Wednesday 20 November 2013

lychee lime and coconut sorbet

Summer has started hot and early here this year.  Oh and very stormy!  So ice cream has been on the menu again.  I really love lychees, that nobbly pink-skinned jewel with such creamy white and tasty flesh.  But it is a bit early in the season so I used tinned fruit in this delicious sorbet taken from the blog of Lilac Petals- here.
I added a bit of rum to spice it up!

1 can of lychees in syrup
220g caster sugar
500ml coconut milk
80-90 ml lime juice (it takes about 3 limes to get this much juice)
zest of 2 limes
1-2 tbs of rum-  you could also use lychee liqueur to really increase the flavour!
toasted coconut for sprinkling on top

strain the lychees into a bowl and put the fruit aside
add the lychee syrup and sugar to a saucepan; bring it to a boil while stirring, then leave to simmer for 4-5 minutes.    Cool in fridge or freezer till cold.
Now put the syrup, lychees, coconut milk and lime juice and zest, and rum into a food processor/blender- it made a lot of mixture so you may need to do it in 2 lots.
Whizz till well combined.  I put it into a metal loaf tin lined with freezer liner;  place in freezer till frozen.
Scoop it out and serve with toasted coconut.

gathering ingredients

getting ready to whizz

mixture came up to the very top of the processor!

frozen and ready to  eat

so delish!

1 comment:

  1. What a great idea for a hot summer's day! We always seem to have a tin of lychees in the pantry too and limes in the fridge.


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