Saturday 25 May 2019

Quinoa And Green Bean Salad

Have you picked yourself up off the floor yet?  Me, doing a vegan and ever-so-trendy quinoa dish?  Yep I'm amazed at myself too:-)  I've had a bit of stomach trouble lately (too much wheat and meat?/too much info?) so I decided I'd better do something good for my gut health.  So I conjured up this healthy, gut-friendly dish.  And it was very tasty too, so win-win!

grab your ingredients

Just as an aside, last week was the 6th anniversary of Sherry's Pickings, and what a wonderful time it has been.  I've so enjoyed meeting fellow food bloggers in virtual and real life.  Such a lovely community of fellow foodies.  Hope you enjoy my new banner and background too, which ring in the changes!

Original recipe by Sherry's Pickings:

Serves 4 as a side:


200g. (1 cup) of cooked quinoa

200g. green beans, steamed or boiled till tender

200g. frozen edamame, steamed or boiled till tender

half a red capsicum (bell pepper), chopped or sliced into strips

2-3 spring onions (scallions), sliced

fresh parsley or herb of your choice, snipped or chopped - amount at your discretion, maybe 3-4 tbs

1 tbs baby capers, rinsed well 

2 tbs crushed peanuts - i.e. finely chopped

1 tbs dukkah 

1-2 tsp white sesame seeds

2-3 tbs (40-60 mLs) lime or lemon juice

2-3 tbs extra virgin olive oil

sea salt to taste - maybe 1 tsp 

ground black pepper to taste - maybe 1/2 tsp


Cook up the quinoa, green beans and edamame till the amount of tender you prefer, and leave till they hit room temp.

Pop the edamame out of the pods

Slice up the capsicum and spring onions

Chop or snip up the parsley

Throw all the ingredients into a salad bowl and toss well

Serve with baked or grilled salmon or any fish of your choice; chicken would go well with this salad too


Cook quinoa as per the packet instructions, or get Mr P. to do it for you (tee hee).  He told me he took one cup quinoa, rinsed well, and shoved it in the microwave with 1½ cups cold water on High for 6 minutes, then at 80% for another 5 mins.  Toss it with a fork and let it sit for 10 mins.  FYI - 1 cup raw quinoa = 3 cups cooked 

Mr P. also cooked up the green beans and edamame in the microwave: green beans took 5-6 mins. on High, while the edamame took 4-5 mins. 

ingredients gathered

chop that parsley

juice the lemon for the dressing

ready to serve

and ready to eat

    artwork © Sherry's Pickings


  1. Hope your tummy feels better again soon Sherry! And happy 6th anniversary-how time has really flown. May there be many more years :D

    1. double thanks lorraine! yep tummy is doing well now. and the blog seems to be tootling along on its own quite well too. almost like magic! cheers S

  2. Congratulations, six years is a milestone in the blogging world. I remember reading recently that the average lifespan of a blog is only 100 days. So, if that's correct your doing just fine.
    I'm not that fond of quinoa (texture thing) but your tummy healing dish does sound good. I love that you added dukkah. When doing expat work in Egypt I lived on dukkah and Aish Baladi (flatbread). Love the new background and banner.

    1. thanks Ron. it has been a very long time in some ways but has flown in others. so much has happened over those six years. yep hubby and i are not fond of quinoa at all but it is ok in this dish. thanks so much re banner and background. i like to change it up every so often. cheers S

  3. Happy Blog Anniversary, Sherry! The salad looks so good with all the healthy quality ingredients and that zesty vinaigrette!

    1. thanks heaps angie. so nice of you to say. and thanks for dropping by. cheers S

  4. Well, sometimes vegan is okay. Cheese and eggs wouldn't do much for the quinoa anyway! Looks like your capers are salted. I buy them, but then rinse them before using, so I'm not sure why I buy salted capers!

    1. hi mimi
      i love baby capers and caper salt too. such a tangy flavour; the salt helps preserve and flavour them. in fact i don't think we can buy any other sort but salted!:) cheers S

  5. Your new banner looks very healthy -- nuts... fish etc. And it's always good to try some new grains and vegetables or combinations of them. Good that you have been at it 6 years.

    best... mae at

  6. What an amazing salad Mrs P invented. We are not necessarily fans of the old quinoa but wow did it all come together well. It even is good as left overs!

  7. I hope you are feeling better Sherry.

    The salad looks delicious. I like quinoa and make a salad often, but haven’t added green beans and edamame yet. I will try your recipe next time. 😊

    Happy 6th blog anniversary 💐

    1. thanks Nil
      feeling much better now. oh yes definitely try the quinoa with green beans and edamame. so good together. makes the quinoa worthwhile :-) cheers S

  8. Love all the seasonings that you have added to your salad, it has to be great. Congratulations on your anniversary, mine was 8 years yesterday. I really like your colorful background that you have added.

    1. thanks so much karen. and congrats to you on your 8th!

  9. Sherry, Happy 6th Anniversary! Way to go on your new background, too (ever vibrant!) -- seems like you've been around longer than that... but I appreciate that you have been and so does everybody else, too! LOVED your salad flavorings and seasonings (EVERYTHING!) and I'm also looking forward to your next IMK post. (Mine is in the works... still working on edits, LOL!) In the meantime I'll be making use of the quinoa in my pantry and fresh produce abundant this time o' year. WONDERFUL recipe! See ya the first of June or so, xo.

    1. thanks kim. kind of you to say. looking forward to your IMK post. cheers S x

  10. Six years? Congrats! That's an eon in blogging terms. And what a nice dish to celebrate -- terrific looking salad. Thanks!

    1. thanks KR... it went so quickly. Ron (fellow blogger) said the average for a blog is 100 days!! can you believe it?!

  11. congratulations on 6 years - and should I congratulate you on a trendy vegan dish too :-) Seriously I love the look of this salad - there is a lot of disappointing vegan food out there but when I see this sort of thing I think it looks beautiful and I could eat this every night.

    1. thanks johanna! boy that 6 years went by so fast. glad you like the look of this salad. we were both pleased with it as quinoa has not been a fave before with us:-)

  12. I just returned from two weeks in South America, and I ate a lot of quinoa while I was there. It is so flavorful but you hardly know it’s good for you! I look forward to trying your recipe, Sherry.

    1. how fabulous david. to go to south america i mean:) thanks for dropping by. cheers S


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