Thursday 3 July 2014

In My Kitchen July 2014

This month I am joining with Celia from Fig Jam and Lime Cordial again to show off the latest stuff in my kitchen.  As it was my birthday in June, I was lucky enough to get some lovely things for my kitchen.  Mr Pickings knows I love kitchenware and food, so he keeps a list of things I have mentioned over the months before my birthday.  This way he knows he will get me something I really want!

In my kitchen:

my oldest friend came to visit bearing gifts.
she knows I collect cook books so she got me these lovely old books.

i couldn't resist these when I saw them at a local IGA store.

like alot of other bloggers at the moment
I am steeping lemons in olive oil-can't wait to try it when it is ready

beautiful avocadoes from just across the border in northern NSW-so delicious

I have lots of oils in my pantry at the moment;
 the Lloyd Brothers lime oil is a birthday gift from hubby

yep I succumbed - to Falconware. Who can resist?  so easy to clean too

my sister gave me the Himalayan salt,
and sis-in-laws gave me the fabulous purple spoon thingy.
  The weird looking thing behind them
 is the bronze crab I bought myself for my birthday.

did I forget to mention my beautiful birthday flowers?

last but not least is the truly delightful drawing I bought
 from fellow blogger Anne Lawson
who is a very talented artist as well as blogger!

So get yourself over to Celia's blog and check out the other kitchens this month.  There are always heaps of gorgeous kitchen-y things to see.


  1. Happy belated birthday and so glad to hear you're joining in Celia's In My Kitchen. I've been doing it for a while but I rarely have much interesting to talk about. :)

    1. thanks maureen. I had a great birthday which lasted for weeks. I am sure you have lots of interesting things to tell us!:) you are always out and about..

  2. I love cookbooks and those look like a few gems :) I too to have recently purchased some enamelware and you are right, it is so easy to clean, I don't know why I haven't done it sooner! Thanks for sharing your wonderful kitchen this month! Liz x

    1. hi liz
      i love my Falconware. i also have another enamel tray which is very hard to clean so it was a nice surprise to see how easily these ones cleaned up. thanks for your kind words..

  3. Birthday greetings (belated though they may be), Sherry! Your flowers and gifts are lovely (I'm kinda partial to the ones you got for yourself, although other folks' thoughtfulness is never unappreciated) and I enjoyed your whole IMK post! Avocados... lemon-infused olive oil... might just have to try those together. Thanks!

    1. hi kim
      that's a great idea- lemon oil and avos. yum..they were really lovely ones, fresh from the farm. Hass avos are usually my fave but these were great too. it is such an interesting world down in northern nsw! It always feels like you have travelled to somewhere very distant and different and a wee bit dangerous, especially when you drive past the prison farm! thanks for dropping by.

  4. Well that looked like a pretty birthday haul! Happy belated b'day Sherry.

    1. thanks rachel. i had a great birthday which went on for weeks. lucky me.

  5. Happy Birthday, your husband sounds very thoughtful. Love the lemons steeped in olive oil, have not heard about this before.

    1. hi cheri
      yes hubby is very thoughtful! he knows i am very particular so tries hard to get me the right things:) can't wait to try out the lemon oil.

  6. I'm a sucker for enamelware too. I've also got the caramel spread and chocochino powder (looks like we have similar vices).

    1. we must be twins:)) I haven't tried the caramel spread yet- perhaps it is like that Nestle stuff in tins?

    2. Much nicer than Top'n Fill I think. A better consistency too. :)

  7. Happy birthday for June. I love your Falconware - I battle to resist buying things for my kitchen all the time. I don't have needs in the kitchen any more, they are all wants, although having said that I do NEED a new set of pots.
    Have a wonderful weekend.
    :-) Mandy xo

    1. thanks mandy for the birthday wishes. i am the same- I don't need anything but lust for beautiful kitchen things always wins out!

  8. Birthday blessings. I cannot wait for avocados to be in mid season here :)

    1. hi tandy
      we seem to have them in the shops most of the year but of course they are better when in season and local.

  9. Sherry, happy belated birthday! Isn't the Falcon Ware just the best thing? I put mine straight into the dishwasher and it comes out spanking every time! Wonderful pressies you received, especially that gorgeous card from clever Anne!

    1. thanks celia
      i used several of my falconware dishes the other night and they came up beautifully except for the one which had maple syrup roasted veggies in it. the syrup burned really black! but that is not a falconware one i think. i bought it separately and it had no name! yes anne is very clever. love that garlic drawing.
      see you in IMK in august. x

  10. oh and thanks for the birthday wishes. it has been lovely.

  11. Happy birthday! I like the look of your new cookbooks and that bake ware - and easy to clean is always a winning feature :)

    1. hi kari
      thanks for the birthday wishes. yes i really have loved getting that bakeware. and i am looking forward to delving into the books. the Ices one is published by The Metropolitan museum of Art; it is second hand and smells lovely.

  12. The drawing is lovely Sherry. All these secret talents that people have and we would never have known about if it wasn't for this wonderful thing called blogging!? The avocados are wonderful at the moment aren't they? Thanks for the tasty tour.

    1. hi fiona
      yes it is lovely finding out all the wonderful things bloggers do and make. such a creative lot! the avos are gorgeous at the moment.:)

  13. Happy birthday Sherry. Everyone is buying that Falconware at the moment. I hope I can resist.

  14. Happy birthday Sherry. Everyone is buying that Falconware at the moment. I hope I can resist.

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  17. Happy birthday Sherry. Everyone is buying that Falconware at the moment. I hope I can resist. Glenda

  18. hi glenda
    i know. it is pretty irresistible:) having had other types of enamelware i cant believe how easily this cleans up. thanks for the birthday wishes. (get yourself some falconware) :))

  19. Happy Birthday! You have so many interesting things in your kitchen. I might head out to my IGA today to hunt down the caramel spread! The drawing is especially beautiful!

    1. hi stephanie
      amazing what IGA has sometimes. yes it is a beautiful drawing isn't it? Anne is a clever artist (and blogger).

  20. I love the drawing you bought. Where are you going to hang it?

    1. not sure where to put it . i have to get it framed first and then i will have to find some wall space. we have quite a few art works and the walls are full up already:)

  21. G'day! Your flowers brighten my day and nothing like a great arvo!
    Thanks for this month's kitchen view too!
    Cheers! Joanne

    1. hi joanne

      yes flowers are so cheering aren't they? thanks for dropping by!

  22. Happy Birthday Sherry! I too tried the lemon oil, it's great for dressings and marinades, yum! Thanks for the peek! :)

  23. Hi Emily
    My oil is still infusing for a bit longer. Smells good already. Thanks for dropping by.

  24. those avocados look wonderful and very unlike the hard things that arrive over here. I decided not to join in the preserved lemon craze when I recently cleared out the fridge and found a started jar from 2011 - obviously not my thing!

    1. Hi Anne
      They were gorgeous avos. We do get some nice ones here. I really love preserved lemons. They go so well in Moroccan dishes for instance. I like to make chicken and couscous and they are great in that.

  25. Lots of yummy goodies for sure, and it certainly looks like you had a happy and delicious birthday!

    1. thank you yes it was a wonderful birthday. i am very blessed with loving friends and family.

  26. I must be the only one who hasn't heard of falcon ware! The Bonne Maman jam is my favourite and I love reusing the jars once the jam is finished. Your flowers are just beautiful - I hope you had a lovely birthday. Thanks for sharing x

    1. hi tina
      thanks for the birthday wishes. it was a good one. that bonne maman stuff is so good. i tried out the caramel this week and it was delicious in a little tart case with cream. Enamel ware is all the trend at the moment. even restaurants are using the plates!


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