Thursday 18 February 2016

A - Z Guidebook - Ipswich Queensland

stunning street art in Ipswich   

I love street art, and I love owls so this beautiful artwork on a traffic signal box in the historic town of Ipswich made me leap out of the car (we had stopped ha ha!) and take a few photos.  I love that you can see the traffic light hanging over the street, and the typical old houses of the area in the background.  

Ipswich is still full of historic homes on big blocks of land, but this is expected to change very rapidly.  Ipswich is a massive growth area, and the population is expected to double in the next 15 years. So get in while you can, and check out the buildings before they become townhouses.  And don't forget to head along to the Ipswich Art Gallery which has been refurbished recently.  It is a fabulous building from the 1860's, with beautiful windows and a lovely scissor beam roof.

Join in with Fiona from Tiffin Bite Sized Food Adventures for the monthly get-together where we showcase travel photos.  This month, the letter I is leading the race.

TIFFIN - bite sized food adventures -


  1. Love that image Sherry. I've not long sold a business in Ipswich, I loved the beautiful old homes there and yes as the fastest growing town in SE Qld you are right it's a massive growth area!

    1. hi annette
      there are so many great buildings in ipswich! it is great to drive around and check them all out.

  2. I love street art too! The artist really captured the eyes here! :)

  3. This signal box look great all dressed up in its 'Day of The Dead' party gear. The owl is a bonus. Ipswich seems to have shaken off its Westie tag. Alas, I fear it is too late for Logan.

    1. Yes Logan is a worry:). I do love these signal boxes all over the place. Such great art.

  4. I love to run across little bits of art like this. So creative! Thanks for sharing.


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