Tuesday 8 April 2014

Coconut curd

Delicious and moreish curd that you won't be able to resist!


5 egg yolks
3/4 cup sugar
125g butter- cubed
315mls coconut cream


place yolks and sugar in a medium saucepan on a low heat
stir it all together (it will come together quickly)
then add in the cubed butter and whisk it together
stir in the coconut cream and whisk for about 6-8 minutes  
bottle it in clean, sterilised jars 

only 4 ingredients- brilliant!

on the stove ready to become curd

mixing in the butter

all stirred up and curdy!

luscious jars for the eating

Coconuts bring back vivid childhood memories for me, unlike the average Victorian child perhaps!  My parents were very young and very poor, and they had 4 children under 6 at one stage.  For some strange reason, our grandmum thought it was a great idea to give her daughter a whole coconut every time she saw us.  Frankly, a lump of steak or a big bag of potatoes makes more sense, but who knows how an old lady thinks?  My dad would get out his hammer and chisel and hack away at the eyes of the coconut till he had pierced them, and the coconut water would flow out.  He would then break open the brown and hairy beast, break it up into small pieces and thus we would have something to chew on for the next few days.
These days I do not indulge in such antics, but I do drink coconut water and use the cream in curries.
Mysteriously, several cans of coconut cream have popped up in my pantry lately.  (I think I have a pantry elf who plays odd tricks on me)  I have been dying to try out the recipe from Not Quite Nigella's wonderful blog anyway so I had no excuse not to give it a go.  It is very easy to make and so delicious to eat.  I have been going back and forth to the fridge all day to have a wee spoonful- or 2!

coconuts galore!


  1. Aww Sherry I'm so chuffed that you made this recipe and that you enjoyed it too! I know what you mean, I ate it by the spoonful and as you say it's only four ingredients! :D

  2. I have never tasted coconut curd. In the states I had some coconut pudding and that's probably quite similar but I suspect it was made from a packet. This sounds yummy.

  3. I sent this recipe to my sister - who made it! so delicious on our pancakes. She said it's wonderful on stewed apples, too. Totally recommend it. Thanks, Sherry.


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