Monday, 1 March 2021

In My Kitchen - March 2021

March already?  Gulp! And time for another IMK.  Autumn is almost upon us (yay!); we've had a hot and humid summer though hardly any rain or storms or cyclones.  So much for La Niña!  As I sit looking out my (pythonless) study window, it is intensely blue and sunny, and hot.  Winter ... please hurry.

I'm still trying to find my mojo this year; I'm finding it tough going, as many people are.  I feel kinda flat much of the time, even though I still cook a lot, and write a bit, and eat too much.  Oh dear, my waistline, friends, is just going berserk.  Enough of that; please join us for another IMK, all you brilliant, global bloggers.  You know the drill; we want to see what's been happening in your kitchen over the last month.

In My Kitchen:

grilled veg. cooked up by Mr P. for dinner

a gorgeous little ceramic bowl by Starr, a local artist

various oils from a Victorian olive farm

finally!  the Bacon Book is here

Niamh is an Irish blogger (Eat Like A Girl), writer and traveller who started up a Kickstarter for this maybe two to three years ago.  I actually pre-paid it eighteen months ago, but due to Covid etc, it has only just arrived on my doorstep.  Mr P. kept saying it was a scam, and I would never get the book!  But Yippee, here it is!  And it's fabulous.  You're going to be seeing some marvellous recipes from it, to be sure, to be sure ...  Maple candied bacon, bacon ice cream and so on.

local tracklements (what a wonderful word)

a pretty little bowl in Ink tones by Batch Ceramics

Once upon a time, there was a young, blonde Aussie actress called Joy Smithers.  She could be seen in local soapies, dramas etc.  And then one day, she decided to forge a new path, and become a ceramicist.  Hence she now has a ceramics business called Batch Ceramics.  I love her work, and I've already bought a few of her pieces.  (Painting by Catherine Reason Macauley showing in the background.)  

a gift from my Melbourne cuz

another spoon!  Oh yes!

This is made from Tasmanian (reclaimed) blackwood; it's milk painted and hand carved.  I love it!

Come on everybody!  Join in for another IMK post.  Here's the reminder again: IMK posts are about your kitchen (and maybe garden) happenings over the past month.  Dishes you've cooked, or preserves you've made, or herbs and veg in your garden, kitchen gadgets, and goings-on.  You get the picture:-)  And one curveball!  Throw in whatever you fancy.  And here's mine:

L'il Dusty

L'il Dusty is a small, bronze figurine made by Dion Parker, a Gold Coast artist.  I also have one of these in blue resin, and a couple of his other pieces.  Oh, I've just noticed you can see my reflection in L'il Dusty's face :-)

Please join us here for In My Kitchen.  All welcome.  I'd appreciate a mention on your post about this linky.  Thanks muchly!

Options for adding your post to IMK:

1. Add via the Add Link button at the bottom of this post.  Instructions can be found on the sidebar of this page, under the Add your IMK link OR:

2. Comment on this post, providing a link to your post so I can add it manually to the list below OR:

3. Email me:, with your link or any queries about the link process

In My Kitchen:

Not Quite Nigella


  1. Mystery: what’s wrong with comments on blogger today? I think it ate my first try. I commented on your great spoon with the corner carved out to be a pot scraper. I always love your additions to your spoon collection!

    be safe... mae at

    1. oh no! blogger is such a pain in the backside. it must be the worst platform for blogging there is. i can't understand why google don't make it better! but i just can't be bothered changing to another platform. yep gotta love a new wooden spoon.

    2. To be clear: blogger was refusing my comments on several different blogs, including my responses on my own blog. I think it's ok now. I always remind myself that it's free, also, and that blogs in blogger don't disappear instantly if not maintained and paid for. (A wonderful blog which should have been archived for posterity died with its creator a few years ago, as it was a paid-for blog.)


    3. i wonder if you are talking about selma's blog? oh i just checked it, and it is still there on wordpress. I'd happily pay for my blog, if it meant that Blogger worked better:) Like I said, so many people have told me over the years about commenting, and i never got one of them. I have been assiduously copying every one of my posts for ages, in case blogger goes belly-up. I started a blog in 2010, and the platform disappeared without a trace or any warning one day!!

  2. I love that ceramic bowl by unique and beautiful. Look forward to your bacon creations :-))

    1. she is clever; she paints mainly but has gone into ceramics. yep bacon bacon bacon ...

  3. A bacon cookbook! I must have it!!!! :) Love the little bowls, but then I am a ceramic freak. Flavored salts are also a passion of mine so the rubbing salt caught my eye. Thanks for the peak.

    1. it's a fab book MJ. Our house is full of ceramics and salts too! i am running out of room ...

  4. Hi Sherry,
    I don’t know if comments are working today or not, but I enjoyed your blog post, and especially liked the spoon with the corner carved out to be a pot scraper. I always love your additions to your spoon collection!

    You are looking forward to cooler weather, and we are hoping it will warm up. For once we both have something to hope for. Our lockdown may be easing a little as more people are immunized — yesterday in our town there was a mass vaccination event for elementary school teachers, which will enable a safe reopening after the kids have been home for a year! I hope you get out of your latest lockdown too.

    1. hi Mae
      I've added your comment from the Contact page. Hope that's okay. Blogger is such a pain! QLD has only had 3 days lockdown a while ago. We did have it for a few weeks early last year but that was it. we have been very well looked after by our Premier!

  5. Well, if you are craving winter, then you can have some of ours! I've had enough of the snow and bitter cold temperatures, and I could use some of your sunshine and warmth right about now. I always enjoy the behind-the-scenes look into your kitchen, and this was a fun month. One can never have enough spoons! :-)

    1. yes please to winter. and yay to more spoons! i've actually retired a few old pine ones cos i like hand carved ones.

  6. I think we are all hitting that Covid wall lately. I know I did last week.

    1. hi jackie
      yes i know i am feeling it lately:) bring on the vaccinations. And yes to more spoons.

  7. Although not a lot to share, I am quick of the mark this month to join in with IMK. I am admiring the Starr ceramic bowl and the greyish one with spouty mouth, very delightful. The roast veg. looks tasty. I am familiar with Niamh Shields, she started blogging a year or so before me, and i've watched how she's grown from food blogger to cookbook author - admirable. I'd not get this book though, being a veggie. You won't approve, but i do have a vegan bacun cookbook. See link below if your curious.

    1. hi shaheen
      lovely to see you. yes i am used to seeing your posts on the last day of IMK :-) I must check out that link...

  8. I'll be adding my post on the 7th. Love the glaze on that first bowl and the bacon words! :)

    1. thanks debra. looking forward to it. yes the bacon book is rather fabulous!

  9. L'il Dusty is cute! And I NEED that bacon cookbook. :-)

    1. thanks KR. yep i love him too. bacon here we come...

  10. Sooooo looking forward to your bacon dishes !!!!!!!!!! :-)

  11. I can't believe I missed linking up... AGAIN! My bad! The problem is I haven't been cooking enough and have been eating too much. I'm surprised any of my clothes fit! LOL! I can't wait to follow along on all your bacon adventures!

    1. you still have 11 days sammie... Yep it's gonna be a bacon fest soon.

  12. Fun! Some good stuff! I had no idea about Eat Like a Girl or her bacon book. Wow. I can’t wait for you to starting posting some of those recipes!

    1. yep the bacon recipes will be coming up soon...

  13. What an appetizing post! Your ceramic bowls are extremely beautiful!

  14. Sherry, what a delight to rejoin you on IMK again. Hope you're doing well, but I totally understand your lack of "mojo" and waistline woes. Yup... here, too. Will we ever get out of this funk?! Thankfully, I tuned into your post today and was inspired to pen one of my own, yay! Thanks for your ongoing inspiration, xo. Loved your new spoon, ceramics (and related storied) and "Lil' Dusty." :) I don't have any curveballs to add this month, unless you count potholders LOL! Looking forward to perusing the rest of your enjoyable forum over coffee in the coming days. Take care, xo.

    1. how wonderful to see you here Kim. it's been a while:-) Well the vaccines have started here so hopefully in a few months, things will start to ease up. we actually went over the border yesterday for the first time in a year. it was very exciting. things can only get better, as the song goes.

  15. That bacon cookbook! Love it

    1. yes it's very interesting; full of great recipes.

  16. I adore your little bowls! I always want to buy more bowls but my kitchen is tiny and I have very few cupboards. Perhaps it's good that it remains that way since I would fill it up with a billion and one bowls! I've put on some weight during Covid too, and it's pretty demoralising when you can't zip your pants up. Never mind, I continue to cook and eat :)

    1. thanks! i love ceramics and i just keep buying... the house is bursting with those and books and artworks. Must curb my eating ...

  17. So many good things! But I do think that bacon cookbook looks totally craveworthy!

    1. thanks abbe. yes the bacon book is a beauty! and i will be sharing some beauteous bacon babies soon.

  18. I'll never be first to IMK, I am convinced! Oh, my friend, my waistline is also giving me issues but I know what I need to do!
    Yes, yes, yes to that bacon book. Love your ceramics too.

    What sort of veggoes did you grill? Did you use a grill wok to do those, they look amazing.

    1. hi tina
      no i think Mae has the number one position all sewn up:) she is (nearly) always here first. Hubby uses our grill pan on the stovetop. He did potato, asparagus, capsicum, zucchini and red onion. so delish!

  19. You always have such nice ceramics. I'm jealous!

    I have added my post and even remembered to include a curveball this time.

    1. hi veghog. nice to see you here. thanks for joining us!

  20. This post brings me so much joy each month! The Bacon Cookbook? Yes, please. Love the ink-toned bowl - that spout! And l’il Dusty is just so cute.

    1. glad to be of service david:-) yep i love the bowl and l'il dusty too!

  21. Another great post Sherry, and I love all of your new bits and pieces, especially the wooden spoon and ceramic bowl. The bacon cookbook looks like lots of fun, great for the weekend eh when we aren't watching our waistline, ha, ha. I'm looking forward to some retail therapy, focusing on thinks I love, not what I need, know what I mean? L'il Dusty is very cute.

    1. thanks pauline. the bacon book is lots of fun! so many recipes to try out. i love my l'il dusty, and the blue resin one is cute too. too much retail therapy for me these days. i really need to stop:-)

  22. I'm loving all the local products and ceramics - absolutely gorgeous, Sherry!

  23. Enjoy the olive oils and I love your new spoon. Bacon ice cream sounds like something I would make :)

    1. thanks tandy. yep the bacon ice cream is definitely interesting and delish! up on the blog next week...

  24. How many spoons is it now Sherry? You must have a massive collection! :D I will do another IMK soon!

    1. i have many a spoon lorraine but they are all loved and used:) Yes please; 'twould be lovely to see you back for IMK.

  25. Anything with bacon has got to be good! I am glad it didn't turn out to be a scam and look forward to those recipes. I love the bowl with ink tones, it looks very industrial. And your vegetables are swoon inspiring, we are still in winter root phase.

    1. so right liz. bacon is a winner. yes i love the book; full of good things. i am a big fan of those ceramics; i fear my collection will be growing:-)

  26. Gorgeous bowls, lovely vegies, a good cookbook, interesting condiments and a new spoon - all the joys of the kitchen I have come to expect here. Hope March is treating you well - I know what you mean about feeling flat - in Melbourne it is an odd twilight zone where normality should be creeping back in but somehow seems to be resisting.

    1. thanks johanna. march is going okay, but i'm still a bit flat - or a lot flat really. things can only get better ...

  27. Omg, you're having warm weather ?and it is super cold this year for us, and I'm waiting for warmer days. Happy March to you! the grilled veggies pairs so well with many dishes, Mr.P veggies looks great! I really love the olive oil flavors, sherry! especially the lime and jalapenos is my favorite, I should see if I can find one here, thanks for sharing it!

    1. yes our summer just goes on and on ... thanks for dropping by my blog.


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