Monday 1 July 2024

In My Kitchen - July 2024

Well - halfway through the year already, my friends.  Crumbs, I feel like it should be March at the most.  Mr P. and I had a lovely break, doing a roadtrip into country New South Wales.  I'm always amazed at how expansive and wondrous it is out in the Aussie bush.

We have a German friend who used to come out, and just drive off into the blue in his beach buggy.  He got stranded once driving across the top of Australia, and was very luckily towed all the way to Perth (or was it Broome?) by a kind, random stranger.  He adores the wide expanses and empty roads.  As do we.  His beach buggy did not :)

the moon rising as we drove along a gravel road for many kilometres!

We saw kangaroos (dead and alive), wild goats, wallabies and some stray cows.  Happily the crazy goats leapt across the road just before we got to them :=)  Anyways, here's looking at my June kitchen.  I am looking forward to seeing yours!

In My Kitchen:

limes bought from a roadside stall on one of our country drives

I love the way people have roadside stalls out the front of their property, and you just stick your money in the honesty box!  I bought the hot sauce at the pub where we had lunch one day out in the sticks.  And who can resist a ceramic chook?  Not this little black duck.

yep, another visit to the Japanese store!

I made a frittata (cherry tomatoes for the hubby of course)

delicious biscuits and chocs from our local providore Mumbleberry

interesting soft drinks and some organic chicken stock powder too

wondrous birthday gifts from my cuz!

a Scottish clan tea towel from my sis.  See the Mackay clan?

and another gift from the cuz.  These AWW cookbooks are the best!

So many recipes I want to make from this book!  The Australian Women's Weekly cookbooks are a staple of every Aussie kid's childhood.  Their birthday cakes cookbook is owned by most mums!

the curveball - a print by Poh Ling Yeow

Poh is an artist who became well-known from her stint on Masterchef Australia.  Her life is now a mix of art and cooking.  I love her work - in both arenas.  Framing is so darn expensive these days, I do it myself.  I buy the frame, drill the holes, add the screws and tie the wire on.  A painting this size would probably cost $500 to get framed!  I buy a $30 frame and it's a DIY!  Looks pretty good!

c. Sherry M.

Be a part of our friendly IMK community by adding your post here too - everybody welcome!  We'd love to have you visit.  Tell us about your kitchen (and kitchen garden) happenings over the past month.  Dishes you've cooked, preserves you've made, herbs and veg. in your garden, kitchen gadgets, and goings-on.  And one curveball is welcome - whatever you fancy; no need to be kitchen-related.  

The link is open from the first of the month to midnight on the thirteenth of the month, every month.

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  1. Now this is a post filled with SO much goodness. Sounds like you had a really great month. The frittata looks amazing. I love the idea of finding an organic powder chicken stock. Mine is all either boxed or frozen. The powder would be a good thing to have in the pantry. I have stopped buying magazines here in the US. They are all so filled with adds and very expensive now. I hope July is an equally good month for you Sherry.

    1. thank you Lori. June flew by! Yes I agree about magazines. Just full of ads! Happy July to you too.

  2. I can see my family’s Stewart clan on the towel too. Nice tea towel! Have a great week.

  3. Oh Sherry I'm cheating again because it's still 30 June in Paris but my blog is in Australian time so it is technically July :) Love those quirky seafood plates and the vintage AWW recipe book, I love the idea of recipes but I never make anything (well not never, just very rarely) have a great month and thanks for hosting!

    1. No worries at all :) Happy July to you too.

  4. Your kitchen looks very well provisioned, as usual. We also enjoy the farm stands in our area —never limes, though.
    Have a great July and thanks for hosting.
    best, mae at

  5. I love that tea towel! Frittata is one of my favourite ways to enjoy eggs.

    1. Yes my family motto is - with a strong hand! I often make frittatas for dinner!

  6. hat a wonderful sounding holiday! That one is far from my realm of experience. I love road stands. I think sometimes honesty boxes might do better than if they had to give change. Well, at least for me, because I almost never have correct change so they get more than they planned on my end!

    1. I sometimes miss out on buying things cos I don't have enough change... sadly.

  7. I always enjoy your IMK posts! I could never think of anything to write about! Love your art.

    1. I just take photos as I go during the month and then it all just falls together ...

  8. I love that print by Poh - and your birthday tea towel. I'm with your hubby re the cherry tomatoes on frittata.

    1. It took me ages to decide which print of hers to get ... You may not know but I am not a tomato fan at all:)

  9. That moon rising is amazing. The drinks sound interesting and I love your Clans tea towel.
    Tandy | Lavender and Lime

    1. thank you Tandy. It was amazing driving into the moonrise!

  10. I have those plates too! They're great in summer to brighten up a table. And yes it definitely doesn't feel like half a year has gone by.

  11. I must try my hand at framing, Mr HRK is the very handy one, but I have my moments. Doing a road trip always fills me with pride at how wonderful our country is. I love the Women's Weekly cookbooks, I have them all. Some lovely things in your kitchen this month Sherry.

    1. Yes it's very satisfying when you hang the framed work! Hubby used to be very handy before he was disabled... sigh... Thanks for joining in Pauline.

  12. I never knew Poh was an artist - isn't she talented? As are you! I'm very impressed with your ninja framing skills! Love all your delicious goodies and that cake and slices book is one of my all time faves. In fact, me and Lorraine were just talking about the birthday cake book - it is so dated now but I still love it so. Hope you have a delicious July!

    1. Yes she was an artist long before becoming a famous cook. And thank you so much for the kind comments!! Paying for framing is out of this world expensive so i've been doing it myself for ages. Everybody loves that AWW birthday cake book!

  13. Replies
    1. Thank you Nil. It was pretty tasty!

  14. Always so many fun items in your post! But I have to admit, I was drawn to the Scottish Clan tea towel...

    1. thanks Melynda. I love seeing my family name on a tea towel :)

  15. You can say that again about framing! It's crazy expensive. We usually do it ourselves, too. And I love that Scottish tea towel - I've got some MacPherson blood in me. :-)

    1. Yes framing costs are insane. My Scottish blood loves a bagpipe!

  16. Hey, your July kitchen sounds like it's filled with such eclectic treasures and memories from your road trip! The roadside limes and hot sauce from the pub sound like perfect finds for summer adventures. And those biscuits and chocs from Mumbleberry must be delightful treats. The DIY framing for Poh Ling Yeow's print is impressive—nothing beats personal touch and savings! Looking forward to seeing what delicious creations come from those AWW cookbooks too.

    1. thanks Raymund. Yes I have many of those recipes to come ...

  17. Your pineapple coconut scones sound absolutely delightful, especially with that tropical twist! Mr. P. must be in scone heaven with these—carbs or not, they're worth every bite.

  18. ooops put the wrong comment on a different post :p

  19. Road trips are fun. I've never stopped at roadside stalls but I love all the little country town shops. That chookie is cute. Love some fun ceramics, a scottish teatowel and interesting softdrinks. But most of all I love the AWW cakes cookbook - brings back so many good memories such as making a cake from the book and being surprised to find we had eaten three quarters of it by what we came to call "the sliver method".

    1. yes i love country towns and their amazing shops. Yay for AWW cookbooks. always the best!

  20. Sherry, thanks for hosting. It's fun to join at the beginning of each month! I love the gifts from your cuz - so cute and I am amazed as well at the boxes that are on the honor system. although one farmer put up a sign that there is a hidden camera ( ha ha)

    1. oh yes i have very very occasionally seen a notice about a camera at roadside stalls. But I bet it's just a joke really :)

  21. Women's Weekly cookbooks are the best! You can absolutely trust that their recipes are going to work out just fine.

    And good job on making your own frames!!

    1. They are great! Thanks - it's so much cheaper to DIY framing.

  22. I love the idea of driving off into the blue with no itinerary. However, getting stuck in the middle of nowhere does sound like ... well, either a bummer of an addition to the adventure.

    1. we have been stuck out in the middle of nowhere more than once. When you don't have a map and there's no phone signal it's easy to get lost. Which is fun actually!

  23. Another fun month of adventures! I was writing a blog post today (coming out in a couple of weeks) about our time in the Loire Valley. It includes a photo of a kangaroo (with a little roo in her pouch) and I actually thought of my friends in Australia. Thanks for sharing. David (C&L)

    1. A kangaroo in France? Hubby's sister has lived in Provence for the last 30 years and is more french than the french!

  24. Just under the wire, Sherry. I love your little chicken. I couldn't have resisted it either. I loved reading about your road trip adventures and the goodies you brought back. I just purchased my first container of kewpie mayo. I haven't tried it yet. Thank you for continuing to host us.

    1. that's great Liz. Good to see you. Ooh yes I love kewpie and i go thru buckets of it - heheheh... and you are welcome!


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