Monday 18 July 2016

A - Z Guidebook: New Norcia Western Australia

The Monastery at New Norcia

New Norcia is Australia's only monastic town, founded in 1847, and a fabulous place to visit.  The buildings are beautiful, though the countryside around is very dry and sparse. The monks go quietly about their business, tending the gardens and olive grove, making olive oil (which you can buy when there has been a good harvest).

You can also buy New Norcia wine, Port, Shiraz and Liqueur Muscat here.  The grapes are grown in a local vineyard, and turned into wine in the Swan Valley near Perth.  They then mature it in the old wine cellars under the Monastery.  There is a bakery with 2 wood-fired ovens, both over 100 years old.  This is operated by a private company under an agreement with the Benedictine Community.  And happily you can buy bread, cakes, biscuits and pastries from them.

If you get to W.A., take a drive to New Norcia and check it out. You can even go on retreat here, or stay in the local hotel.  Well worth a look.

Feel free to join in with Tiffin Fiona in this monthly look at travel snaps.  We are onto the letter N!

TIFFIN - bite sized food adventures -


  1. Replies
    1. it is such an interesting place lorraine. i must get back there some day:)

  2. Sounds cool. I have never been to WA, so on my list.

  3. WA is fascinating. there is such a different feel to it and i think the people feel they are different and isolated from the rest of Oz. I really want to go back and visit Albany, and go to Margaret River again.

  4. Wow - I didn't know anything about this place. I'd never heard of it. The beauty of A-Z!

    1. I know. Isn't it great to see what everyone gets up to? And what there is to see in the world?

  5. Very interesting! I was thinking that I was surprised to see a monastery here. Australia didn't strike me as very religious. I recall seeing several old monasteries when we roadtripped through the south of France a few years ago. Same thing - they sell honey, olive oil, meade or lavender products. :)

    1. A hundred years ago there were a heck of a lot more monasteries and convents. Not so many now. :))


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