Sunday, 1 November 2020

In My Kitchen - November 2020

Someone said Christmas is only eight weeks away!  Who was that sadistic devil?:-)  Every year, I say 'no Christmas', and every year I lie.  Mm, let's put that on the backburner for now, and check out our latest kitchen gadgets, produce, cookbooks, foods, meals and so on.  Join in one and all.  Everybody welcome, as long as your post fits the theme.  We share all sorts of kitchen and garden produce things, with a few curveballs now and then.  In fact, let's make that a thing for IMK from now on - feel free to add one curveball each month!

and here's my curveball

Here is mini-Bob, my curveball of the month.  Made from old timber, and a vintage Japanese fishing float by Christian Newton.  He sits on my desk, watching me type.  Bob not Christian :-)  So adorable! 

In my kitchen:

and there is more salt!

Just what I need - more salt.  Ha ha ha.  I really don't, but I have a bit of an addiction to buying different sorts.  So yes, the salty tideline is getting higher in my veins...

I bought another book

I read about this book on another blogger's page - and I forget who it was.  So thank you, fellow blogger for putting me on to this one.  It may have been Marg from The Intrepid Reader.  I'm looking forward to reading it.

and I bought another tumbler

I need another tumbler like I need a hole in the head, but does that stop me?  This is by Susan Simonini, who moved a few years ago from sunny Queensland to coooldddd north western Tasmania.  Not my best photo; it's actually a lovely thing.  

I won ice cream in a tin at Eat Street market

What's that, you say?  How can ice cream be in a sealed drink can?  I hear you, my friends.  I have no idea how they do it.  Great ice cream though.  We won it 'cos our ticket into the (drive-by) market had a '9' on the end.  Weird huh???

I made chicken and lemon

I made this one again.  The recipe is from a freebie supermarket mag.  A whole lemon is thinly sliced and cooked up with the chicken thighs.  Soooo delish! I made it twice.

I bought spiced rum

I've always loved the books of John Wyndham, including The Kraken Wakes, so this bottle appealed to me enormously.  You will see this spiced rum in a post soon.

and yes, another spoon or two

The dark spoon is made from waste ebony, and the lighter scoop is coconut wood from old trees (I mean trees that have fallen down, or need culling).  I bought a few of these as gifts, but how could I not keep these two babies?

Miss B. sent me a tiny salt cellar

Our mate Miss B., the potter sent me this wee darling.  We haven't seen her since early this year due to Covid, but soon ...  Just gotta print me out a border pass! 

That's it from me for this month's IMK.  Hope to see your posts here by the 13th, my friends.

The link is open from the first to the thirteenth of the month.  Let me know if you need help with adding your post, or if you would like it added manually by me after the 13th. Here's how to join in:

1. Add via the Add Link button at the bottom of this post.  Instructions can be found on the sidebar of this page, under   the  Add your IMK link  OR:

2. Comment on this post, providing a link to your post so I can   add it manually to the list below OR:

3. Email me:, with your link or   any queries about the link process 

In My Kitchen:

A Little Lunch - blog by Kim B.

Happy Retirees Kitchen - by Pauline M.


  1. Bob looks adorable :-)) I too just bought almost 2 kg of grey salt from France... and I have so many different kinds of salt in my far, my favourite is the Hawaiian black salt.

    1. yes Bob is super adorable! i think he moves in the night cos he's always a little closer to me each morning:-) So glad someone else loves salt! it makes you a bit of pariah these days. i haven't had the black salt yet ...

  2. Spoons and salt! Salt and spoons! More more, she cried. She was insatiable.

    Happy Halloween!

    be safe... mae at

    1. i know i know i am addicted to both:-) thanks Happy Halloween to you too.

  3. We actually have toned down our Christmas a fair amount. Still more to go. Or should I say less to go? :-) I'm a sucker for salt, too, so that looks really appealing.

    1. we have too KR. a very small xmas these days for us. only one tree up and it's smaller than our 8 foot tree.

  4. Did you try the Kraken rum yet? I'm also always tempted by the bottle. Nice wooden spoons too!
    I have shared my November post including a curveball. :) Have a great month!

    1. i had a sip of the rum; it was a bit innocuous tbh :-( Thanks heaps for joining us!

  5. Sherry, I'm so glad you figured out you read about the book on my blog and left a comment. I love when people come back later to let me know they made the recipe or got the book or other product. I've never seen ice cream in a can before! How does the lid work? Happy November and thank you for hosting.

    1. yes it suddenly came to me where i'd read about that book:) I'm still confused about the ice cream in a sealed can. so weird. thanks for joining in IMK. Mm i do have to say IMK is actually about the previous month's happenings in your kitchen not just a recipe. So let me leave your post here, but next time ... :-)

  6. Great stuff! I used to love Ann Willan’s books in the early days learning how to cook. She had a lovely “look and cook” series with lots of photos that were very helpful, plus good recipes. That is indeed a tiny salt cellar, and oh so cute!

    1. yes i am looking forward to reading that book. I love the wee salt cellar!

  7. I'm not ready for Christmas by any stretch! It has been the shortest most unexciting year! I have one of those little salt cellars. It's very cute!

    1. yep what a year. i don't want to do XMas this year...

  8. I can't believe Christmas is sneaking up so quickly. I feel like time shouldn't be passing while we're in pandemic mode...but it is! Either way, I appreciate the insight into your kitchen this month. Like you, I love salt! And I also like Bob - I bet he provides a lot of inspiration! :-)

    1. i am terrified that Xmas is nearly upon us! what the?! How?! oh yes Bob is the best.

  9. Hello Bob "waves"! What an eclectically excellent collection - as always - you are a gifted curator, I always love looking at your fabulous finds. Those spoons are so swoonsome and how about that ice cream? Is that from Kombi Alley as in Eat Street? If the planets (and politicians) align and the border and Eat Street reopen, I'm there!

    1. thank you sammie! kind words. yep that is Eat street northshore. I think it's still closed, but they had a drive-thru thing going on for a while. you ordered then drove in, grabbed your stuff and whoosh - off you go. 'twould be great to see you here!

  10. Oh my, I had not done the Christmas math yet---yikes! That's close! I love Kraken Spiced Rum-- hope you're enjoying it!

    1. i know - scary! 7.5 weeks to go! eek. yep the rum is not bad, tho a bit weak compared to our homegrown rum. well, i mean made in this State, not made by me:)

  11. Oh my goodness Bob is so adorable! I love your ever expanding collection of spoons. So intrigued by the ice cream in a can, I'd definitely give that a go!

    1. absolutely! Bob is the cutest. ice cream in a can? who knew it was possible? and you'd have to ask why:-) Fun tho. i have two big utensil jars, both crammed full. I'm a spoon addict, and i don't care:-)

  12. Ice cream in a can, like most here, I am intrigued too. How does it work, is it a drink or an ice cream?

    1. hi raymund
      thanks for dropping by. i don't have a clue how they put the ice cream in the can!:) yes you eat it with a spoon... i guess they fill it, heat seal it somehow and whack it in the freezer. but it's a bit of a mystery, for sure.

  13. What fine kitchen assortment you have for us this month. I didn't know Bob only had one eye :). Ice cream in a can, what's next? Do you drink it or does the whole top of the can come off?

    1. thank you ron. yep poor Bob - no eye, no mouth, no ears... the ice cream is frozen, and you just rip off the top with a ring-pull. and eat with spoon!

  14. This is the first I've seen ice cream in a tin! But eight weeks? Please let me forget that. I'd rather it were ages and ages away.

    1. yep ice cream in a tin - weird! but good. XMas --- nooooo.

  15. I love the curveball! You always highlight the best stuff. Ice cream in a can? I have had that rum before, though. I might have to check out that book--wonder if it might be good for CTB? Linking up later this week.

    1. thanks so much debra. looking forward to your post!

  16. This looks very you with the salt and tumbler and wooden spoons that all have a little sparkle of personality about them. Bob is cue and the book looks interesting. I keep wondering how you eat ice cream from a can - with a straw?

    1. thanks johanna. the can is kept in the freezer; you rip off the lid and eat it with a spoon. i know, it's the weirdest thing but delish.

  17. Lovely post, and I love your cute little collections. This year seems to be crazy, and I cannot believe Christmas is few weeks away. Haven't tried grey salt, but love to try different salts, the pink Himalayan salt is something I like. Canned Ice cream looks like fun to eat, and the lemon chicken is so yummy!!

    1. hi aarthi
      thank you. yes it's hard to believe Xmas is now so close. 7 weeks!! we really like the lemon chicken. it's so full of flavour.

  18. Ice cream in a can??? I wonder how they did that. Your book looks interesting, does it have recipes or only essays? Nice things going on though this month. the salt cellar and little cup look very tactile.

    1. yep it's an odd thing. why would anyone even want to put ice cream in a can?:) thanks for dropping by.

  19. I am swooning over that stunning tumbler, never have enough of small things that delight. I want to try that spiced black rum too.

    1. thanks shaheen! the rum is interesting, and i love my tumblers. i just keep on buying them ... :-)

  20. I am a big Anne Willan fan - I hope you enjoy it! Please give Bob my best!

  21. Hi Sherry managed a blog post at the last few hours :) I am addicted to salt too, you can never have enough I say. Gorgeous tumbler too and I just love that cute salt cellar. Moya :)

    1. that's fabulous Moya. so glad to see you here. yep i am a salt addict for sure:-) cheers S

  22. Hi, Sherry! Sorry to show up late to the party -- it's still the 13th here -- but I had to take a time out for our 20th anniversary on the 11th. (I have no idea where Thursday went, LOL!) Hopefully this late-breaking link will suffice: Thank you, dear! Will comment on your post shortly... xo.

    1. happy anniversary Kim! yes isn't the year going fast? I will add your post manually.

  23. Mini-Bob is delightful, as are your growing salt stash, wooden spoons, lemon chicken, tumbler, and "curveballs" Sherry! Hope my dealine-ish post made it in time to be included... thank you. I'm looking forward to seeing what the rest of the IMK-er's have been up to and appreciate your attention to our kitchens... and hearts, xo.

    1. thanks Kim. great to see you here in IMK world. cheers

    2. Yay! Thanks for your extra TLC listing my post above, Sherry. I'm about halfway through the others and enjoying them tremendously on a dreary grey day. Thanks for your comment on my blog, too -- wish I could send you a blast of our cold air! Be safe and stay cool, xo.

    3. you're welcome Kim. great to have you here. well it's a sunny and hot day here, and i'm sitting in the air con. off to a concert soon in a church, so i think it may be hot inside... take care!


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