Saturday 1 December 2018

In My Kitchen - December 2018

I know, I know, your heart is pounding, your palms are sweating 'cos it's only a few weeks till Christmas and you forgot to make that pudding in October, and order that ham and turkey in November, and you just want to sit by the pool with a large G & T in hand, but you can't because the rellies are due to stay soon, and the tree needs to go up, and you need to spend days untangling the lights, and decorating the tree, and making the fruit mince for the tarts, and getting some Sherry (who, me?)  in for Santa, and glugging down a whole bottle of your fave tipple before collapsing in a huge, sweaty heap on the kitchen floor, nearly-empty bottle in hand, wiping the melted chocolate for the handmade truffles you just managed to get done in a 35C kitchen from your greasy, unwashed hair ('cos who has time to wash?), singing carols while you sway to the music - la, la, la, la, oh Christmas tree, oh Christmas tree ...

Nope, of course that's not me or you!  We are all serene, having calmly ordered gifts and turkey and ham weeks ago.  La, la, la ....  And anyway, Mr P. and I aren't doing Christmas this year.  Yep Grinch, Scrooge and the Kranks all in one.  Gifts for kids only is our mantra.  And no puddings or parties or Xmas lights ... Well, let's see how that goes. 

Anyway, here in my preternaturally calm pre-Christmas kitchen:

soy sauce??:-)

Well, you know my predilection for things Japanese, and my complete ignorance of their script, so we may have some soy sauce here:-)  This is supposedly some super-duper handmade in wooden vats etc. version - as you can see by the drawing on the label.  Here's hoping it's great.

a couple more Martin Boyd ramekins

It's a bit weird lately that I keep coming across all these Martin Boyd ceramics, mysteriously ranging in price from $10 each (as above) to $38 each.  Huh?  What the?  I've mentioned before that Martin Boyd was an australian ceramics factory, named after one of the famous Boyd family of artists.  I just adore these little beauties, so perfect for dessert servings.

more cookbooks?!!

I bought the school one as I like to support local endeavours, and a friend gave me the Latvian one after her European trip earlier this year.  Yep, definitely looking forward to making sauerkraut soup:-)

another tea-towel

I love tea-towels (and I do use them all); Princess Pia came back from New Zealand recently with this lovely one for me.  Who can resist a colourful Kiwi?

yep, more ceramics

A new store has popped up near us lately, full of local artists' work.  I saw a set of these, and thought they would make great gifts for Christmas.  So if you see this post my friends, know I was thinking of you if you get one for Christmas.

gin is so in these days, isn't it?

Guess what we're having chez Pickings at Christmas time?  Gin and more gin!  Four Pillars distillery makes this gin and the puddings only at this time of year (natch) and it sells out like hotcakes, so I scooped up one of each pronto.

gifts from the lovely Lorraine

Lorraine from Not Quite Nigella was up in Brisbane the other week, bearing gifts.  She knows of my love for spoons, as you can see.  And that dulce de leche was so good I hoed in with a spoon straight out of the jar.    

Mel's book

Our mate Mel from Vanilla Zulu Culinary Adventures has published her Culinary Quickies at last:-)  Lots of great recipes and tips here.  That lavosh bread you see on the cover is a winner, especially for this time of year.

gorgeous little tumbler

This is another beautiful piece from Magnolia Mountain, who make the loveliest ceramics.  I just cannot resist!  The beautiful pink represents cherry blossoms in Japan.

Well, that's about it for now.  Just wait till January, when I bet I bombard you with the culinary gifts I've received.  And please join in this month, my friends.  Can't wait to see what's in your kitchen.

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Sherrys Pickings


  1. Your family is lucky to have you sweating away so far in advance of the actual day to make all those goodies. I hope they break the rule and bring you lots of good pickings for the holidays. I'd like to hear how you find the artisanal soy sauce!

    best... mae at

    1. Oh no definitely not me doing that stuff Mae! Yep the soy sauce was ok but truth to tell it didn’t really taste much different to the cheap stuff. Thanks heaps for joining in again. Have a great xmas. Cheers sherry x

    2. No problem with Xmas, it’s impossible to be entirely without a celebration when you live in our Christmas-centered country. We just have more holidays to enjoy!

      best.... mae

    3. yes it's nice to be inclusive i feel and let everyone enjoy all the festivities of all kinds:) x

  2. You're lucky that pop up is near you and they are just as lucky to have you nearby. I'm sure you're keeping them all! Those Havanna shops are everywhere in Argentina - I bought so many alfajores from them. I bet the dulce de leche is great. We aren't doing Christmas either this year. I am having a couple of friends over for dinner on Wednesday evening so maybe I'll put a couple of baubles on the table...

    1. I actually bought some xmas lights today and put them up so i'm not sure how long my no xmas rule is going to last!

  3. Hehe I know you do love spoons! And I hope you can make use of the other items too. Thanks for the vanilla and mustard!

    1. Hi Lorraine
      Thanks again for the gifts. It was great meeting in person after years of virtual communication:). Cheers Sherry xx

  4. So much lovely crockery and food - your introduction really gave me a good laugh - I love Christmas baking but it always takes it out of me too. I hope you have a lovely time relaxing over Christmas - you seem to have been busy enough during the year. Though I do hope you have a festive occasion to use that fancy spoon from Lorraine.

    1. hi johanna
      thanks for joining in with our last IMK for this year! yep i know- how did that happen? i'm only just getting ready to make the xmas ice cream for last year :) have a good one. cheers sherry x

  5. Oooh, I want to come over for the gin pudding! Christmas is low-key here as well. I have exactly four decorations up and I just plugged in the lights that were left on the same tree all year! (How's that for festive?) Love the kiwi towel, Sherry!

    1. Hi debra
      Thanks for dropping by and joining in. Have a happy if subdued xmas. Cheers S x

  6. Really fun post about all the neat stuff in your kitchen this month. We're trying for a lower-key Christmas too -- see how that goes. :-)

  7. Finally I did it, now I need a shot of your 4 Pillars Gin, hold the tonic. I'll be interested to see and hear about the recipes in the Latvian cookbook, a mystery cuisine to me. Love your Kiwi tea towel x

    1. hi sandra
      the latvian cookbook is full of potatoes and sauerkraut:) should be fun! cheers sherry x

  8. I love your ceramics, the colors are lovely. And the tea towel is so colorful. Enjoy the summer as we head into winter, happy holidays and thank you so much for hosting.

  9. That riberry powder looks like something I would buy! Hope your sauce is amazing, whether soy or not :)

    1. Hi tandy
      Thanks for visiting the blog. Have a fabulous festive break. Cheers sherry

  10. Oh wow - look at all those beautiful ceramic finds! And Christmas gin pudding?!? Yes please. Merry Christmas! =)

    1. Merry Xmas to you too jen. Thanks for being part of imk. Cheers sherry xx

  11. I do hope that you have a lovely and relaxing holiday time whatever you end up doing! I'm definitely not going to fuss this year, it will be quite low key for us as well, but we'll still do some of the traditions.

    I also added my post to the link up. Have a nice weekend!

    1. hi veghog
      thanks for being part of IMK this year. lovely to have you. merry festive season to you and yours. cheers sherry

  12. Enjoyed reading your seasonal blog. I have spent many a happy Christmas down-under. The cold, dark afternoons here in London may make the Christmas lights look brighter but I do miss drinks in the sun with the rellies on Christmas Day.

    1. yep for sure there's nothing like lounging around the pool (if i had one) eating prawns and drinking champers and sucking on juicy watermelon:) thanks for dropping by.

  13. Sherry, thanks so much for linking me up this month. I totally enjoyed your opening remarks -- you have a gift for writing humorously. Thanks for sharing that gift with all of us! Loved your ceramics, too -- that blue one in the foreground looked like a surrealistic "globe" which fits your international IMK forum! Also loved your Four Pillars goodies -- the label on their gin bottle looked similar to your gorgeous statue in the background. Cool coincidence or savvy photography! :) Happy Holidays, sweet friend!

    1. thanks kim for your kind comments. very merry happy holidays to you and yours! cheers sherry

  14. Thanks as always for hosting IMK. I love your ceramics, always do and adore that teatowel, esp the vibrant colours. Have a good holiday and see you in the New Year.

  15. Hi Sherry trust you have a wonderful Christam, sorry I didn't get to join but hopefully in the new year. Love all your beautiful ceramics and you always seem to find interesting Japanese ingredients :)

    1. hi Moya
      looking forward to seeing you in the new year too. :-)

  16. Hi Sherry trust you have a wonderful Christams, sorry I didn't get to join but hopefully in the new year. Love all your beautiful ceramics and you always seem to find interesting Japanese ingredients :)


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