Saturday 9 December 2023

Christmas Crack

AKA Chatters' Crack, and most likely known as many other kinds of crack :=)  Nope, not the drug nor the Irish version of a good yarn in a pub, but rather, that delicious sweet treat of salty crackers topped with a caramel layer, and a chocolate layer, and lots of sweet bits and bobs of your choosing.

I have seen YouTube videos of people using pretzels and similar salty bases, but the Saladas worked out really well.  This recipe is a mish-mash from B. Dylan Hollis's book Baking Yesteryear, various foodie YouTubers, and a recipe from the Chatters' - i.e. Chat 10 Looks 3 - Facebook Page.  I pretty much halved Dylan's recipe; I was taking this to Cookbook Club, and there's only so much we can eat.  Just double it if you fancy more, or have a bigger baking tray!

so delicious!

Makes 1 tray of delicious chocolate treats:


7 x Salada biscuits  see Notes

110g./4 oz butter, softened

110g./4 oz light brown sugar

1/2-1 tsp vanilla extract

big pinch of sea salt flakes

110g./4 oz chocolate chips or thin chocolate like Lindt 70%

1 Flake chocolate bar (or choc. bar of your choice) - 30g./1 big ounce! - broken or chopped up

30g./1 big ounce chocolate hail/sprinkles

70g./2.5 oz pecans

And bling of your choice - M & M's, + chocolate hail, + sprinkles, whatever you fancy!


Turn on your oven to 180C/350F to heat up

Line your tray with alfoil and baking paper, and lay the biscuits down over the base - make sure you've left a large paper overhang so the caramel stays in the tray and you can easily pick the whole shebang up out of the tray when cutting/breaking up

Grab a medium saucepan, combine the butter and sugar over low to medium heat, and bring it to a boil, while giving it the occasional stir 

Now let it boil for 3-5 minutes, stirring now and then, till thick and gloopy (as Annabel from the Chatters' Page says) - watch it carefully; don't let it burn like some people may have done at some stage :=)

Stir in the vanilla and salt, and pour the hot, bubbly caramel mixture over the salty biscuits - you may need to spread it with a palette knife

Whack into the oven for 7 minutes, then take it out and sprinkle on the chocolate chips or pieces of chocolate (I used a Flake bar and chocolate hail also)

Let it sit and melt for a couple of minutes, then spread it out over the caramel-y crackers   see Notes

And throw on your nuts and bling!

Let it cool down, then break it up/slice it up into delicious chunks

Store leftovers (leftovers??) in an airtight container (the Arnott's recipe says not to refrigerate, but if you live in sub-tropical climes like me ...


Dylan says to use 40 saltine crackers; my 36cm x 25cm baking tray held 7 Salada biscuits comfortably (one was broken in half to fit)

FYI - Saltines are 5cm x 5cm, whereas Saladas are 10cm x 10cm

If your chocolate layer isn't melted enough, whack it back in the oven for a minute or two

If you are doubling the recipe, bake it for a bit longer - maybe 12-15 minutes before adding the chocolate

oops! forgot the alfoil under the baking paper

Dylan getting into his crack :=)

let that mixture bubble!

throw on the chocolate!

and even more chocolate :=)

heading out to Cookbook Club

we had lots of goodies!

c. Sherry M.

(Joining up with Min for #WWWhimsy linkup.)


  1. That looks totally irresistible!
    best, mae at

    1. thanks Mae. I love the salty and sweet together.

  2. Our grandkids would love this. Thank you for sharing.

  3. OMG!! this is AMAZING! Passing it on to my DIL !!

  4. I've never seen this before. Looks quite the treat!
    from Tandy I Lavender and Lime

  5. Looks so good - I don't think I've seen it with caramel before so extra yum! I wonder what the equivalent of saltines or saladas are here...

    1. yes the caramel worked out so well. There must be an English version of a salty cracker ... :=)

  6. Reminds me of "barks" but the base is chocolate. Fun to make and eat :)

    1. yes judi a similar idea to 'barks', but even more delicious.

  7. Oh my. I would have to halve the recipe another time. This looks horribly addictive!!!

  8. I've heard of this before but never seen it with the M&Ms! That's wonderful!

  9. I've never heard of this Christmas treat! It sounds totally addictive, though - which is I'm sure how it gets its name.

    1. tee hee. and maybe because crackers are used in the recipe :=)

  10. Wow this looks delicious - and must be soooo sweet! I am normally not a huge fan of desserts like this one as they tend to be overly sweet, but I must admit this looks terrific, and I like the salty element, too.

  11. Wow this looks delicious - and must be soooo sweet! I am normally not a huge fan of desserts like this one as they tend to be overly sweet, but I must admit this looks terrific, and I like the salty element, too.

  12. Christmas Crack is a favorite with all my friends, though we call it Matzoh Crack. (I have a lot of Jewish — or Jewish-adjacent — friends!) You have a lot more variety in yours so I can’t wait to try it with my matzoh this year.

  13. Oh my gosh Sherry this looks delicious. Naughty but Yummy! Easy to throw together and I love the name of it too! Thanks for linking up with #WWWhimsy - hope to see you again next week for the last one of 2023. xo

    1. it's very delicious Min. Yep will try to do next week's WWW too.

  14. Replies
    1. it is indeed Deb. I have seen so many videos on it lately.

  15. This looks fabulous Sherry, I've never had it or heard of it. Is your cookbook club about the books or the cooked treats, both I presume and what a great idea. I would love to make this one day, to share of course. The only nuts I eat now are the soft ones, so I am presuming this recipe is really versatile and that I could use walnuts. We've been to a traditional Kali in England where there was lots of CRACK,(talking, fun, dancing and gossip).

    1. yes cookbook club is about the books but we try to bring dishes from the books to the sessions. There's crack and then there's craic! The Irish kind :=)

  16. We make a very similar recipe a few times a year (and yep, we call it Christmas crack even when I make it in the summer!). It's a huge family favorite.

  17. Christmas Crack, Chatters' Crack, or whatever you call it, sounds like a delicious and festive treat! I'm glad you found a recipe that worked well for you, and I'm sure it was a hit at Cookbook Club. Using Saladas instead of crackers is a great idea, and I can imagine the salty contrast with the sweet caramel and chocolate would be amazing.

    1. yes it's a lovely treat for christmas or any time. I like the salty and the sweet together.

  18. I used to make a very similar recipe way back in my bachelor days. It's shocking how simply it is to make...and how utterly irresistible it is! The salty + sweet combination is an all-time favorite here. Happy New Year to you and your family, Sherry!

  19. I topped half with salted peanuts and the other half with toasted pecans. I liked the peanuts better.

    1. I like pecans and peanuts ...


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