Wednesday, 1 September 2021

In My Kitchen - September 2021

Newsflash!  I slipped on a wet floor in the bathroom a few nights ago - result - one broken rib, one strained neck muscle, shock and bruises.  Suffice to say, I’m not feeling great, my dear virtual friends. Luckily I had written most of this post beforehand, so here it is in all its bumpy glory :-)

I love September!  It's the start of Spring, it's beautiful weather, it's new beginnings, it's delightful.  I'm really keen on new beginnings!  This year has been - what's the word? - stressful and weird and tiring and odd ...  I need a new start, my fellow blogger friends.  I'm counting on you, Spring.  (And this was before I fell!)

In my kitchen:

we ate delicious chocolate

I didn't know for quite some years that macadamias are indigenous to this area - i.e. - south east Queensland and northern New South Wales.  Those Hawaiians were very clever in making it seem that these splendiferous nuts came from their area.  Blame the Queen!  Apparently she would only eat them from Hawaii.  What a turncoat :-)

we slathered the paté on crackers

Haven't tried the pickled ones yet.  Hope they're tasty.  Another newsflash!:  yes, very tasty, just a tiny bit too soft and sweet for me.  I like my pickled veg crisp and tangy - but these are not bad.

I munched on rice crackers and Pocky 

I love our local Japanese grocery shop.  So much fun to be had trying to decipher what you are buying.  And what the heck am I going to do with those sardines?  Mr P. refuses to eat them, silly lad.  Sardines in soy - so interesting I couldn't resist.  And as for that savoury custard powder stuff ...  We'll see down the track what that's like. 

you can never have enough EVOO

Patrice only has olive oil every so often, so I leaped at the chance to buy some this year.  You have to buy a minimum of three, so I keep two and give one to friends.  It's biodynamic and grown on her farm in the Hunter Valley - where she has to deal with water being diverted to huge cotton farms up north, and to the various coal mines and huge properties in the Valley.  Such a shame.  I was ignorant of the politics of water until I read her fascinating book The River.

We went to The Source Bulk Food Store

Another fun food shop.  They have food items in bulk and you can scoop up however much you want.  They also have really interesting things like dragonfruit powder.  (Blog post coming up, once the rib is better.)

and I bought another #Batchceramics dish in emerald green

How gorgeous is this!  Such a glorious colour.  Kinda reminds me of the eye of Sauron, though not so red - tee hee :-)

I added another sculpture by Maggie Brockie to my collection

Isn't this wonderful?  I have been collecting Maggie's work for ages, and this one really spoke to me.  I have named her Juno.  And she is my curveball for this month.  Maggie has called this Coming into Being #1, but I always name the artworks I buy, so Juno she is.

So that’s it for this month. Please join in, global readers. Looking forward to your posts.  Here's the usual reminder, my dears: IMK posts are about your kitchen (and kitchen garden) happenings over the past month.  Dishes you've cooked, preserves you've made, herbs and veg in your garden, kitchen gadgets, and goings-on.  You get the picture.  And throw in a curveball! - whatever you fancy; no need to be kitchen-related.  The link is open from the first to midnight on the thirteenth of the month.  Let me know if you need help with adding your post, or if you would like it added manually by me after the 13th (if you're running late). Here's how to join in:

Options for adding your post to IMK:

1. Add via the Add Link button at the bottom of this post.  Instructions can be found on the sidebar of this page, under the Add your IMK link OR:

2. Comment on this post, providing a link to your post so I can add it manually to the list below OR:

3. Email me:, with your link or any queries about the link process

In My Kitchen:



  1. I am so sorry you fell and are injured. I hope you will give yourself the time to recuperate . Those broken ribs hurt.
    One of these days I am going to join in the IMK link, but IMK is mostly boring items.

    1. I hope I am not the one being referred to as the predatory blogger. I just read my comment again and the the mostly boring items I meant when I said IMK was mostly boring items, was about my own personal kitchen. I hope I did not offend anyone because I love seeing your kitchens.

    2. No that’s okay Anne. I did have to read your comment twice then I realised what you meant :). Sadly there are some people who are just commercial blogs and are trying to get more traffic but no - Mae’s comment refers to them not you! All is well! Cheers Sherry

    3. No that’s fine Anne. Mae was referring to the commercial bloggers who are trying to get traffic. It took me a minute but i got what you meant about boring stuff being in your own kitchen:-). All is well

    4. Oh, Anne, I’m sorry you thought I meant you! I mean the commercial bloggers that don’t even mention their kitchens but just want to drive traffic and get paid.

    5. hi Mae
      i have been lazy and left the 'bad' bloggers up there but i haven't commented on their blogs and i send them lots of bad vibes :-)

  2. So sorry to hear that you had such a bad fall. Good luck with recovery. I am also sorry to see not one but TWO posts from predatory self-promoting bloggers who don’t really pay attention to this being IN MY KITCHEN! I hope you are well enough to delete their inappropriate links!

    Best…. mae at

    1. thanks Mae. I am slowly getting better. Yes these commercial bloggers are annoying. And they never have the courtesy to add a comment here! At this time, I will just leave their posts here but recommend that everyone ignores them!

  3. Ouch...Sherry, I am so sorry to hear that and I wish you are feeling a little bit better by now.
    The mushroom pate with thyme butter sounds really tempting and I love that little emerald green dish.
    I look forward to your post about dragonfruit powder soon, Sherry. GET WELL!

    1. thanks angie. getting better. yes the pate was quite tasty. i will buy it agin. hope to blog again soon!

  4. Oh Sherry! So sorry to hear about your fall, hope you're resting up and that Mr P gives you lots of TLC. As usual, your monthly round up is varied and delicious. I feel very enlightened after this post because a) I had no idea about the politics of water and b) now I know there's a thing which is savoury custard! Feel better soon, sending hugs xx

    1. thank you sammie. getting better slowly. yep hubby is being a wonderful help. yes indeed the politics of water access is an incredibly political issue. i was clueless till i read her book. savoury custard to come...

  5. Oh my Sherry! Hope you heal well. Take it easy and don't strain that rib too much. I know from personal experience they need time to heal. I always thought macadamias were indigenous to Australia, and I used to always bring them back to South Africa with me, until I found out we also grow them haha. I would eat those sardines for sure :)

    1. thanks tandy. getting there. yep about 6 weeks to heal. halfway there. sardines will be - interesting.

  6. You buy the most interesting stuff, Sherry! I have used the pink pittaya powder in milkshakes and jellies, kids love that colour. I love Asian stores too, you never know what you'll find. That broken rib sounds awful, rest up and hopefully you'll be all better soon. Take care.

    1. thanks katerina. yes i am looking forward to using the powder.

  7. Sherry, I hope you are feeling better. I love September too because it means the beginning of autumn here.

    1. Thanks Bernadette. Starting to get better after 3 weeks. But 3 more to go. Can't wait!

  8. Gosh, so sorry to hear about your injury! We're all getting more brittle, aren't we? Heal well, and quickly. Now, let's talk about the swell stuff in your kitchen. Always good to add to your olive oil collection. :-) And I love Juno! SO neat.

    1. Thanks KR. I am feeling better than I was when it happened but it has been tough. Hanging out for total healing.

  9. Oh goodness. How scary. Glad it wasn't worse! And as we get older it's even scarier. I'm amazed tripping over my dogs hasn't killed me yet. Love all of the products. Never knew that about Macadamia nuts!

    1. yes my bones are getting more brittle i guess. this is the second broken rib in 3.5 years!!

  10. Rick loves going to the Japanese grocery, too. I always like the snack section!

    I'm so sorry you have a broken rib. Having done that before, I know how miserable it is and wish you a quick recovery.

    1. thank you jeanie. yes it's awful but getting better slowly.

  11. So sorry to hear about your fall, that is no good indeed :( I hope you rest up and heal soon. Thanks so much for still hosting this month's IMK. Spring is here indeed and I'm really enjoying the warmer weather! As always you have an interesting selection of goodies, I love multicultural grocery shops, always full of possibilities.. maybe you can repurpose the sardines and hide them in something?

    1. thank you. the rib is starting to feel much better. hubby would detect those wee fishies tho... :-)

  12. Ouch! I hope your mending well. It's always a joy to see what's up in your kitchen. I love it all, but I must say Juno is priceless. Do stay safe down your way...

    1. yes thanks ROn. I am so very fond of Juno. she makes me very happy. and so delightful to hold - smooth and round and lovely.

  13. Oh dear Sherry, I am so sorry to hear about your fall. It's strange, I realised you had gone quiet, for you, and I was a bit worried about what might have happened, but thought it was probably a technical hitch of some kind. Amazing you met your IMK deadline under those circumstances. Broken ribs are so painful and there's nothing doctors can do except prescribe pain medication. Hope you are feeling a little bit better now. Anyway lovely post my dear, with lots of delicious treats on board, and art pieces, hope hubby is keeping you well fed and watered.:) Take very good care of yourself xx

    1. hi pauline
      yes i am a bit amazed at myself for getting an IMK up! it was lucky i had done most of it. i am starting to feel much better, and yes hubby has been wonderful. cheers xx

  14. I am so sorry to read about your accident. Tile floors can be so slippery. I wish you a rapid recovery. I think that green dish looks like it belongs under the sea, lovely. And that carving gave me chills, it has so much meaning. Please stay safe and well, and thank you for hosting us.

    1. thanks liz. the floor was a teeny bit wet and i turned one way ... yes i love that emerald dish; the colour is sublime.

  15. Damn, woman, that was quite a fall! I hope you are doing better now and I imagine rest is exactly what you need. Wish I could bring you some soup and chocolate. Hope you are on the mend. xoxo

    Speaking of chocolate I like the idea of blood orange and chili. Haven't had that flavor. The Pockys are my granddaughter's favorite and I will be talking some with me when I visit at the end of the month.

    1. you're right tina; it was horrible. getting better thanks. but wish the time would go faster till i am better fully.

  16. I always love your finds. The sculpture is beautiful (as is your green Sauron eye!) Enjoy your spring weather. I'm looking forward to cooler weather here.

    1. it's still cool at night but spring is definitely here.

  17. OH, and so sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you are on the mend!!!

    1. thank you. i am getting better but a few weeks to go yet.

  18. Oh no-i hope you feel better soon! Good to know that macadamia nuts are native to Queensland! Ciao, Cristina

    1. yes thanks, getting better. they are in fact called bauple nuts here; an indigenous name i think.

  19. OMG - I hope you are feeling okay, :(

    Those chocolate-blood orange-chile macadamia nuts! Be still my heart! I will take all the sardines Mr. P leaves on the table, okay? And who doesn’t love an olive oil with one’s zodiac sign?

    1. getting there thanks david. but a broken rib takes up to 8 weeks to fully heal. i am hoping for no more than 6. yes do drop by for some sardines...

  20. Hope you are feeling better after your fall. Sorry to hear about your pain and bad luck. I like to imagine you lying resting and just escaping into the amazing green of your new dish. It is so beautiful. Your japanese purchases made me laugh. Savoury custard powder??? I am a big fan of the source even though it not the cheapest place - perhaps because I get so tempted there. Am looking forward to your blog post and hope you enlighten me on what the Almond Mylk Base is. I didn't know about the queen being fussy about macadamias - not amused! So much lovely food and purchases. Hope they are a comfort while you recover and hope that spring brings you much needed recharging!

    1. sadly it's very hard to lie down with a broken rib so all you can do is sit up all the time. very tiring! i got very little sleep till the doctor gave me some sleeping pills. the almond mylk is like a thick nut paste that you blend with water so you end up with lots of the stuff:) The directions for the custard are only in japanese so that will be interesting.

  21. Oh Sherry you poor thing! I'm sorry to hear about your fall. I hope you are on the mend and that you're being well looked after. Thanks for sharing all of your goodies! I love the green colour of that bowl! :D

    1. thanks lorraine. who knew one's life could be changed so rapidly?

  22. Sherry sending you warm wishes and speedy recovery, hope your healing after the bruising from the fall. i always love your shares, but the mushroom pate has peaked the interest of my beloved. And that sculpture is rather exquisite.

    1. thank you shaheen. i need all the good wishes i can get :)

  23. I'm so sorry to hear about your fall and wish you a speedy recovery!

    1. thank you very much veg hog. recovery is happening but slowly :)

  24. I hope you are doing better today. A broken rib and bruises is certainly no fun. Take care of yourself! I sure would have loved to have been in your kitchen this week. Pate, the chili macadamia, the olive oils - I want them all!

  25. Oh Sherry- such a freak thing to happen and leave you so injured. Very scary. I hope you are on the mend and will be feeling better and back to yourself soon. I do love the new sculpture that you got- very interesting.

    1. yes it was freaky and so damn fast. one tiny slip led to weeks of pain and discomfort. hard to credit. yep love that Juno :)

  26. So sorry to hear about your injuries, Sherry, and I hope you heal quickly. I'd love to try the blood orange and chilli macadamias with their sweet and spicy combo. And yes, the sculpture is very interesting indeed!

    1. thank you kelly. amazing what one little slip can do. a broken rib is not nice, but i'm getting better.

  27. My brother lives on the big island of Hawaii and macadamia nuts are plentiful - that and pineapple! Our Christmas gift was always an assortment of different flavors...

    1. hi judi
      yes i love all sorts of macadamia flavours - sweet and savoury. OUr indigenous folk knew a good thing when they saw it!

  28. Oh dear ! Get well soon ! Thank you for information !!!

  29. Ack! I'm hoping you're circling back to the land of the living here, Sherry. That fall sounds like it was pretty bad. Hang in there! Oh, I hear chocolate makes everything better. :-)

    1. hi david
      yes thanks getting better slowly. and yes chocolate has def. been on the menu!

  30. I am so sad to hear that you have fallen and that you have gotten hurt. I love seeing those beautiful photos of deliciousness. Maybe it helps you feel better, too.

    1. thanks deb. getting better but slowly. can't wait to be all better.


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