Thursday 11 December 2014

Home-Made Worcestershire Sauce- revisited

Well, today is the big day!  This morning I got up early (sleep was hard to find last night) and decided that this amazing stuff had to be bottled right this minute as the 2 weeks steeping time was up.  I opened up the jar and was met by the most wonderful, intense and a wee bit fishy aroma.  Just gorgeous!  So I grabbed the brand-new and freshly rinsed and dried Chux cleaning cloth to go about the filtering business.  I squeezed and I squeezed and I squeezed!  (After letting it drip thru for 1.5 hours first so you get an amount of very clear rather than cloudy sauce.) Till there was nothing left but dregs of the chillies and fish, and other goodies.  Then I poured it into little bottles, ready for use and for gifting to friends for Christmas.  I would heartily recommend this to anyone who likes a strong condiment.  This sauce is not for wimps!  Check out my previous post 2 weeks ago for the recipe.

ready for straining and bottling after 2 weeks steeping

use a new Chux to strain it; let it drip thru for 1.5 hours first

Santa being my little helper :) 

you need strong hands here

the final wringing out

lovely little bottles of sauce

all done!

This is a really tasty sauce, and not too fishy at all.  I used Ortiz anchovies which are not like those over-salted, bony little bombs you get in the tins.  I was amazed that you could make your own Worcester actually; it had never occurred to me that it was possible in the home kitchen.  I remember seeing a recipe for Coke a while ago, but it was for commercial quantities - i.e. take 300 kilos of sugar, etc. which I thought was hilarious.  I am going to hunt up other secret recipes and see what I can find and make:)

This is supposedly the secret ingredients for Lea & Perrins sauce found in a skip in 2009!  I don't think I will be attempting this version.  


  1. Well done Sherry!! All I can say is that your recipients are very lucky people indeed! :D

    1. thanks lorraine.. i hope they like it as it has a distinctive but lovely flavour.

  2. I guess I assumed you could make it at home but I never thought about making it. Yours sounds really good!

    1. Hi Maureen
      Yes I was very pleased with how it turned out!

  3. Oh, I wish I was going to be one of the recipients of one of those lovely bottles of sauce:)

  4. I would never have thought you could make it yourself! Well done you - I'm off to check your recipe:)

    1. Hi Nancy
      Oops. I should have put a link to the recipe. It turned out well I think- really tasty.

  5. wow, this is something I really want to try at home as well :)

    1. Hi Tandy
      I am really pleased with it. Well worth a go. !
      Merry Xmas x

  6. I've got mine brewing so we'll wait and see!

  7. you have me wanting to try some (I did try once but it wasn't that great because it boiled down too much so this method sounds great even if I don't eat fish) - did you add water to yours as I noticed in the comments on your first post you said you might?

    1. hi johanna i actually changed the amount of water from 1/4 cup to 1/2 cup. it depends how thick you want it really. it just seemed like it needed more and i am glad i did add the extra tho i think it would be just as good with the 1/4 cup.


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