitable. Or they could possibly go active again somehow. Thanks for the look at Australia for the outsiders who will never see it up close like that!

    best, mae at

    1. yes as australia is very old (the oldest continent I think) we have some ancient volcanoes and calderas. Our fave place in Northern Rivers is also in a caldera! Must be something about all that volcanic soil :=)

  10. Did my long one of last night get 'losted' ir is it in the sin bin

    1. so sorry to say that Blogger must have swallowed up your comment! Grrrrrr. It drives me nuts that they can't fix this, as I miss many comments, people tell me. Sorry!

  11. Love all of the photos!! That mailbox is awesome. I really want a fun mailbox now.

    1. oh yes i love country mailboxes! They seem to go all out to have brilliant ones!

  12. Looks like you had a top trip! Toowoomba is great isn't it? One of my best friends from London used to live there. I wish I'd had more time to explore the surrounds. Was there a big Peanut at Kingaroy? I nearly had a heart attack when I saw that cast iron spider - I think you're very brave taking it home! And how funny that there's a Crows Nest in Queensland, we used to live in Crows Nest in Sydney.

    1. there was a bigg-ish peanut at kingaroy :) Yep must be a lot of crow's nest towns around ...

  13. I somehow missed this post! And it's a fun one. Love all the art - murals, etc. Especially the Bad Kitty Cat (It's just a little tart!). Good on you for buying the spider. I bought a scorpion spoon in Germany for the same reason. Glad I am not afraid of spiders as we have A LOT here in Arizona - Black Widows, wolf spiders, tarantulas, and more. The only thing that really creeps me out (aside from the scorpions) is the tarantula hawk wasp... I won't even tell you. ICK! Glad you had a fun time. I love fog - it is so romatic!

    1. thanks David. Oh yes I love the bad kitty cat :) EEk those wasps sound awful (I googled 'em). Yay for fog!

  14. Love this post, It's full of personal insights, local gems, and stunning visuals that leave me wanting more. I eagerly await your February adventure to the Northern Rivers and can't wait to see what charming discoveries you'll share next!

  15. I loved the pictures you shared, Sherry! Sounds like you had a really fun trip, thanks for sharing a bit of it with us! 🩷

    1. thank you Marcelle. Yes we had a fine time.


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